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  1. Last week
  2. T>PGF for Destiny PGF/DM,pm

    1. R-78


      This goes against Destiny rules.

  3. Earlier
  4. pls   clean your Pm i cant  send u message

    1. francisco charles charles

      francisco charles charles

      try sending message now
  5. Seems like i've lost my touch, or memory? maybe both! I can't even remember where id usually grind that isn't Gal Gryphon CCA, I really need to go back to certain habits, like exploring quests and whatnot....

  6. My oh my, finally some time off! and during one of the best seasons of the year even! 

    1. Kotta


       It IS ONLY If the merch drops! :onion-head28: 

    2. sukunahime


      stop farting and PERHAPS it MIGHT drop :rf-05:


  7. B> Lame D'Argent/Excalibur/Hundred Souls

  8. Happy birthday Heather Prime!!! 

    thanks for been part of this crazy community!!

  9. Do you rather cagar meteor or cagar flow?

    1. RocketTots


      It really just depends on what I eat that day tbh.

    2. jezbuz


      Fair enough. Personally i prefer slicer of cagar

    3. Lipelis


      I like to dip my brand in monogrinders in the morning but I like them both as well.

  10. Hello.  > Everybody


    I've been playing pso back in the Gamecube era, been on different servers and finaly landed here.


    I'm always down for a game so if you need an extra player or just wanna hang don't hesitate to ask me.


    Have a good one.

  11. hola Larva, quisiera volver  a PSO, no juego desde el 2009, pero no se como recuperar a mi personaje, podrías ayudarme? gracias

    1. Tenno


      Estoy en la misma, quiero entrar a mi cuenta y me dice que complete la verificacion del email y que si no tengo email, entre a un link que no funciona xD pero ya probe con todos mis correos y solo este funciono que es la cuenta del foro pero no del juego parece

  12. Can I get some assistance when you're available? Thanks mate

    1. R-78


      Accepted your discord request.

  13. Are we back?














    we're not back

    1. KarmaTheFoney


      @Notawakejake You cant just react and not say anything where tf are you

  14. I hate pants. 

    1. Papipush


      i hate bras xd

  15. i got sta

    1. Heather Prime

      Heather Prime

      hey i wish sta,   i hope two months. 

  16. fofo

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. H2k


      register for my battle event!

    3. Ricardof14


      Whats is it?

    4. H2k



  17. Might need to borrow your dm if u ever get back on lmk its been awhile... hit me

  18. B>Cent/Battle 20dts + 50pds pm me (done)

  19. hi im interessed about your DM to trade for my DF

  20. November 2009 you joined


    your a genuis and i enjoyed your re-visit


    its good to have you back just to see everyone sort of the new folks 


    thoughts i paid my respect to you 

  21. salvee 

    sou de osasco.. alguem consegue ajuda com dicas e locais para ficar com ataques forte de magia 

  22. hi master  XD   i am back  XXXD


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