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Starlord last won the day on February 23 2020

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About Starlord

  • Rank
    Basic APE
    Olga Flow
  • Birthday 01/30/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rich part of Virginia, cherio :D
  • Interests
    Working out, laughing awkwardly at people while driving, gaming and owning noobs, dance offs, starting from scratch on pso after server died. And I am magic too, pick a card... Any card .

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  1. Bump still looking for my “BIG” wants. BIG WANTS will get you extra free stuff thrown in there from the list. If don’t have those sent me pm for your offers. Don’t ask me how much because I have no idea anymore.
  2. Y’all thought I was done. blue moon bump 🌈🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🦄🦄
  3. Chosen Few will donate all the best LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈🌈🌈🌈 best wishes for my fellow French lads and lassies. I may not understand anything you guys say but shiida has been a good friend for as long as I been here and her and the PS team deserves all the hype. Wish I could donate all my accounts to PS but sadly they are too modest to take it. So take my best wishes and blessing from the bottom of my Asexual heart ❤️.
  4. Why are the non participants posting so much than the actual people that participated? This issue should have been dealt with through pm. All these responses is just making ultima look even more trashy. I do agree some consolation prizes should be awarded but at the end of the day that’s up to Wilson’s consideration.
  5. You will get banned before quitting ultima. So either way it’s a ban 🤡🤡
  6. we should find apos, this game isn't the same

    1. Starlord


      Dude find him. He’s lost somewhere else. We need his gingerness to illuminate our path once again 

  7. Does ape remember

  8. Dark meteor storm and dens hand are not available via normal mode. You can use them in the test server but the current NM owners are not allowed to trade it. So it’s a custom item for their respective owners only.
  9. No because the roct Record was beyond destroyed with hucast is why
  10. Happy birthday friend. Hope you devour many baguettes in your special day.

    1. R-78


      Thank you friend. Sadly I was unable to eat any baguette in my special day.

  11. You are all wrong. Now you can lock this topic. He got his answer. just play a LGBTQ force, and support. Easiest/laziest/cheapest way . It’s brain dead.
  12. I started with hucast then went to ramarl. But if you suck/ are a beginner I suggest ramarl or even ramar. You will have to hunt eventually earning decent ra gear because just like anything else here gearing is expensive. Scratch that force is cheaper lol I started hucast and fomar. But I suggest unless you get a generous donation, build up selling materials or whatever to get dts to add hit. Stay away from solo ep2 for starters unless you have a party to carry you. Ep2 has made a lot of people quit this server and go to others. They find the boosted evp and overall difficulty of ep2 too much for their starter gear. Force support imo is the easiest. You need little to nothing to make a big impact. And over time you will build funds to play other classes.
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