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    Rag Rappy
    Rag Rappy

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  1. awesome! thanks, good to know! :]
  2. Is there a way to use it aside from setting said items on the alternate palette on launcher? I use controller so this would be ultimately useful as i have 1-0 bound around the controller. I swear the hot bar was changing today while i was playing a quest. but not sadly it is not.
  3. no problem! thank you! and yeah i somehow completely missed that part to be honest!
  4. i started about a week ago, and was fiddling with all the commands in lobby when i learned em, and kinda wasted my section ID change not knowing you only got 1. at the time i didnt know certain section ID's get certrain drops. So, i didnt really care, but now that i am learning, it kinda sucks that i have to wait 3 months :X. also, should add that you only get 1 quartly on the commands page! thank you! ~ Weazulll
  5. got one , thank you all !
  6. oh snap zerk from the same state. i appreciate all the help!
  7. Im new and i dont know how this works. I have 15 PD's and was told to try and get a sato PWR mag 5/145/50/0 i believe. any help would be rad.
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