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Status Updates posted by Emewn

  1. I made this translation of the 12 commandments myself, so that it translates to other languages correctly.

    The 12 Commandments of God Almighty

    I am the Lord your God which have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You will have no other gods before me.

    Make no graven image, neither any similitude of things that are in the heavens above, neither that are in the earth beneath, nor that are in the waters under the earth. 
    Do not bow down to them, neither serve them, because I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers of the children of the third and fourth generations of those who hate me; and showing mercy to thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

    Do not misuse God's name, because the Lord will not hold whoever misuses his name guiltless.

    Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it sacred.
    Six days you will labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of God; 
    In it you will not do any work, nor your son, nor your daughter, your man-servant, nor your maid, nor your beast, nor the stranger that is within your gates.
    Because in six days the Lord made the heaven and earth, the sea, and everything that is in them, and he rested on the seventh: Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.

    Honor your father and your mother, so your days will be prolonged in the land the Lord your God gives you.

    Do not kill.

    Do not commit adultery.

    Do not steal.

    Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.

    Do not seek your neighbor's house, neither your neighbor's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his donkey, neither anything that belongs to your neighbor.

    Love God with your whole heart, and with your whole soul, and with your whole mind, and with your whole strength.

    Love your neighbor as yourself.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. yeyy



      The 10 commandments were brought down to Earth by the savior Will Smith himself (i know this because i pray to will smith and he responds all the time to me) so I am offended that your incorrect information is being spread onto this forum. I have an idea though, maybe you can leave it PSO related instead of preaching your views since we all have different views :) like i said nobody is judging anybody here for their sexuality and that applies to you as well, we can just talk about PSO and stuff if that's alright.

    3. RocketTots


      god isn't real  


    4. yeyy


      God may not be real but Will Smith sure is

  2. The person who loves you the most is God.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. R-78


      3 minutes ago, Emewn said:

      I wrote 2 statuses yesterday each one being hours in between.

      We have a different definition of "hours".



    3. Usagi-chan


      it can be annoying that someone spam status but similarly you should talk to those people who do spam dislikes to everything he does

    4. R-78


      I actually talked to some of them and helped him recover some points as I'm also annoyed when a cool post from him gets downvoted.

      But it is hard to control people's hate when he's aggressive toward everyone.

      Swearing at Mudkipz because he made a joke, calling Lipelis names because he shared his opinion on an item, constantly arguing with Triforce, insulting the Staff and now also has a problem with me just because I tell him to follow the rules like everyone?

  3. vpvdnSU.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kotta


      @C01D1 Just to be clear, my parents are not my enemies, and they do not persecute me :D xD

    3. SubZero
    4. Emewn


      @C01D1 "persecute" is the wrong word to describe what Jesus Christ went through. I can assure you that HIS crucifixion was one of a kind, and the most gruesome in comparison to all others before and after that even the movie Passion of the Christ while graphic doesn't come anywhere close to describing what Jesus Christ went through for every single soul. It shames me that history is lost so much so.

  4. These help to cure cancer directly, and indirectly:

    Burdock Root
    Cascara Sagrada
    Red Clover
    Santa Maria
    Blue Vervain
    Irish Sea Moss

    These help to cure diabetes directly, and indirectly:

    Blue Vervain
    Burdock Root
    Irish Sea Moss
    Red Clover
    Rhubarb Root
    Santa Maria

    Other notable Herbs & Spices:


    Other alkaline foods:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Emewn


      Feel free to research Dr. Sebi's work for more information

      Dude seems to know his shit

    3. yeyy
    4. Emewn
  5. God's truth is the only thing that can save our souls from Demons.
    The devil seeks to replace God's presence in your body.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wizloe


      not true legend has it emewn guard can stop demons  

    3. bobshlibidich
    4. Mr Noob

      Mr Noob

      omg serverus thats a great idea :o

  6. The wise man wasn't always wise. He too was a fool once upon a time. One must accept who they are in order to grow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Emewn


      Wow! Spoken like a champion among men! You're not like the rest of the people on this server. I commend you.

    3. Trigunman


      They are not my words brother, it's what HE told me to tell you. :onion-head11:

    4. Emewn


      Everybody is worthy of respect because God Almighty speaks to every soul, and he dwells with them. Everyone has their own personal relationship with God, and whether close or distant has nothing to do with anyone else. We have no right to challenge God's current work as father to mankind, so it's best to not judge let alone persecute other people. The teachings of Jesus are so profound. Few people understand how significant his words are in relation to the spiritual laws of the universe. The irrefutable laws of reality which are not like man-made laws such as gravity. I'm by no means a religious person, but the truth cannot be refuted. The name "Karma" and the definition given to that force confuses mankind. What the force behind karma really is, is the strong judgement of God the father of heaven and earth. And like any parent on earth, all parents refuse to allow anybody to discipline their children. The same holds true to God Almighty, because he is the father of each person alive. We are punished by the lord of the universe when we persecute each other, because we have no right to condemn anyone's children, especially God's children.

