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Status Updates posted by Sylph777

  1. Bon anniversaire queen S-773, profite bien pour tes 22 ans ^_^

  2. Tu les gâte beaucoup trop ma ptite air inis.

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Sylph777


      Je sait que c'est dure a croire car la science et la médecine nous disent le contraire.. Cependant, je suis désolé.. mais que tu le veuille ou non, ça ne change pas la réalité.. ( je sais ce que je dit, je n'affirmerai pas quelque chose comme ça sans en être certain.. et ce n'est pas non plus pour te faire du mal, loin de là.. ne crois pas que ces manifestations seraient uniquement dû a toi.. et ce n'est pas non plus parce que tu aime les démons.. c'est plus complexe que cela ), les cauchemars a répétition sont bien des phénomènes démoniaques.. ( tout comme la paralysie du sommeil, la psychopathie, la bipolarité et la plupart des maladies mentales ) enfin, si tu veut te voiler la face, ça te regarde et je ne peut rien y faire.. Par contre, sache que ces phénomènes, si il ne sont pas chassés de ta vie, peuvent fortement s'amplifier avec le temps et te conduire là ou tu ne voudrait pas.. Si tu sent que c'est le cas, tu peut toujours en être délivré.. ( il suffit juste de le vouloir ). Sinon, je n'ai pas dit que c'était uniquement lié a des films d'horreurs hein.. il peut y avoir plein de causes a ces oppressions que tu subit depuis que tu est toute petite.. ( malédictions, occultisme, spiritisme, voyance, pouvoirs magiques et don de guérison etc... si toi ou quelqu'un de ta famille a déjà touché a des trucs comme ça, et même si ça remonte a tes ancêtres, tu peut malgré tout en subir les conséquences.. c'est pour ça qu'il est important de se renseigner par rapport a tout ça.. ). Je m'excuse d'avance si je ce que je dit t'a énervé ou offensé d'une quelconque manière..

    3. R-78


      Cela ne m'offense pas. Sinon je suis la seule dans la famille à rêver autant. Et les bons rêves sont manifestations de quoi alors ?

    4. Sylph777


      Attend, je tiens tout de même a tempérer mes propos et ajouter une précision de taille.. Je pense que tous les cauchemars ne proviennent pas automatiquement de manifestations sataniques... en fait ça dépend surtout de l'intensité, de ce que tu voit et ce que tu ressent et de la fréquence.. si tu fait des cauchemars éprouvant et angoissant ( voir parfois intense ), régulièrement et depuis très longtemps ( là, depuis que tu est toute petite en l’occurrence ), dans ce cas les origines sont démoniaques oui ( ça se confirme encore plus si tu voit des formes/des apparitions/des objets et de la symbologie terrifiante et ténébreuse ou si tu fait des rêves sexuels poussé.. ça c'est des démons sexuelles qu'on appellent "les incubes et les succubes" ) dans le cas contraire, ça peut être naturel et simplement lié a des peurs par exemple.. les mauvais rêves peuvent aussi être les signes annonciateurs d’un combat spirituel dans certains cas.. Pour ta question, les rêves et les songes sont des phénomènes naturels crées et voulu par Dieu.. dans Job 33:14-15 par exemple, il est dit que Dieu parle par des songes, par des visions nocturnes quand les hommes sont livrés à un profond sommeil... Après, ils n'ont pas toujours ( et même pas souvent dans la plupart des cas.. ) un sens véritable et peuvent souvent naître de la multitude d’occupations, de l'imagination etc.. mais ils peuvent également refléter l'état spirituel. Il existe 3 sortes de manifestations nocturnes : les rêves simples ( souvent vide de sens, comme j'ai dit ), les cauchemars ( souvent démoniaques mais parfois naturel quand la fréquence et l'intensité sont faible.. ) et les rêves divins ( c'est souvent des rêves prophétiques ou Dieu te parle directement en te montrant l'avenir par exemple.. ou encore Il te révèle certaines choses sur Lui-même, sur les choses célestes ou sur les autres et leurs états d'âmes.. parfois Il te transporte également au ciel ou en enfer en esprit etc.. j'ai déjà fait ce type de rêves plusieurs fois, ainsi que Sam d'ailleurs ). voila, j’espère t'avoir éclairé un peu.. Paix sur toi ^^

  3. J’espère que tu va bien princesse ( ainsi que tes études ) ? ^_^

    Félicitations pour ton poste de GM, connaissant ta personnalité impartial et assez dévouée, je pense que tu le mérite ;) Bonne chance en tout cas.

