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jezbuz last won the day on October 30

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About jezbuz

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    Nothing but a humble clown

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  • Hunter's Name
    jezbuz - JezB - Menardi - ¢eles - Fina - Saturos - Shanoa - Sylvanas - 故済峡豆 - Elspeth

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    Going fast

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  1. Do you rather cagar meteor or cagar flow?

    1. RocketTots


      It really just depends on what I eat that day tbh.

    2. jezbuz


      Fair enough. Personally i prefer slicer of cagar

    3. Lipelis


      I like to dip my brand in monogrinders in the morning but I like them both as well.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lipelis
    3. jezbuz


      Boiolas assemble, time to morph into the Spamzord. Our goal today is to terrorize new players.

      Join the party and bring your optimus @Heather Prime

    4. Heather Prime

      Heather Prime

      what,  i had no sonic teamarmor  not yet


  2. had ahoy

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RocketTots


      Sniffle sob. Mad to lipelis

    3. jezbuz


      Had big cagar sniffle 😢😢😢😢 mad lipelis

    4. Lipelis
  3. It's always a subjective topic and that's fine. Even tho we are both clowns, cheers for having a positive interaction attitude and raising your valid argues in an educated way But ultimately my "Imaginary Hatred" is for HUneys and not HUmars 😌
  4. I meant more a total rethink of her stats distribution, not just buffing ATK. Even tho ATK might be an issue, her overall distribution of stats, doesn't feel quite right in my opinion. She's not well designed for Ultima. Not that it adds in favour of my argument, but it's +/- hard to efficiently max her stats, because her stats distribution are weird. Also, a Hunter whose main perk is MST never will be "competitive" enough when compared to the other classes inside the hunter's family. HUcast for example has a better stats distribuition and it's design more correctly for the role. Yeah, her ATA is definitly an issue. It's +/- comparable to HUcast, but HUcasts have traps, which help you to have better control over the spawns. Also better control over "manual evasion" in some specific situations and overcome a bit the low ATA issue. I think even tho HUmar could theoretically overcome HUcast stats with SD 15, that wouldn't outclass HUcast at all. Traps are a very valuable in the late "meta" game experience as solo DF playstyle.
  5. Your points are totally fair and valid, but well i have a totally different view on HUney. I just can't make HUney work for me. It's the class i like the less in the game. And i prefer soloing with HUmar (even tho i don't play much HUmar tbh) than HUney. Something about HUney that doesn't feel right, especially when your hunter playstyle resolves around DFing (Huney is weaker and misses more). The damage and the animations are a big turn down for me. I think it all depends on the playstyle of each one, for me HUney is the worst class for the job of hunter. With that being said, i'm not saying the class is trash or nobody should play it, but definitely it is not the best candidate for a DFing solo playstyle. HUney has it's value for sure, i guess it's just not my "cup of tea" and her value is more associated with playing in teams, rather than soloing. And yeah, LVL 15 SD would spice things up, no doubt. Although, i don't think it's a mandatory thing and i find HUmar a cool niche class that is good as it is, in my opinion. I would rather see a rework on HUney's stats tbh
  6. HUmar is the 2nd highest ATK character in the game. Has a good selection of usabe gear, like PRs, SS, Macho Blades (can be wrong on this one, i don't recall now) etc. I wouldn't say HUmar is that bad or requires a tweak. Not trying to stir debate, but on my personal opinion HUmar is better than HUney on his job and people chose to play HUney more (probably because asthetics? I don't know) and they usually like it. HUney has has access to lindcray (which is an advantage compared to HUmar), lvl20 SDJZ (another advantage), but that's it. Overall worst animations, less stats overall, no PRs and gets knock-down by more things. I think the problem with HUmar is more a pre-concept thing rather than being inherently bad. And the fact that HUcast exists and outclasses the HUmar. Hugs
  7. Now you're asking the question everyone wants to know, but it's afraid to ask. You're a truly tongue kiss activist. BIG THICC XOXO
  8. Other than trying to get PDs dropped, you cam get PDs: 1) World of Illusion (WOI for short) quest (Ultimate difficulty) requires proper gear and a proper team and some level of spawn knowledge (practice makes perfection); 2) Economy basic principle: Selling gear to other players. Simple and effective; 3) Some other quests that reward you, or have PDs on it. Examples: HoD 1 or 2 or IDS etc. Not a very efficient cost/benefit option, but you can always get neat gear for you or to sell; As some people stated before, everytime you need help it's better to use the shoutbox here on forum or use our discord channel, instead of making a new topic. It's a way better way to engange with people: easier, simpler, faster and not annoying
  9. Rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrrssrsrsrssssss
  10. How many portuguese dads are enough for you to say "wow that's enough portuguese dads, but i love them all"?

    1. R-78



    2. RocketTots


      Can you really ever have too many Portuguese dads?

    3. jezbuz


      But what if they start fighting over TA records? 🙄😞

  11. ahoy had honey mustard today, feel stuffed

    1. jezbuz


      Not yet honey mustard. Belly hurts

    2. RocketTots
  12. Como o Kotta referenciou, só droppa durante o evento relativo ao aniversário do servidor. Normalmente esse evento acontece em novembro e tem duração limitada (3-4 semanas). Quantos aos IDs que dropam, normalmente são consistentes com os dos outros anos pelo que podes basear-te nas tabelas de drops dos evento anteriores. Portanto, se quiseres muito esse item, terás que esperar até novembro, ou então sempre podes comprar de alguém que tenha. Se estiveres inclinado a comprar, Informa-te bem dos preços e como a economia no ultima funciona, nomeadamente o sistema de DTs que não é muito intuitivo para quem está a começar. Qualquer coisa que necessites, podes contactar-me aqui pelo forúm. Boa sorte!
  13. Did you know that all world is portuguese, making you the realest portuguese alive? Here's the unrefutable proof that science provides:


    1. RocketTots


      I am Portugal?giphy.gif

    2. Yannv


      Actually you all are Mario and therefore you are going to Brazil 


    3. jezbuz


      @Yannv toma aí um gif de mãe divorciada de facebook com 50 anos (fora de brincadeira, a minha tia Alzira uma vez pôs um gif semelhante e passa a vida a dizer mal do Brasil):


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