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Auli'i last won the day on November 14 2017

Auli'i had the most liked content!


505 Popular

About Auli'i

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/02/1998

In-Game Information

  • Hunter's Name
    Angel (FOmarl), Aulibum (RAcast), Yui (HUnewearl), Shizu (RAmar)
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  • Location
    Southern California
  • Interests
    Drawing, Piano, Singing, Making Textures, Bugging Kajex/Soly, @KarmaTheFoney, torturing @MudkipzJM, etc.

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  1. 5 Years.  Its been 5 years and I'm finally back here.  At this stage its fairly obvious that our paths will probably never cross again, a fact that I will never fully be able to accept but that's life isn't it?


    I find myself back here because I thought "Hey, I'll play PSO again sometimes" but ultimately I don't think I can, and may not ever be able to again.  However, these last few years I had gotten to reflect upon myself.  I've finally moved forward.  I hold a nice job, and surrounded by wonderful friends.  


    Alot of drama happened here.  The bottom line is my losing you as a friend is my own fault, and sometimes in life there are no second chances.  This is a hard lesson, and one I'll accept.  You'll probably never see what is being said here, but I still wanted to pay homage to the short but amazing friendship I had with you.  Ultimately, (or should I say Ultima?) the value of this friendship I had realized was more valuable than even the crush that sent me into a dark spiral back then.


    So, I wanted to show some gratitude.  I miss you, and wherever you are I hope you are both safe and happy.  I'm sorry for the way I acted, and I'm glad I got to meet you.  I wanted to pay respects to your profile here, whether you see this or not nor do I care who sees this.  


    PS, you had amazing music taste.  So, I leave something here back.  And I truly wish you and your family and loved ones are safe alongside you.  Thank you for everything.



    1. McLaughlin86


      Shit slaps hard and feels good.

  3. They could, but they would have to steal the item from you in game and then run. Just always always always use the Trade Window when you're trading, that way there will be a log of the transaction happening If you drop the item and they take it then run, you can probably still get the item back, but it's more of a hassle to prove that it happened I suppose. At least this is what I've learned from Soly helping people in the past with this stuff. Just make habit of using trade window
  4. DTs are just another form of currency, similar to PDs You can get them by either donating to the server ($1 = 1 DT), or by trading items/PDs with other players who are buying with DTs (Rate is typically 6.6 PDs = 1 DT) The reason you'd want them is mainly for more expensive items, where it'd be a pain to use PDs to trade them. If an item is worth 100 DTs, obtaining and then trading ~660 PDs is just not reasonable in most cases. However, you can also add hit and attribute %'s to your weapons with DTs (15 DTs = 20% Hit. 15 DTs = 35% in any Attribute). I'm not sure if you can with PDs They're somewhat confusing because people expect to see an item in their inventory, but they're all stored and traded on forums. In game, if we were making a trade, you would give me an item and then I would transfer you the DTs on forums Hopefully that helps, feel free to ask more ^^
  5. Happy Birthday!

    1. Auli'i


      Thanks Lemon! ^_^

  6. Dang...Nice work on that lobby, I love how it looks My Lobby and Pioneer 2 skins were the hardest/took me the longest to do (and I don't even use them anymore) Don't stop! I wanna see more
  7. If I made an updated texture making guide, would anybody use it? Waste of time if not

    This is the one I used, but it's outdated in some areas, mainly how to apply the textures (it's even easier now, thanks @Soly)


    @Lemon made this topic:

    This could also be implemented but I think the number of people who edit these kinds of things is even smaller than the number of people who edit weapon textures (which is just a few it seems)


    Let me know if you're interested lol

    1. McLaughlin86


      Someone's inevitably gonna use it in the future. You might as well mama.

    2. Soly


      If you bring anything new, it's always welcome.
      I guess a compilation of things (give credits in such case) would also be welcome.

      Some guides have probably died because of expired links or stuff like that.
      I'd say go for it.

      Also yeah, with the stuff I added, obviously would make it "exclusive" to Ultima, sort of, but I guess you could include as some sort of extra how to change it normally.
      Don't forget how to fix the skin issue when you use the same ID (ask me if you need help with that, it gets just a bit technical)

  8. Freshest instrumental since '86

  9. rip

    also the witcher 3 is so fun wtf

  10. I didn't welcome you! You welcomed me! ;-; But thank you for everything that you did for the server, and like you said, I wish we could have been closer Good luck with whatever it is you're going on to after this, and you know where to find me if you need me <3
  11. Meant to link you this months ago, in case you don't know it already

    That and for dat beat

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