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Sergio2kx last won the day on November 12

Sergio2kx had the most liked content!


105 Top member

About Sergio2kx

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/20/1993

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    Icaro, Alys, Clay, Andy, Alexia, Rayleigh, Sophitia, Jill

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  1. pls   clean your Pm i cant  send u message

    1. francisco charles charles

      francisco charles charles

      try sending message now
  2. Sergio2kx


    i cant send u a message
  3. tienes que usar /matreset DEFENSE ejemplo POWER EVASION LUCK HP TP MIND ALL
  4. i think is the same % for all the ids, is a hard drop to find my friend no wait to find alot
  5. Chromatic Orb x1 - 30 PD each i want one
  6. with the power of $$$ all is possible my friend
  7. Im ready for the war within this thursday
  8. I can offer for the item: 2 Centurion/battle 111 dts 1 PS Tsumikiri J-Sword +50 [60/0/0/50|80] other items Diska of Braveman +9 [0/100/0/70|70] Guld Milla +9 [30/30/0/90|0] TypeSH/Shot [99/0/0/0|0] [Spirit] TypeSH/Shot +14 [0/0/0/30|0] [Burning] i can trade too Gold D2JSP , diablo 4 gold, runes diablo 2 resurreted, wow retail gold
  9. Try to play alone, u can get more chance to get one
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