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  4. Our innovations in fortnite have completely changed the gaming landscape. We introduced a simple rule: boosters can offer their services directly to players. This has led to revolutionary price reductions, and helps make our platform as accessible as possible to all players. We offer services that meet the new standards, with low prices and additional guarantees to give our customers the utmost confidence in their success with https://onlyboosters.gg/fortnite/.
  5. PMed sorry kidd asked first , if he doesnt buy it ill let you know sure im available most the day today just pm me
  6. I'll take these: Sange & Yasha [25/0/0/0|50] -10pd Raikiri [0/0/0/0|35] - 10pd
  7. I buy Serene Swan +80 [20/0/0/0|35] -140pd Serene Swan +80 [0/0/35/0|20] -70pd seren swan +80 35 0 35 25 - 20 pd
  8. Earlier
  9. yeah .. to fix it change server and join the ultima ship !
  10. Whera


    This server seems nice. Hope to build a online home here. Played since the DC days.
  11. http://www.whero.freeforums.net http://whero.byethost7.com/wow.jpg We plan to host a server based on the founder's hometown. PVPGN Diablo 2 coming soon.
  12. (Frozen Booster paid 70pds ...)
  13. Nice videos man! its cool to see someone explaining the classes and weapons to use with them!!! keep it going man!
  14. I am online, want me to make room?
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