  4. Rashan my brother, i know you probably had good intentions and i don't question your motives, but in my humble opinion, your attitude earlier was excessive and kinda wrong... I'm not judging you, i'm certainly not any better than you are, but if only you could soften a little, i'm sure that your words would have more reach..  You said earlier "Telling them to repent to avoid hellfife is love" and i agree with that, it is important to proclaim the truth BUT in compassion, benevolence, patience, gentleness and self-control... it is important to consider and respect others and their opinions, it's their freedom to believe or not  and you don't have the power to change people by force or condemnation, nor you have any hopes of reaching them with harsh words either... Also, there's something MUCH more efficient than harshly telling people to repent, and that thing is called "prayers". If you truly love them and want them to be saved, then pray for them and their concerns, and don't forget to bless them as well in your prayers. Remember the Lord's compassion for prostitutes and thieves.. remember His mercy to the criminal on the cross "Verily i say unto thee, to day shalt thou be with me in paradise". And what did he say to Peter who took the sword against the romans ? "All those who live by the sword ( or violence ... physical or verbal because tongue can also be used to kill others ), will perish by the sword". Or when His apotles wanted to summon the fire of heaven to consumme those who rejected Him, He said "Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them"... One thing is certain though, the God that came in my house 11 years ago and entered my heart and my soul, was not there with a stick to beat me because i rejected Him during all these years of wandering... rather, He welcomed me in His presence, pressed me against His heart and told me how precious and valuable i was in His Eyes.. He was the sweetest, most loving, most magnificent and gracious Father and Friend that i had ever wanted.. His love has changed my heart of stone, chased away my darkness, my fears, my despair and filled my emptiness and loneliness... and it is our duty to love others in the same way, to bless our enemies and pray for those who despise us, to support afflictions silently, in the calm and humility.. and that doesn't mean that we are weak, on the contrary.. because to really love others is much much more difficult than hating on them... in order to be lights in this world of darkness and have a real impact on those who suffers and are hopeless.

    As far as possible, let's be at peace with all men.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Sylph777


      36 minutes ago, rashan0121 said:

      yes Judgement as in to punish by death. This is why I brought up the example of john 8 because the same religious hypocrites caught someone committing adultery on the spot and wanted Christ to kill them via stoning aka Judgement.


      Ah, that's what you meant by "what is judgement" oki, that's clear i guess :) and i'll answer by that :

      <<For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Yeshua our Lord.>> Romans 6:23.

      40 minutes ago, rashan0121 said:

      I never said anything about me being without sin. what are you talking about?


      Wait, what ? if you're speaking to me here, i never said that, i answered mudd on this specific point and i did not speak particularly about you, sorry for confusion :/ ( but I'm not going to lie, i've already wondered before if you belonged to this category of self righteous modern days christians pharisees but it was just a question that came to my mind and i guess i was wrong because i suspected evil, i want to believe that you're not one of those :)

      47 minutes ago, rashan0121 said:

      It would be very selfish of me to keep that faith of mine to myself and not rebuke selah of whom I always greet in the lobby (hence the response) who openly said they are an abuser of themselves with mankind (see below for the definition in the Greek dictionary) because you cant get into the kingdom like that. I'd rather see them in it tbh but hey thats not love, thats hate to the world.