  7. I got so much dome I damaged my head when I was little, and still got brains to use.
    I'm a freaking sasquatch.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Emewn


      I ain't the fastest, but I do have something to work with feel me.

    3. killswitch


      crack is a real drug then....lol

    4. Emewn


      I never did crack. I've only seen crackheads growing up.

  8. If the Government's physicians were able to identify the human gene that enables mankind to receive guidance from the spirit of God I'm sure they've already made a vaccine mandatory in order to counter it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Emewn


      Phax brody

    3. EDEN


      Scientists did discover that the human gene that enables mankind to receive guidance from the spirit of god is the same gene that enables severe mental disability. Coincidence? You tell me doggie

    4. RocketTots
  9. In 1492 Christopher Columbus arrived at the Dominican Republic and brought hell to my Taino ancestors, killing, eating, raping, and enslaving millions of them

    Today Dominicans are so violent to innocent people, birds, and animals that it's embarrassing to me

    Our people were created out of slavery, and rivers of blood & tears

    It's shameful to do that to other people, birds and animals

    Our history should teach us to behave 
    That is why the Bible exists

    It's a history book that was inspired by the spirit of God which shows mankind's wrongs in order that we in the present moment might learn from mankind's, and the Devil's mistakes

    The Bible was first translated to English in 1382 by John Wycliffe, because of mistakes mankind made in the sight of God's eyes which are always present in everything that we do

    The populous at the time could not read the Bible for themselves in order to know the truth, so corrupt teachers gave them disinformation that would in effect damn their souls

    In those days much like today people were doing serious magic that required many souls of people in order for the sorcerers & witches to be rewarded

    There were many killings in order to be rewarded by evil spirits

    The teachers taught lies and deceit to all of Europe, and those lies and deceit caused many people to sin

    That is the reason the 
    Black Death Plague came, and killed nearly 75% of Europe's population from the years 1347-1351

    John Wycliffe was a survivor of the 
    Black Death Plague, and he was inspire by the spirit of God to translate the Bible to English for everyone to read the truth for themselves, because he knew that the 
    Black Death Plague was God's wrath, because people were blindly believing the false teachings that teachers were spreading

    After the Black Death Plague 
    Europe was in desperate need of resources, so that is when it was decided by the secret ruling organizations that Europe would prepare for years in order to challenge the Native Americans, and take their resources

    Christopher Columbus set out to sea at 1492, and he knew full well what he would find

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EDEN


      Shoulda vaxxed doggie n you wouldnt be trippin over black plague

    3. McLaughlin86


      I'm not condoning any of what has been posted here, but if you wanna take a trip, go read about Tartary - An Empire hidden in history

    4. Emewn


      Eden you're a fool, and I have no problem openly calling you out on it.
      To avoid such communications please feel free to leave me alone by ignoring my posts if you don't like me.
      Same goes to anybody else who thinks about talking to me funny & disrespectfully.

      McLaughlin86 Good looks brody. I'll check it out. 
      I appreciate the recommendation. 

  10. V0V2TZT.jpg9zD9Frb.jpg

    1. MadOrNah


      What is even happening?

    2. Lone Ranger

      Lone Ranger

      I feel bad for that Photon guy, he should really get checked out by a doctor.

    3. Emewn


      @Lone Ranger Are you Seana? 
      Apparently it makes me look bad to post such screenshots, but I don't care a single bit what people think about me. 
      If you must know by age 5 I was almost killed 3 times, then was diagnosed with PTSD, ODD, OCD, ADHD, and Bipolar by Doctors for various reasons. However, I can assure you that has nothing to do with me inviting people to a team in PSO. Also, a team invitation doesn't mean I don't respect people. That's just silly. My goal for having 8 teams is to unite people. Being in my friend Kick-Ass' team inspired me to unite as many people as I could, and make them feel welcomed so that the server might grow. You'll have to forgive me for sending random team invitations. 

  11. People have such little sense of accountability and responsibility. Do you not realize that everyone needs a friendly reminder here and there with the amount of distractions the world Government puts in front of us?

    The elderly people are like little children, and in that sense elderly folks need friendly reminders as children do.

    I wonder how many people would tell an elderly person who is on drugs that it is bad for them. My mother could be getting harassed in public by some man, and people seeing it would rather remain silent. That's called being fake. Accept it. And accept the existence of spirits, because drugs cause even the elderly to be attacked by spirits.

