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Posts posted by Yannv

  1. So I finally got time to write something about people I really like and I'm really thankful to. The list is so huge, I tried to not leave anyone out of it 😉


    @R-78 <<( OK )
    At first we used to troll each other but after a while we started to get along (even more trolling). For some reason I feel we have a lot in common, we chat a lot about many life experiences and what we did to deal with them. We also share the same type of humour, that is, being sadistic to people but at the same time, at the end we only want to help the community. She is always trying to help everyone on Ultima (equally) and I'm sure she would do more with more autonomy as a staff member. I'd like to thank her for making me become a better person in general.I also like like to thank her for all of the amazing quests she put a lot of effort to make for our community! Just a heads up, Saitama is not dead. 

    @Zeldya It is hilarious when I remember how we started talking to each other XD  Didn't take much time until we became so close and started chatting almost daily. All I want her to know is that she is my very special friendo 💖


    @Starlord One of my best truck friends... 🚚 🚛 🚜 ...and most humourous people from Ultima. It's amazing how he can troll without being offensive, he is a truly artist I confess.
    Many probably doesn't recognize, but he is one of the most strategic players I know. Along with some other people here, he was one of the reasons that still makes me wish to play PSO:BB. Even though this is almost a "dead' game for me, he knows how to make it "challenging enough" hahah. He doesn't admit but he's also a item hoarder just like me and Saber+7 😉

    @Saber +7 Being honest I didn't like him at first (jk) but when we started chatting/playing I noticed he was a cool guy that was always up for a challenge. If it wasn't because of him, I probably wouldn't know most of the persons that are now my great friends. He somehow made the community become what it is nowadays and put the Ultima discord in a good shape. Honestly I think he would be a good staff member, he had the power to communicate well and make things happen.


    @Ford522 (a.k.a. JADE) Have you finished my mags?
    For years I thought the SMW Hacking community was something isolated that only a bunch of nerds like me used to know hahahah. He also likes speedrunning old school games (just like him I really like classic stuff). He's a cool and humorous person and although I haven't played much with him so far, we always have a blast playing together.

    @HUNTER_ A great HU/FO player with a lot of potential. He's just starting on Ultima but we already played a lot together. Always willing to hunt anything or some random time attack games, another good strategist player.

    @Ricardo Gomes He's a retired player nowadays, but definitely the one that helped me the most to start my journey on Ultima. He was a chill person always willing to help every single teammate. Often helped us by selling stuff for half of the price or gave us awesome gear for free. I'm really thankful to him for everything he did to the brazilian/portuguese community. I also would like to thank @M. Bison for being a good friend to talk to about life stuff in general and for everything he did to our old team.

    @mudkipzjm (...a.k.a. the person with more hours of being a.f.k. on lobby than playing the game...)
    The people who really know him knows that he isn't the villain that some persons try to make him look like. You are a really good company for games in general (you are a great player) and a nice person to talk to (even though last time we voice chatted I didn't understand a single word lol). It is always hilarious to see you making fun of newbies. 

    @TripleR A retired player but he was a really nice person to talk about anything in general and as a player, he was always willing to learn new strategies. We'll miss you.

    @MadOrNah (a.k.a. Broomop's dad) He is a dangerous hacker ban plz.
    One of the best people to troll with, I really miss trolling him at the lobby :"L



    🦌 The Boiola Squad 👨‍👨‍👦

    @jezbuz The realest boiola alive 🌈. It still amazes me how we played the same game but didn't know each other since all of those years. Somehow, even though we first started playing together on last Anniversary Event, seems like we are friends since decades. He's always down for any random game or willing to chat about literally anything. For many times he was my adviser about life stuff and believe me, he is a really wise boiola guru. The only thing that I really don't like on him is that he still refuses to admit that 🦖 Orgniza >>> King Kong 🐒

    @JADE Many people know her because of her incredible super duper hyper mega blast mags O_o but she's also a really incredible and good person to talk to, a very friendly person and her Phantasy Star experiences/stories are very interesting. We also like old school games (they are the best anyways o/  \o). I'm also thankful for all the support when I was in a rather sad phase of my life. She is also boiola yay 💃

    @RocketTots A really good boiola company for colorful RoCTs, he also already knows a lot of our boiola language just like Zeldya 🌈

    @bobshlibidich No. I won't marry you 💔. Goodbye El psy congroo

    @nnorton44 Another good company for viado smelling RoCT games 🦌


    Shoutouts to old teammates I know but they are long gone from Ultima, like @Henry Fernandes (was one of the best FO players I know), @Junior Pita (I heard he still makes really good sandwiches and pizzas lol), @marciks (really cool guy), @MarcioF (I hate you jk), and still active players like @luciano  and @thales_du_has1@hotmail.com