      Once again, the problem wasn't the fact that you told her that homosexuality is a punishable sin by God ( even though she knows it already for a very long time i think.. ). The problem was the tone used, the lack of sweetness and the severity of your language that gave the impression that you despised her ( as well as griff ). The Bible urges Christians to respond to violence and rejection with love and temperance, you should know that bro... those are the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

      1 hour ago, rashan0121 said:

      Also please don't quote the NIV because it has over 40 verses missing from it. E.g try and quote matthew 18:11 and you cant because it is not there. The men that made that translation lastweek (figuratively speaking) were a part of the jesuit order aka do as thou wilt.

      Can you tell me more about that ? i'm curious o.o

    3. rashan0121


      Yea the guys that did the NIV translation removed 40 verses. some were removed completely (around 16), some were moved into footnotes and some translated completely wrong. 

      Rev 22:18  For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 

      Rev 22:19  And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. 

      They did not take heed to this smh. 

      I had made some in depth notes on this subject on my old phone ( I should have the backup somewhere) including info on the jesuits (roman catholic assassins) that did it. I'm not too sure where i've put them but for now I guess you can see some info about them on google.

      http://www.temcat.com/005-Bible-versions/THE JESUITS TAMPERED WITH THE SCRIPTURES.pdf

      I haven't really read the notes in-between the scriptures on this link but you can get a visual on some of the  scriptures that have been edited.

    4. Sylph777


      ah sorry, i quoted the NIV version because as you know, i'm french and i had to translate from french to english, however i picked this version without realizing... i've never used this version tbh, it doesn't even exist in french and i've mostly used louis segond version but i realized later that even this version was a bit corrupted... so i now use the ostervald bible wich was translated directly from the hebrew and greeks original texts, also named text receive as you know.. it is one of the most faithful french translations currently available on the market and it presents no omission. Anyway, thanks for letting me know that.

  5. how far humanity will get bogged down in the mire of sin ? what will be the nexl level ? wWhoever has ears, let them hear..... 

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Misombre


      Yes someone did it. I did at least =)

      The problem is the way men have invented the word of god and god itself.

      Also to sum up, I was not saying that improvements is needed. Improvement is both good and bad because the duality in humanity doesn't allow goodness to come without some kind of silly sacrifice. It's also called compromise. 

      To be honest, I would have rather live in another time. A time where life was cruel and didn't last long, like the middle ages, but at least there was no gun nor technologie. People were true, whatever does that means.

    3. Misombre


      We, men and women, have assumed a lot of things by ourselves. We invented our own race by creating laws and society. The same way monkeys are monkeys because they got some kind of society. Monkeys would be a lot different without that said society of them. It's intrinsic to their race.

      So it is to humanity. We are but a big mistake. But since it is intrinsic to us, we cannot really say that we are a mistake (and we lack of hindsight about that anyway). We are an exception that doesn't goes along with this planet very well. But as a mere human, my word worth nothing so everything I say, or anyone say, by lack of hindsight and experience, is meaningless.

      In other words, we should mind our own business and stop overthinking.

    4. Sylph777


      For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. ( book of romans ), it's in the bible, do you know what it mean misombre? it means that ANY man (without exceptions) can achieve the absolute certainty that God exists simply by contemplating His works through His creation, you will therefore have no excuse on Judgment Day.. because the seeker with a sincere heart will always find the truth and the truth is the Only Man who claimed it so : Jésus-Christ the Way, the Truth and the Life ! You can claim that God doesn't exist but He has proven His existence, Power and Greatness to millions of people ( by miracles of all kind, visions and apparitions, feelings of His Presence and Spirit, wonders and lives transformed by the Power of His great Love, people being freed from drugs and addictions miraculously etc.. ) and NOBODY can deny the existence of Jésus ( which has been proven by history and archeology )

  6. Bonjour demoiselle :wub: Je pensais a toi dernièrement et tu me manquais.. Comment vas-tu ? J’espère que tout se passe bien pour toi et tes projets ? Que Dieu te protège et te guide dans ta vie, tu es dans mon cœur et dans mes pensées, prend soin de toi <3 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Sylph777


      J'ai vraiment cru que c'était toi :P à s'y méprendre hahaha ( cela dit, je me demandais quand même ce que tu pouvait bien faire sur ce serveur... ).