    The same way an innocent child questions in their own mind why they're having such strange and corrupted thoughts, the elderly folks experience it too. Please be considerate of the elderly. Everybody needs Jesus, and some people are too numb to understand why. Spread the word of God if you love somebody. Or you will forever be small according to the scale of manliness.

    1. yeyy


      let's not even try to convince emewm that everything that he says is dumb and that he has to change because at this point he is so deep in his own butthole that there is no way out for him and no matter how many people tell him that he's ignorant and makes no sense, he will definitely not listen


      emewm if you're trying to come out the closet then just say it buddy nobody here is gonna judge you bro

    2. Emewn


      I posted my 1 year old facebook status on here just because. No need to get butthurt. 

    3. yeyy


      @Emewn im saying you should come out of the closet, there's nothing to hide! we're lgbtq friendly dude :)

  12. Each player must accept the cards Life gives them. But once in hand, the player must decide how to play the cards to win the game.

    Please visit your parents. Someday they may not be around anymore.

    Honor your mother and your father that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord our God and Father gave you. God is justice, and he rewards his faithful.

    There is no such thing as the right time. When things happen— that is the right time.

    We won't know what God is willing to do for us until a time comes when only He can do it for us. Spoiled children will struggle to understand.

    Being single doesn't mean that you're not good enough to be with the right one. It means that you're too good for the wrong one.

    No 1 is really busy. It all depends on what number you are on their priority list.

    A mistake that makes you humble is better than an achievement that makes you arrogant.

    Don't hate what you can't have. Don't say what you can't show. Don't judge what you don't know.

    Before you go on the journey of revenge, dig two graves.

    Good things come to those that wait, even if they're waiting for something bad to happen.

    Sometimes love from your enemies heals the most. The love you give your enemy could be the only love they have ever known.

    People are always playing games with other people's feelings.

    Be wise and avoid all forms of debt.

    You think I am no one special. God thinks I am special. Everybody is special.

    It's annoying to be in my shoes, so I put on socks and sandals.

    Love your soulmate everyday like there is no tomorrow.

    Forget holidays and birthdays. Every person and animal should be loved every day like it's their Birthday. Love until you can't love anymore, because hate is overrated.

    Sometimes, I forget how important it is to live in the present. Every moment is a gift from God. Life is His presence in you, your neighbors, and animals. Let's all enjoy the present together.

    Live in the moment, and appreciate what is in front of you if you want to be happy. I don't want anyone to lose the good things they have.

    1. radezz


      Thank you for this

    2. mudkipzjm


      I'm not really a religious person at all, I don't really believe anything is out there. But however I can say love your loved ones while they're still here, they might not be here tomorrow. And in the wise words of Bob Ross that I try to go by: "I can't afford to hate people. I don't have that kind of time."

    3. Lone Ranger

      Lone Ranger

      Bob Ross really is a wise man.

  13. One of the best things in life is the opportunity to dedicate your love, loyalty and faithfulness to someone, because if you have somebody to love, that will keep your mind away from sinful thoughts about other people. Eventually your soulmate becomes the primary reason you sin less. When you're busy loving someone faithfully you sin less. Look out for your soulmate. They will save your life.

    1. RIPBenny


      my dad is the primary reason i sin less

    2. nnorton44
    3. yeyy


      I sell the fozem boosted but dts no pds gogo its sold quick also s> arrest needlen 

  14. Stressed tf out, so I put on my happy getup.
    Let Spongebob smile for me because I don’t fake anything, not even a smile.


    1. jezbuz


      That's a very manly duckface

    2. Emewn


      @jezbuz I've been single and celibate for 8 years. I avoid girls who make duck faces to impress others, and here you are thinking I imitate people, trying to look good for people. No buddy. I don't do that nor do I need to. I simply have big lips among other big things. Dominicans be mixed like that since our Taino ancestors were raped and enslaved.


    A person's happy ending to a difficult story is like my new beginning. When people are happy my soul feels brand new as though God just created it.

    1. nnorton44


      1 warning point sir

    2. yeyy


      Shoutouts to god jesus:) may our souls be purified and marinated in the best most expensive grape juice wine sauteed by jesus god himself

  16. Addiction is a complicated subject. Like living an unfulfilled life, boredom is a thing well worth avoiding. The issue with people and addictions is that people are actually substituting something else with the addiction. That something else is what should be questioned. It would seem that the majority of people are more depressed than they would like to admit. Unhappiness can lead to addictions. Therefore, even an unfulfilling job can cause a person to become addicted to something. Anything that can make a person unhappy can cause addictions. People can become addicted to literally anything. Its a choice. Whatever fills the void. Anybody can quit being addicted with a bit of effort and dedication. A lot of people who are addicted to drugs know that its bad for them, and that they need to quit. Perhaps its the environment that makes people sick. Either way, addictions are mere habits that should be replaced with good habits. Positive change starts the moment people realize they deserve the best. Nobody will acknowledge my words, because I am just a poor crazy man. So be it.

