I guess I'll be the one with an unpopular opinion but at this point in time, I don't really care, I don't really like what the Ultima environment has become in the last year or so, and that makes me glad I quit being an active player for good. I know I'll be bashed by my thoughts but the recent posts, dramas and shit that happened on shoutbox stinks like some childish drama, and most of you should be ashamed for wasting so much time offending a staff member in shoutbox (regardless if he was being a nice person or not). That's not how people request things to change for better, at least not in real life....
Now the very author of this topic
11:59 PM:
"Ok guys let's talk to Larva about a serious problem we have on this server, we don't agree with Wilson's attitude because of this reason, and this another reason and finally this last reason.. I think we should improve on that, and that either and finally this." 00:00 AM at the very same topic:
"Hurr durr whales, memes, Wilson is a dick, asshole, Larva read this plox I beg you"
How do you expect this kind of topic will go anywhere, if you can't be serious and say stuff without offending someone? People need to be cohesive when trying to express themselves. It would be just easier if you guys just ignored Wilson, didn't give him attention on serious matters, because in the very end, it is all up to Larva to decide things.
If we go back to Emewn, for example, the offenses against him were really uncalled for and aggressive. Like I already saw someone from a very known team here saying he should commit suicid for the good of the community. Like WTF dudes??
His opinions (Emewn) might not have been according to "human rights" but still he didn't commit any crime and as far as I know he does have the right to voice his shitty opinions, you like it or not. Now he is permabanned (congrats, you all did it, now the server is glorius again right?) but I'm sure some of you did or said even worse stuff IRL than what Wilson/Emewn would say in his entire life. Now some people are trying to make the same thing to Wilson they once did to Emewn. Sick... 😑
As much as I don't agree with Wilson's behaviour, I really disliked his decision on Time Attack Event to not reward people who worked hard towards making his event a little more relevant, I honestly think leaving him as a staff member is better than not having anyone. He doesn't owe us anything or is even get paid, so I'm glad for every staff member who still spends some of their precious time to please such little playerbase.
And I heavily dislike with the statement from Grantz that "people don't care for TA on Ultima". I might not live the TA world like Wilson does but once in a while that kind of competition is awesome, and I'm sure some people here like challenges. Sadly this community never embraced this aspect of PSO, which you like it or not, is one of the reasons PSO still lives in 2021.
There was once a time where I was really working towards becoming a staff member alongside Wilson. Not sure if anyone remembers how messy looking for specific server information and how unpleasing the Ultima Discord was a few years ago, but we as a staff really worked together towards making the official community more bearable. And most of the great ideas came from Wilson, as he had a really well organized Discord server, which served as a model for our own.
Most new quests, optimizations and a few other game improvements people unfortunately don't care about, came to Ultima all thanks to him. Liking him or not, it was thanks to him that Ultima moved a little forward in the right direction in the past years. Currently it might not be a very successfull server? Perhaps... Ephinea still have a greater playerbase than us? Of course...
But I believe we should all be glad that someone still cares to run a server of a such old game, and we have serious staff members that sacrifice their time to deal with all the shitstorm that happens once in a while on Ultima.
We liking Larva's decisions or not, people are able to play freely here because he still cares somehow to keep the server running.
TL;DR, this topic is pointless. We should like Ultima for what it is; I personally had to be part of the staff channel, live the struggle the staff members have to live and even get banned by Larva itself to understand the dynamics of Ultima. You believing it or not, what the server is currently now is the best it could be, given the conditions.