    3. R-78


      Bah il y en a quelques uns qui ont essayé de me faire venir, si bien que j'ai hésité à le faire. Il y a pas mal de choses intéressantes dessus, qui rendent le gameplay différent.

    4. Sylph777


      Oui... bon aprés, je me suis renseigné un peu dessus, et il y aura

      il y aurait beaucoup a dire sur les GM's ( je les connait tous ou presque ) et leurs "méthodes" ..

  7. i really need help form gm's or larva to fix this constant dc's problems, else i will have to leave this server because i never manage to finish any games, it's totally unplayable..

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Cyane


      It's usually a problem related to the internet, i can be on all day long without any crashing but in a bad day of internet I'll be kicked out a lot, pso doesn't like being a few secs without connection.

    3. Sylph777


      yeah cyane but that's weird, it never happen with other games and my internet is always fine

    4. Sylph777


      also it was never like this 1 year ago, it happened since lie 8-10 months for no reasons and my inet doesn't degrade even when i call my fai

  8. Forgive us Lord, we have become worse than Sodom and Gomorrah now ....

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. jonesy88


      Yes, pop agreed. Well put. When I said I wish others could see that, for example the cartels in Mexico. I haven't seen shit. The past and the wars, can't imagine. I try to keep it simple myself, sometimes get in over my head

    3. Sylph777


      thanks for your reply jonesy, your words are wise.. and yeah life worth way more but we often waste the time we have.. mostly because of our past, our habits, our pride, our selfishness and wickedness... never forget that you are a precious pearl for God and He love you very much but we are often rejecting His love and then He can't do anything for us because He gave us freewill

    4. jonesy88


      there's a lot of things in the past we don't hear about, know about. things have been skewed. in the grand scheme of things, life is pretty good. imo. when i step back and look at it all. im shutting up.

  9. @mudkipzjm @ultrajerky @yanvbraz @rashan0121 @Starlord should be veteran already, plz show some luv.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Yannv


      I was semi-dead when I stumbled accross this post.

      Kudos to Sylph. This dude said some quality stuff :cr-floating:

      It is too bad that Veteran Title isn't as meaningful as it was ages ago. Everyone will become Veteran sooner or later :'L

    3. Misombre


      Something happened. And I was not there, then suddenly... but who cares anyway .____."

