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MASSBLADE last won the day on November 12 2014

MASSBLADE had the most liked content!


288 Popular


  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/17/1995

In-Game Information

  • Hunter's Name
    [MASSBLADE]: (Main-HUcast, Lvl: 200, ID: Yellowboze) -I> [MASSFLOW]: (HUmar, Lvl: 200, ID: Whitill) -I> [MASSRAVEN]: (RAmar, Lvl: 200, ID: Redria) -I> [MASSYLPH: (HUcaseal, Lvl: 167, ID: Greenil) -I> DECEASED CHARACTERS!: [MASSANGEL]: (HUnewearl, Lvl: 200, ID: Bluefull) -I> [MASSRICO]: (FOnewm, Lvl: 200, ID: Oran) -I> [MASSDELTA]: (HUcaseal, Lvl: 200, ID: Redria) -I> [MASSOLGA]: (HUcast, Lvl: 200, Yellowboze) -I> [MASSLINK]: (FOnewm, Lvl: 200, ID: Skyly) -I> [#MASSIVE]: (RAcast, Lvl: 200, ID: Skyly)
  • Guildcard

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom, London
  • Interests
    Well first things first my Name is: 'Devon'
    My friends and family are really important to me of course ;)
    However I really enjoy watching anime with good story lines but i'm not going to go into further detail on that ill let you think for yourself what anime's I could possibly be into. I'm an MMOPRG-PVP Lover which is ironic since the PVP sucks on this game haha but anyway,... I Also Enjoy Acting and Theater productions based on performing arts which I studied for a really long time back in high school and collage I also plan to study it at University as well. This is because it's my goal/passion in life since I wish to become and Actor or Movie Star in the future and i guarantee I will enjoy that no doubt, also i'm a very creative person in Art & Design =]. Furthermore as you can see I really enjoy Final Fantasy type games as well, since there's many images on my 'About Me' Page which pretty much gives it away for ya hehe ^^.
    And lastly heres the Type of Music most listened to: Hip-Hop / Rock / Dubstep (Feel free to leave me a PM or look me up on Skype if you wanna discuss about Music, I totally wouldn't mind =])

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  1. Are you the same MASSBLADE that is on gamecube on sylverant and sctserv? I am Smokey there. Please let me know.

  2. yeah it's friends like you guys too that make me take a look back at the forum also just to have a little fun too so i totally understand
  3. 'The LAST-MASS' Event!: http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php/topic/21122-the-last-mass-event/ Winner!: 'Izaya' (Part 1) Gratz!!! / 'No Winner' (Part 2)

    1. Izaya
    2. Shoutgu


      thanks for the event mass

  4. Answers: Character Details: (= 36-Points Total) Names: 1 - MASSBLADE / (HU)cast / Lvl: 200 / ID: Yellowboze 2 - MASSFLOW / (HU)mar / Lvl: 200 / ID: Whitill 3 - MASSANGEL / (HU)newearl / Lvl: 200 / ID: Bluefall 4 - MASSLINK / (FO)newm / Lvl: 200 / ID: Skyly 5 - MASSDELTA / (HU)caseal / Lvl: 200 / ID: Redria 6 - MASSRICO / (FO)newm / Lvl: 200 / ID: Oran 7 - MASSRAVEN / (RA)mar / Lvl: 200 / ID: Redria 8 - MASSYLPH / (HU)caseal / Lvl: 167 / ID: Greenil 9 - MASSOLGA / (HU)cast / Lvl: 200 / ID: Yellowboze 10 - #MASSIVE / (RA)cast / Lvl: 200 / ID: Skyly BONUS!!: (= 4-Points Total) MASSVEGAS / (RA)cast / Lvl: 101 / ID: Viridia ~WINNER~: 'Izaya' = 35-Points [99% Match!] (Guessing 10 Account Characters) PRIZE: MASS-Legendary Handguns(x2) & S-Red's Blade 'No Winner': 'ExOh' Closest Match = 3-Points [99% Match!](Guessing 'MASS-Imposter') PRIZE: NO Prize Won...(Needed 100% Match to Win )
  5. 'ExOh' Entry Confirmed! & (FINAL Entry, Event has Ended) Thank You all for your participation WINNERS! will be announced shortly...
  6. lol what happened to the Dante fan base i miss that sig O.o and thanks 'Elef' miss you bro


    Go, Go!! HYOSUKE!
  8. Nice your using your head I like that,... see Cyane has the right idea guys try to use the MASS-Ultima forum and take a look at the gallary there are some CLUES!
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