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Shoutgu last won the day on July 22 2020

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About Shoutgu

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  • Birthday 12/23/1995

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  1. We're looking to run a teamz today on ultima. If interested check the ultima discord or PM me on here
  2. dont be afraid to join in or ask questions if you have any. TEAMZ can see hard to get into by perspective but its really not. We have many new players involved. Even if you dont win, its still a really fun experience. Feel free to pm me on discord if you have any questions. bmode #7810
  3. Shoutgu


    I'll take them when I'm next online
  4. Shoutgu

    B> PGF

    Do you take 4p ROCT records as payment?
  5. same way you're painting TA as a toxic environment?
  6. I dont know which "TAers" you've been talking to but the group I play with (actually the only group on ultima that TA are friendly). If you're talking about the grudge between wilson and rocket then let me give you some background info. Rocket called out willy for something unrelated to TA and also suggested that his team (triforce) are better than him/his team. As TAers we decided to settle this with a friendly grudge match. Due to "circumstances" which I don't know of rockets team were unable to post a time. And now rocket and triforce are disregarded in the TA community because of this. If only he kept his mouth shut lol. Now if you're suggesting we don't banter rocket for this memeful no show then you're mistaken lol. In fact we would have loved to see a time from rocket and his team and welcomed him with open arms as we love new players who TA. Now back to what I was saying if you think this is an overview of what the TA community is on ultima then you're mistaken. Me and my team have friendly TA banter as thats what we enjoy. I would love to see more ultima players TA ( I had more to say but this is turning into an wall of text)
  7. This is not a record, please try to post runs that are record or close to being records.
  8. send me a private message please, I can't write you

  9. Congrats dude. Big achievement as ROCT is so competitive.
  10. I'd say as it is it's pretty useless (basically trash with boomerang around) but defo worth something as you can make 85hit Rainbow baton.
  11. Since my only reason to stay was to get more 4P times (that's out the window with rashan leaving) this will also be my farewell. Goodbye ultima
  12. any excal that has native + hit, lemme know what price u want for it.
  13. still waiting for a final date to be confirmed
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