    4. ultrajerky
  10. The madness of my wickedness had condemned me to die. I was a rebel, a blasphemer and haughty, a thief, a slanderer, insensitive and perverted, all my thoughts were every days turned to evil. I could not see because i was blind... i could not understand because i was foolish, naked and miserable, and the shame was upon me. I made my way to the pit and my soul descended into the grave. Father.. i know that i deserved this punishment rightly because i had spent my life breaking your holy laws. How much i was filthy and impure before You, most holy and righteous God. I had no way to be good, no way to get rid of my transgressions, no way to be cleansed and purified from my defilements, for even if i tried to be good and change by my efforts, it would never erase my past and all the evil stuff that i had done.. To appear better was only a facade, a varnish of hypocrisy and pride and i constantly failed to do good because my sinful nature was unable to do what is just. I could never be right in front of Your Eyes because my mother conceived me in sin and the pain incurred for my sin was death, eternal death, darkness, damnation, hell !!! Whatever i do, I could never get your friendship and Your approval on my own. So, i lived in shame and guiltiness... i had no hopes, no future, no peace, no joy, no love... But there One day, You came in my life and i realised... You... You Lord, You Creator of heaven and earth, Almighty God, in Your infinite love, you have done the unthinkable for me.. You came down from Heaven, You left Your Throne of Majesty and Your Glory, You came in a body of man to bear my sins.. all my faults.. my sorrows... my sufferings.. my shame... You made yourself a man among men, living on this earth to teach us to love one another and to reveal to us Your will. You lived without committing a single sin in our midst. Yet you were subject to temptation like every one of us, but you have never committed any evil..  You... who had never done anything wrong, You were treated like a murderer... like a culprit... like a sinner who deserved death. You did not open your mouth before those who condemned you, You did not defend yourself and You did not plead your innocence.. You.. being the human manifestation of God, you could have freed Yourself instantly from the hands of all your oppressors... You could have enslave us by Your will... but instead of that, You purposely agreed to suffer the worst calvaries just to save me. What a humbling lesson for me, but what an extraordinary love also. You gave your life as a perfect sacrifice for me, You paid the price of my madness, You died in my place !!! You took my shame, You took my hell, You took my diseases , You took my filth and my corruption and You clothed me with Your righteousness. By Your sacrifice, You have made me righteous and i am no longer condemned, i am no longer a slave, I am free, FREE !!!! You have defeated the accuser and the tempter of our souls and You crushed death by Your resurrection ! Sin has no more power over me, You opened to me the gates of Your Kingdom and You poured upon me the waters of Your grace that i may be with You forever in Your presence. If You shed Your pure blood, it was only out of love for me, only to deliver me because You knew i was unable to save myself from my misery. I owe all to You Jésus... I have never known a love like Your love My Saviour, that's why i will never cease to proclaim that You are the greatest King ! O Servant King,  you came to the earth to reveal Your love, Divine Creator, Wonderful Savior, Risen Lord forever You are. The Light of Your Spirit resurrected me from the darkness i was in, this dead and empty soul came back to life by the Power of Your great love. I bow down before Your majesty, I bend my knee before Your royalty, my will acknowledge Your perfect sovereignty O Precious Redeemer, no one can compare to You Jésus of Nazareth !! How do I adequately thank a King like You who left His throne just to save a sinner such as myself ? How do I truly express my deepest gratitude to a Savior who was beaten, stabbed, crucified, mocked, and laughed at... just so He could then cleanse me and justify me when I fail every day ? I lift my praise and worship up to you, Jesus. There is absolutely nothing I have that you need. You are Sovereign and You don't need me, but you want me <3. The very least i can do is lift up Your Holy name because You are worthy and precious and I am so...so... thankful. So humbly thankful for everything you have done in my life. You are so beautiful, so pure, so loving, so caring my Lord, I want to spend my life serving You, adoring You, praising You and talking about all that You have done for me. Thank you !!! Thank you !!! Thank you from the depths of my heart for the wonderful treasure You have offered me : eternal life and true hopes !! Thank you for Your love and Your peace that nothing in this world can replace. Lord you are everything i have and everything i need, the true love of my life, Jésus i love you, i love you so much <3 yes, i love You with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my thoughts and with all my strength My King, My God, My precious Father, My magnificent and glorious Savior, My best friend ! I am in love with You and You are everything to me, You are my reason for living and the air i breath ! Life has no meaning without You, takes everything from me. Come back Lord, come back quickly.. I cannot live without Your presence, i do not feel in my place here below, i am like a stranger in this world given up to the darkness, i cannot bear to see and hears so much horrors and abominations... my soul sighs after You, take me with You my King !!! May Your kingdom come ! Glory be to Your Holy Name, Mighty God, be blessed, be glorified and worshiped in the ages, Amen.

    Poem of gratitude for the love of my life : Jésus-Christ.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. griffeni


      nah i mean what i would do after praising him for i am a beacon of sin

    3. Sylph777


      1 minute ago, griffeni said:

      nah i mean what i would do after praising him for i am a beacon of sin

      We're all "beacon of sin" you are not worse than others my griffi ;) and after praising Him, he would probably give you peace and forgive your sins, in this case, the question does probably not even arise :P

    4. rayblasterx


      dw and Jesus should start a band c:

  11. Do you remember where you come from ? Remember you misery if you want to keep walking on the road of humility and wisdom. Try your best but don't expect too much of yourself, lest you fall.. at the end the only thing that matter is the intention of your heart !