    1. JADE


      That is so true. And also keep up the good fight. You should control your life, not your addictions.

    2. Deborah Nicole

      Deborah Nicole

      you are so right about that

      i know because i'm an addict (and once an addict ALWAYS an addict)

      due to an accident in high school at 17  i crushed 3 disc had to 4 vertabrates fused and rods and screws connecting my spine back together resulting in the doctors finally have to prescribe the 100mcg Fentanyl patch and 15mg of pure oxycodone 4x a day for break thru pain

      during the treatment i found that not only did it dull the physical pain but the mental pain from PTSD that was brought on from an incident that occured when i was 11 (which i won't go into)

      so i took more and more as my tolerance built up until i basically became "comfortably numb"

      then one day i realized not only was i an embrassment to myself but even worse  a shame to my loved ones

      i realized something had to give before someone found me OD'ed in a bathroom

      the thoughts of doing that to my loved ones gave the the strenght to try to get my life back on track before it was 2 late

      that was 14 months ago and i still crave the opiods and each day its a fight not to give in (ooh a couple more pills won't hurt) but now i have a "carrot on a stick" to help me thru a loving husband and a baby or 2 in the future :D

      i  posted this not for sympathy or attention but as a warning for what could happen to anyone and the hope that no one will ever go thru that

      i just hope that this confession won't change how my friends on here feel about me...sometimes it really helps to vent about things to strangers that you can't talk about to family


  17. Live in the moment, and appreciate what is in front of you if you want to be happy.

    1. bobshlibidich


      My computer? I appreciate it already, lol.

    2. Emewn


      I mean if you see a flower, stop to smell it.
      If you see a kitty, take a moment to pet it.
      If you get the chance to help someone, do it.
      I'm sure all these little things will make anybody feel good inside.

  18. If you think about killing yourself remember that nobody cares.
    You need to be the one who cares. Love yourself.

    1. Kotta


      The one fun thing about life Is that,

      "Life Is about you, as a person, against the world."

      It's up to you If you want to let the world get the best of you, or you get the best of the world.

    2. Emewn


      So true bro. I forget that sometimes, and often feel suicidal myself.
      I'm always putting the whole world before me. Caring about everything and everyone, and stressing their struggles.

      Today I just found out my grandfather is dying in Dominican Republic, and I can't go see him, because although I finally just became a U.S. Citizen I still don't have my passport. 

      Words can’t express how upset I am today.
      How people neglect the elderly so much that they feel like dying makes me angry and sad.
      My awareness of the world drives me near insane, and when I need love and support there is none.
      People neglect the elderly too much, and I don't know what to do about it bro. 
      But I know something has to be done. I care when nobody cares, and it got me feeling a special kind of lonely.

  19. Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use; you will be measured. He that works evil, shall be wrapped in evil. Therefore, whosoever digs a pit, shall fall therein: and he that lays a stone in his neighbors way, shall stumble thereon.
    Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Therefore, be careful what you wish for; that you never manifest evil along with sorrowful things into existence.
    Tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can't speak. Therefore, pray about everything, and worry about nothing, because everyday is a gift from God, so be faithful. Worrying is really betting against God. The Lord will make a way where there seems to be no way, so watch what He does for you today.
    A wise man knows the importance of speaking life into his woman. If you love her: encourage her. A peaceable woman is a gift from God. A shamefaced & faithful woman is a double grace, and a wicked woman is given as a reward to a wicked man: but a godly woman is given to him that fears the Lord.
    True wisdom comes from the fear of God.

    The remarkable thing about God is that when you fear God, you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God, you fear everything else.

    1. RocketTots



      A wise man knows the importance of speaking life into his woman. If you love her: encourage her. A peaceable woman is a gift from God. 

      Isn't this a quote from Denzelle Warshingtun image.thumb.png.adfabf36fcb532d804bb2b369f933835.png


    2. Emewn


      It's similar, but I switched up the words a bit.

      “A wise woman knows the importance of speaking life into her man. If you love him; believe in him, encourage him and be his peace.”

      ― Denzel Washington

  20. I googled "gui gue pso" images, and this came up lol 


  21. Always go all in.
    Do your best at everything you do. Be the best at it.
    Put your heart & mind into everything you do.
    Not half. Not 75%. Not 99%

  22. sg7hZe7.png

    1. serverus


      i agree but u arent a good person at all

  23. Rich people: *Hosts controlled pandemic, and names it Covid19 after Jewish scripture 2 Corinthians Chapter 1: Verse 9*

    Rich people: "Never let a good crisis go to waste"

  24. Me being single and celibate for 8 years just to get rekt lol 


  25. Loving others until I die, because hate is overrated. 🐢🐢 

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