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Ricardo Gomes

Ultima Veteran
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Status Updates posted by Ricardo Gomes

  1. T/ sta for AS/mblade/zalure and others stuff for hucast

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Gadita
    3. Gadita


      vamos negociar esse teu STA preciso muito de um 

    4. Gadita


      posso também te oferecer a yasminkovic hell 700 com 80 hit e mais 99PD

  2. T/ clean SJS for any good item

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Biza


      cool =D give me a call when you get  on for trade  

    3. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      i can go ingame now, conanback char in lobby

    4. Biza


      k coming char ayame  ramarl

  3. S/ Heavently/Battle 300dt, pm only

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. solo guy

      solo guy

      as much fun as it is to joke about the prices : ) the summer event is coming and with that the influx of kids on school holiday and others who are bored looking for a game who are only gonna add to the problem , summer and christmas gonna be crazy market

    3. ultrajerky


      Cent battle for 100 sextillion Dt's

    4. ultrajerky


      enough Dt's to fill the known universe

  4. still thinking how did i not won the Eurovision Song Contest

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Yannv


      Estou por fora, do que se trata?
      Ahh e a propósito, bem vindo de volta @Ricardo Gomes e @silv, faz algum tempo que não vejo vocês dois por aqui.

    3. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      existe um festival de canção aqui na europa, cada pais leva um representante para cantar, e este ano o candidato por portugal chamasse conan osiris lol , um tipo muito maluco, pesquiza esse nome e logo verás, e por causa disso ando a ser alvo de brincadeiras por causa do nome. eu acho que já estou meio reformado do pso, acho que ja nao devo voltar ao jogo em si, apenas no forum agora

    4. Yannv


      Hahah beleza. Vou pesquisar.

      E sim vsi chegar a hora de todos rsrs. Faz parte do nosso processo de adquirir maturidade rsrs.

  5. S- ps or 99 pd = 15 dt B- yask9 charge

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wayne Jones

      Wayne Jones

      what if I have 40 hit charge Vulcan :"L

    3. Angeldust


      I'm trying to set you up wayne :"L

    4. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      a repeater, a dream mech

  6. B- limiter/2 nakas S 99 grinder 99 evade matt

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cyane


      xDD lol I gave away my evade mats not long ago

    3. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      ok, no need more limiters, 7 is ok now ^^ im almost tempted to give away evade -.-

    4. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      no need more nakas, 12 is good, thanks

  7. NICE game finished, FINALLY!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      and btw, i got a racio of 1000 panzers for 0 guld drops until now. tired

    3. Stark 1

      Stark 1

      lol , i guess that makes sense xD

    4. Mayte


      This is kinda sad,but congratz!

  8. after kill 100 gryphons, i quit

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. under9000


      300 more gogo

    3. BK-201


      I think that after 100 gryphon you can say you just started to farm for hylian

    4. ryukin


      true that, 1/398

  9. AUCTION- POST best offer in pd/dt above 20 pds wins, ends in 1 hour

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      wait for next auction!

    3. Hobson


      What was even sold?

    4. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      POST for best offer, 21 pds, any doubts?

  10. thanks for the one that picked and save my dropped dm

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Saber +7
    3. Starlord


      Yes it was @McLaughlin86. He’s a good honest dude so I wouldn’t be surprised he didn’t a good deed 

    4. McLaughlin86


      No problem. I'd want the same. <3

  11. S-v502 15 pd PLEASE

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      you are making me lose a IR 40 hit!

    3. mrchibbs


      ill give u a loan on pds :)

    4. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      ty mrchibbs, i bet a ir 40 hit if i can sold a v502 for 15 pd fast, but i lost...

  12. T - WD 408 def 255 evp for Lucky/power

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Uranus


      I got only 10 luk... interested?

    3. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      hum thats very low for a wd ^^

    4. Uranus


      +99pwr mat of course.

  13. S- CB for pd and charge yas

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cyane


      depends on hit on the charge

    3. SelahIsASpot


      For a 40 hit c yas that's not a bad deal

    4. Ricardo Gomes
  14. T- WD/PD for luckys

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      hum, for that i preffer paying in pd, wd cost more. wanna sell for pd?

    3. Skynub


      if you want I can give DTs for the remainder of the wedding dress cost. but usually I sell lucks 2:1 so 50 pds for all.

    4. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      ok i can take that deal

  15. B- 15 luck matt, offer rr/others

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. McLaughlin86


      I'll take the RR. I can have 15 for you by tomorrow. I've got 6 at the moment.

    3. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      ok, i will ake the first one to gave me

    4. Ricardo Gomes
  16. S/T 9 Nakas- B-AS HIT/yask9 charge or no special

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      im buying a charge ^^^but i have a yask9 demon 40 dark to sell

    3. Cyane


      how much for each nakas owo

    4. Ricardo Gomes
  17. B- wd x2 S -URr 45 or 50 hit

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Judgment


      would trade the 50 hit UR for a HS 80/0/75/0/40

    3. Rodrigo Chacon
    4. makaveli


      i got a high med 472 def wd

  18. B. Charge vulcan type mechs type gun, pm i pay on what you need

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      any type mech and guns, and charge vulcan 50+hit

    3. King Ra
    4. King Ra
  19. T sjs 30 nat sjs 30 dark both untekked for a maxed crimson sword, pm me to work deal

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      hi, ok fine to me, cal me when you ready

    3. HUNTER_


      Hey I'm really sorry but I was online the other day and it seems that I must have traded that 75hit crimson sword bc I can't find it anywhere. I'm sorry about the inconvinice I thought I still had it . I hope you can find a deal with someone .

    4. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      np its all good ^^

  20. why,DM "haters" why?

    1. Starlord


      Richie rich XD

    2. R-78


      I am personally a Zanbacon hater so I can't say

    3. Auli'i


      They aren't hating on DM users, they're hating on bad rangers who only use DM rather than using DM along with other useful weapons. The people I see do this usually own their DM ^_^

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