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R.A.V.S.O last won the day on June 12 2024

R.A.V.S.O had the most liked content!


207 Popular

About R.A.V.S.O

  • Rank
    Wandering D-Soldier
    Olga Flow
  • Birthday 06/19/1992

In-Game Information

  • Hunter's Name
    SESILOU / R.A.V.S.O.

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Game Development.

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68,668 profile views
  1. November 2009 you joined


    your a genuis and i enjoyed your re-visit


    its good to have you back just to see everyone sort of the new folks 


    thoughts i paid my respect to you 

  2. I miss you* Your the Best Gm Besides the newest 1 
    :( Oh well 

    definitely really miss your kindness & Respect & Courtesy how you treated people fairness
    Thanks R.A.V.S.O 

  3. Godric Ability..... LMAO. Brings memories. Bluefull drops Boomerang on Ult Ruins doesn't it? (edit: someone beat me to it)
  4. Dropping by to see how well things are going, looks like everyone's holding up :lol:

    So glad to see you guys up and running.

  5. So... how's the server hanging on? so far so good huh?

    1. Stark 1

      Stark 1

      You're not ded

    2. R.A.V.S.O


      I come and go as I please, where there are programs to code and MMO's to grind, I'll be there.

    3. Misombre
  6. Been gone for some time, I came back and I'm greeting with spam on my inbox and poorly done amateur porn, which begs me to ask..... have I missed something?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dracozombie


      I'm new and based on this status alone, I've learned there's stuff going on in the back alleys here that I'm not aware of. Maybe that's for the best.

    3. Fyrewolf5


      .... it's kind of a long story, let's just say someone got vindictive after they were caught hacking and banned for it...

    4. Fyrewolf5


      Welcome back, been ages since i've seen ya

  7. Level Up +1, HP + 22, TP + 9. STR + 3, DEF + 7, MND + 2,

    1. shion255


      hmmm that must be when coming close to level 200 no?

  8. decisive exams atm, brb in a month



      O.o Good luck dude!

  9. from 5th to the bottom.... man I've been absent far too long

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