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Samy Senju

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Status Updates posted by Samy Senju

  1. I'm Back:D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. beezemanjones
    3. blitsen


      My neck, my back, my Netflix and my snacks !

      HELLO :)

    4. Evie


      ^lol blitsen xD

      and welcome back Sammy :)

  2. B> Hell yass 7k no hit

    S> Cent Battle, Bringer's 50 hit, Galatine 40 0 0 40

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shoutgu


      make a room

    3. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      room mags pass 123, im nephenee

    4. JL3


      yo tengo esa yasmikon 7000 hell sam sin hit jajaja

      si aun te interesa avisame

  3. I´m so busy:c. I need a hug:D

  4. S>Iron Faust 60 hit & Zalure Needle

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starlord


      What other stats does it have on it or just 60hit?

    3. Samy Senju
    4. Biza


      cuanto pides por la faust sam?

  5. Me hace falto algo, ah si xD, TU:c

  6. Si la vida sigue... por qué yo no?? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ANDRES


      claro siempre para adelante puede uno caer pero la idea es levantarse y seguir adelante

    3. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      de eso se trata ;)

    4. Jorinalx
  7. Finally my first PGF n_n :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samy Senju
    3. Riot-


      congrats Sammy Senju


    4. Sylph777


      i see that only the beautiful girl get pgf :D congrat

  8. S> Cent Battle

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samy Senju
    3. Lemon


      Oh... I don't have nearly enough Dx

    4. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      Haha don't worry, it's okay

  9. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time or Majora's Mask?:c

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sylph777


      both are excellent hahaha , ocarina of time is more like an epic adventure while majora's mask is rather a conceptual experience with very much subcontent, the best would be that you could play both of them xD

    3. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      Besides, Majora's has a little of sadness while you're playing if you realize

    4. HandlebarsFakis


      majoras mask was better, but ocarina was more popular

  10. B> Pow Mats

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      Are you in game?

    3. Rsnemesis


      running ttf be done soon

    4. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      Go this room when u can

       Room Neph

      Pass: 123

  11. B> Centurion Power x9

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      how many you have?

    3. Midori


      Like 100 or something.

    4. Kush


      you keep ripping ppl off... they should go 10:1 they are so easy to find....

  12. En este tiempo que no he podido entrar al PSO hasta me dieron ganas de estudiar xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      hahahaha, me estoy aguando estas ganas de estudiar muy fuerte, pero me ganan:c.Mi necesitar PSO:c xD

    3. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      Lamentablemente:c, yo pudiendo tocar mi violin pero me espero a esto xD

    4. Soly


      O_o ...como vas a cambiar el violín por pso?? (tampoco al revés) pero dale tiempo a tu violín!! u.u

  13. B> Last Swan's & Master Raven's 0 stats

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JF_2105


      If you're making a dual bird, I have one if you need.

    3. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      Im not going to make PR or DB, just want to buy them by separated.

    4. Jose Zapata

      Jose Zapata

      Tengo una MR de sobra mañana te la doy c:

  14. B>Suppressed Gun (charge/hell) & blank type gu handgun/type me mech

    1. chrisNL


      u buying clean suppressed aswell ?? 

    2. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      If it has at least 50 hit or 50 dark or both, yes

    3. chrisNL


      sorry nevermind then haha

  15. R.I.P Pso World xD

    1. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      Se paniquean xD, esta en descanso nadamas :3. Hey ya tengo tu mag desde hace 5 dias xD

    2. highbass


      sip asi fue

    3. Biza


      xd no entra

  16. S> Bringer's Rifle 50 hit, 200 pow mag, 195 mind mag

    B> Three Seals

    1. Auli'i


      What kind of mag is the 195 mind mag?

    2. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      Sato, Twins, Leilla & Farlla i think

  17. If life continues, why me not?

    1. Soly


      Clever!! x)

    2. Sylph777


      indeed, you are ALIVE !!!

  18. S> S Rank Needle

    1. Carsomyr


      Does it have a special yet, and how much you want for it?

    2. Shisui


      i'll take it c:

  19. S> Hylian Shield, Adept, Dreamcast 5 0 0 195 no PB & Mind Sato

    1. silv


      21pd for dc?

    2. MiniSoji


      Hey, I'm interested by your Mind Sato

  20. Ojalá todo esto sea por algo bueno:c

    1. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      No, no me paso nada xD. Es que quiero jugar PSO pero estoy muy ocupada:ccc

    2. Samy Senju
  21. We came to world for two single things: Be happy and make people happy.

    1. Sylph777


      yes that's true :) but we can only be truly happy by making others happy, so it mean making sacrifice, being patient, kind and sweet and loving them the way they are without putting any conditions, there is more happiness in giving than receiving and a self centered life is meaningless

    2. Soly


      Totally agree!!

  22. S> Master Raven 60h & Asteron Striker 70h

    1. Kush


      30 dts for m raven 

  23. Lookin for Sacred Guard and Rappy wing, pm me

    1. Virec


      I have a rappy wing make a room


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