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Ultima GM
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kajex last won the day on April 22 2019

kajex had the most liked content!


1,710 Popular

About kajex

  • Rank
    Cyane's Meat Shield
    Red Ring Rico

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  1. damn ... come back would ya it be nice to talk to you before you became a gm 

    Your a superstar and ... Ummm Many More 

  2. kajex

    Favourite candy?

    Puccho, hi chew, and fresh caramel candies.
  3. kajex

    Favourite candy?

    It's not amazing, but I just learned that prawn crisps and chicken crisps exist in the UK (ewwwww). So who knows? It could be an acquired taste.
  4. kajex

    Favourite candy?

    Anyone voting for candy corn should immediately be disqualified.
  5. All the rage from murdering those hildeblues has become contagious.
  6. Edited original post to correct/update virus shield since it has all changed since last year (and I don't think the Ultimate drop locations have all been discovered). Edit: Here's a link I put in the shoutbox.
  7. This "should" be fixed. Have you tried downloading the update soly pushed today? (Try downloading it via your launcher.)
  8. Whatever you do, DO NOT click the "Do Not Click Me" under "About Me" in my forum profile.

    1. Yannv



    2. jezbuz


      LOOOOOL. I couldn't control my curiosity and it was totally worth ahahahah

    3. kajex


      Hahaha.  I couldn't resist.

  9. 10 year blades had too much cheeba. Also I noticed arrest faust skin is broken too. Though since I was AWOL when it launched, it may have always looked this way? But I doubt it.
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