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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2017 in all areas
Hello everybody, I nominate @Sentor, not only because it's my best friend here, and not only because i love him. We need him so that he spreads its smell all around ultima, equipped with its dark flow. For sure, a smell of mutual help, friendship, care of others and availability. In a way, a deodorizing GM, freshness of the Pyrenees5 points
Nobody made a topic on this as of yet. Just wondering why the belras are still 'cursed belra' buffed? Isn't this supposed to be a halloween special. To make them more difficult when they drop Ultima reaper? Not year around anyhow I mean. Will this be switched back here or is it going to be permanent now instead?3 points
3 points
Tbh I wouldn't mind them being a little more difficult, but almost getting oneshot at level 200 is a bit excessive.3 points
Yeah I don't mind them being a bit more difficult myself. Exactly @mudkipzjm that is a bit excessive for a level 200 if its year around now. On a side note I keep running out of likes. I seriously click like to muchxD I will like this when mine refresh for @both of you sorry.2 points
I'm surprise that she hadn't been nominated yet but imo, tbqh and memes appart: I do think that @SelahIsASpot would be a solid GM for Ultima. As long as I know her she seems to be honest and fair with people and also got a good knowledge of the game. And more female GM in the team is a plus.2 points
really too BAd this is Mock election , but if was reall I would also pick Sentor, too bad we cant have a GM lol2 points
2 points
... How are you supposed to get good if you can't get the item you need to get good? Having a super-buffed Olga during a time when one of the most important items drops is a terrible idea. Maybe if it was all year round or something, but when the drop rate is already going to be 1/200+, I just don't see it happening. It's just a huge middle finger to the new people hoping to get PGF. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have an actual challenge when facing the supposed hardest boss of the game, but when you're going to be grinding the same boss over and over for about a month, it sounds more annoying than it does fun.2 points
Hello! Here goes all the crap i have gaining dust on my banks. I didn't price check all the items, so some prices are a ponderation between what i personally rate + market value of them. I'm always open to negotiate some prices, but always in a fair ground for both. This trade list will get constantly updated, since i didn't list all the items i have to sell yet and didn't add all the prices. So that's it. I'll update with more cool stuff when i'm not feeling lazy. Anything you need just post here or pm. Either works for me. You know you can't resist to those swaggy items, so spend all your PDs and DTs here bois.1 point
Lol one year they were left until nearly the next Halloween event1 point
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T/ Zanba [25/0/0/0|15] [Untekked] for addslot stack and sreds arm1 point
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T/ Banana Cannon [0/0/35/0|25] for 2 adepts 1 smartlink1 point
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Admittedly I do not know you. Your forum account is only from Jan so I sort of assumed you'd never had a Christmas event here. Regardless, this is not a good time to do something like this. /thread Edit: Just realized how long ago 2016 was lol1 point
you must not know who i am lol plus i soloed for my PGF last year and got mines 3 days before event ended bcuz people kept claiming PGF if dropped.1 point
Well by the looks of it you've never hunted PGF here. I think that you should wait and see what it's really like before saying stuff like this.1 point
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If you combed the forums you'd see they never pre announce an event just when it goes live..1 point
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Just another way for the price of dw to be ridiculous Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I'm going to do the 270 something runs I have around 4 gigs free on a HD to record ea Olga fight to prove those drop numbers are bs Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Since I probably fall under rude/bad player, can't nominate for myself, and don't want the power/stress of being a gm (not to mention low popularity)... I'll nominate@exotic. Luls if you win. This guy has been extremely helpful and is very fun to play with. Dude has some jokes, and he can handle playing with someone who is as rude/bad as I am. So I imagine he can handle just about anybody. He also has a pretty deep understanding of the game and is pretty amazing in game without the use of dark weapons. Cheers to you bud. Now I'll just sit back and wait for a pm. I'll probably get yelled at for nominating him hahahaha. Sent from my C6743 using Tapatalk1 point
Even thou i like the idea, i don't think its a good one for xmax. Olga is hard enough for newbies and if it was buffed, that would make newbies too dependent on OP geared people to actually finish a run, which sucks and can be unmotivating to them (i think nobody likes to be 100% dependent exclusively on others). Maybe that could work in anniversary event, since last year you could get a STA from the 3 final bosses, so if you think olga is hard enough, you move on and farm falz for example (which is more or less doable with a full newbie team). Just my thoughts, no absolute truth was written.1 point
(Olga not being too strong?) I don't think that's right. Why?. It's simple. If they do not make Olga very difficult to beat, then the "lone hunters" will be "farming" it by themselves. I think that making Olga an extremely difficult enemy will really promote the need to work with a full party to beat it, instead of everyone trying to play alone or doing "dual log" to help themselves. Also not making Olga difficult will only cause the item to become common and devalue, which I think was one of the reasons why the drop rate was fixed. As I had already mentioned in another post some time ago, the server does not work for free and needs income to keep running smoothly (just like it has been as of now). To add, as I commented on an earlier post: I don't think there shouldn't be expensive items, but I think there should be economic ones, too. I hope you find a way to keep this balanced. Maybe something ideal for this event would be to add new items that are not as difficult to find (not easy, just not as difficult), that way we could have more variety, and new/unexperienced players could get something for their efforts even if it's not one of the rarest or most expensive items. At last, I think Virec's idea for a quest is quite good, maybe not for this event (Unless it can be applied in a way that complements the event), but it could be a good quest by it's own to keep around permanently. Final word: I support Olga being tougher for these events! (x3 /x4)1 point
I really like this idea, but not for December event. Maybe for a less central event where Olga drops aren't as coveted. Maybe Valentines? EDIT: Also @Virec, the monster stat change opcode in quests is broken. Has been since BB came out. It's on my list of things to potentially fix, but it's pretty low priority right now.1 point
This wouldn't make it fair for people who aren't well geared. I myself have no reason to agree nor disagree with this. Just think about the players who cannot run rt as is. As well as those who already are challenged by it due to being poorly equipped etc. I wouldn't mind a buffed year round olga+year round drops for him not pgf of course but something dropping to make those RT/olga runs more worthwhile. Surely its not experience off olga after all. Basically same as others stated this would not be fair to those underequipped or lacking etc. Not that I don't agree for something more to be done with Olga flow as a whole in general either.1 point
All though I would like to see the challenge, I have to agree with @PSOAddict on this one. With this being said maybe there can be a quest with a level 150+ requirement that leads to this "SUPER OLGA" you speak of. Some of the features this quest could have would be : Super Olga or have 3 x Olgas in one battle room Ridiculous amount of monsters Stronger Monsters Badge Set up, make it like a serious of quests (Ex: if you collect all badges then instead of fighting normal Olga you would fight Super Olga ) - @R-78 I really like the badge idea you did for HoD I & II. <------ I've gotta give credit where it is due I am sure there are many other twists that could be added. Watcha think @Soly @Lemon @chuk @Larva . is this something that could be possible?1 point
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