    Also shoutouts to @SelahIsASpot@Izaya@Patrick Bell@Lemon (for always willing to make company for random games and for all of those awesome quests you did!), @Fyrewolf5 (the realest encyclopedia alive a.k.a. guru of PSO and being always patient to explain deep stuff about PSO gimmicks/mechanics), @HHawk4 (a.k.a. Cake he was a cool dude to play with), @ultrajerky (he was hilarious and a very good company for games, we miss him a lot) @Ambuhlicious (for all the times we played together in the past and still being my oldest friend on Discord ^^), @Palutena (always up for something very challenging), @JanenbaDMS,@Howitzer,@Depassage@Soly (for everything he does for our community and being a nice person in general to talk about programming/coding) and @kajex (for all the little events and gifts! 😉)


    And lastly but not least important a really big thanks to @Cyane, for so many years transforming this community into a happier and more joyful place, we really miss all of your mini events and the joy you spread on lobbies and banners! 💝I missed the opportunity to know you when you came to our country but when/if possible I would like to visit you someday ^^


    I'm really grateful to know this community, know everyone here helped me a lot on the moments that I most needed company from people. It is no exaggeration to say people here is what makes Ultima the best server and community ever.

    I apologize if I forgot someone 😛


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  2. I'm not sure if this is a proper subject for this kind of topic but I didn't feel like making a topic just for that.

    I noticed it's been a long time we don't see any of the usual mini-events. Last one happened on December, the Holiday Battle Tournament. We also had the 20th April Day, but that's not exactly a mini-event. We also had the one I hosted on Valentine's Day, but we all know that event was meant for only a small portion of player base who wanted a challenge.

    By this time of the year we would have had the following mini-events:
    - Serverus Mini Event (to add special to weapons)
    - Momoka's Shop Mini Event (to redeem Item Tickets that dropped from Easter Eggs)
    - Another Mini-Event that was hmmm... cancelled/postponed? (I know about it since it has been discussed on #moderation of Ultima's Official Discord)

    None of them happened so far. Summer is near, and judging from what we already saw, we are not even sure if the meme mini-event that happens annually will happen.

    Here is a list of some events we don't see since a quite good time:
    - Hit Event (was it replaced by New Year Cards??, last one was on December 2017)
    - Lottery (replaced by New Year Cards, happened on February 2018)
    - Custom Mag Mini Event (last one happened on June 2017)
    - S-Ranks with Charge Special

    So I would like to suggest to bring back some of those mini-events, and also, I'd like to suggest some new kinds of mini-event:
    - An event where you can increase Hit percentage on some selected weapons above the 80% for a limited amount of time.
    - An event where you can max the DFP and EVP on Armors/Shields, like Wedding Dress, Red Ring, Virus Armor: Lafuteria, Neutron Skin and so on
    - A very special/unique mini event where the prize is a custom weapon of winners choice, must be something hard to accomplish.

    This is just an attempt to keep the server active and to give more variety of events other than the seasonal ones that always happen in the same way, every year.

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  3. Event is finished.

    I would like to thank to everybody who contributed to our player made drop table.

    No official drop tables were released, rates remained unknown.

    Hopefully this topic has helped the community, I would like to ask a Moderator to close this. Thanks!

    • Thanks 4
  4. 19 minutes ago, Morv said:

    Lipelis offered me a sweet deal I couldn't refuse, I had another offer also and waited a while for a reply, I didn't want to lose the offer so I gave a 2 hour time limit on the auction to be fair to Lipelis.

    I'm not saying his offer wasn't good, of course it was, and I must say, he probably overpaid, that's what collectors do, they will overpay for stuff regardless of the real value of it.

    I know you just came back but I'm just saying that's not how an auction works, if you put an item to auction, you should set a decent amount of time, not only two hours, so players can give their offers. You can't expect to get a lot of offers with only that small amount of time. I don't see anyone else besides Lipelis giving an offer, and his offer wasn't even shown here, it was done by PM.

    When a person bids, that offer must be posted/shown by the "bidder" itself, opening an auction topic and saying someone offered something via PM (or other non public means) isn't enough.

    There are players from many different timezones, they work, etc. so I'm sure there are many players that didn't had an opportunity to even bid on this auction, like me for example. So I have the right to say that auction wasn't fair.

    And if he already offered you that, you could have expected other players offering equivalent offers or more. I just think if you were so desperated, you should have just sold him that MM instead of making a "fake" auction. It is my opinion and I know nothing will change.

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  5. I don't see any official offer here (from the winner) for the Mille Marteaux anyways and yeah, two hours only, never seen an auction that is so short to give bids.


    So it was all handled by PM apparently :unsure:


    That wasn't a truly auction, kinda fishy I must say -_-

    If moderation actually worked, that auction would never happen that way.

  6. Our player made droptable was updated with latest reports.


    On 24/04/2019 at 7:48 PM, bobshlibidich said:

    easter 2018.PNG

    Last year's droptable

    Added to the list.

    There's just a little conflict:

    Gran Sorcerer - Episode II - Ultimate

    Does it drop Centurion/Luck or Centurion/HP?


    23 minutes ago, NothingSp3cial said:

    Garanz - Episode I - Very Hard - Yellowboze !!!

    Which drop?

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