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sylph777


      alright, add me on skype when you feel like it then

    3. Avarea


      Sylph-kun and Mio-sama having meaningful discussions :3 Cool! ^_^

    4. theroyalrabite


      pokes MamaBelle*

  12. not taking the game seriously anymore, i'll be in mode epic trolling soon :3

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sylph777


      nami don't show all the admiration you have for me in public, it's embarrassing "blushes"

    3. Nami


      everyone knows Im your HERO, stop talking shit sylph

    4. Sylph777


      my only hero is mio

  13. Hello my old german friend :) how are you ? We should play sometime when we have freetime ^^

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Schranko


      Let me know when you are online :)

    3. Sylph777


      lol i'm waiting lobby1 for you since like 5 min xD

    4. Schranko
  14. How can a woman know if a man is true and good ? She should just look at how the man consider his father and his mother. A right man loves and honors his parents. You tell a woman you've just met that you love her but you never tell your mother that you love her ? Hyppocrite, are you serious ? Don't you think there's a problem ? The ways of a man who is rebellious to his father cannot be right. The beginning of integrity is to respect and honor those who gave you life ( despite their faults ). Then, a true man is the man of only ONE woman, he will never cheat and he will never see someone else than his love, it is the wickeds and the perverse who do that. I know that the decadent modern society has taught us that there is nothing wrong and no harmful consequences to know several partners and to do what we want/feel only to satisfy our carnal desires but love is the contrary of that.. Love is not synonymous with pleasure but with forgiveness, sacrifice, service, concessions and understanding. True love often causes more pain than pleasure, but the satisfaction and strength that emanates from it is infinitely more powerful than carnal love. There are terrible impact and consequences ( on others but also on ourselves ) to commit adultery, play with the feelings of others and practice all kinds of immorality and sexual depravity. Women are absolutely not meat or sexual objects that can be used as you please and then throw them away when you are satisfied.. it is unbridled sexuality and pornography that taught you to look at women as objects of lust to satisfy your pulsions, you must change your views and relearn everything my friend.. A man who refuses to marry the woman he claims to love, does not really love her in reality... this man is just a coward who refuses to engage because the mere fact of considering the refusal shows that his heart is in uncertainty and fears, but perfect love BANNISH fears ! A true man keeps himself clean and pure for the woman he loves, he is not going to masturbate and watch porn simply because his wife doesn't want to make love one night... true love is PATIENT ! A real man listens to his wife when she speaks to him, he protects her, considers her and cherishes her more than anything else, he sees her as his treasure and would voluntary lay down his life for her.. A real man questions himself and acknowledges his mistakes, he is not shamefull to asks his wife for forgiveness if he is wrong. A true man doesn't try to dominate and take over from his wife, he doesn't try to manipulate her emotionally and mentally to change her according to his perverse desires.. Mr proud, you are nobody to pretend to be able to change your wife, only God can change the hearts... You should start yourself by changing and showing the good example daily, then maybe you could touch your wife by your behavior..

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sylph777


      By freedom , i mean not your freedom of thinking ofc, i meant your freedom of always doing what you want without considering your partner needs :) seem like you have trouble understand me but it's probably my fault i don't express myself clearly. Also God doesn't darken anything, He is light and therefore He rather enlighten everything that is darkenned by our own thoughts and bad thinkings. Peace.

    3. Misombre


      Well it's hard to write down our very thoughts in such a way that we're always understood. That's why talking face to face is often better for this kind of discussion/argument. It has been an issue for me sometime: people thinking that am being agressive or disrespectful because they don't read correctly or I don't write correctly (or we're not even talking about the same thing, this make me laugh, but is kinda sad) ç_ç

      God is light, therefore it doesn't darken. But you are human. Glasses are supposed to be see-through, yet, if you don't clean them correctly or if you wear them incorrectly, your sight will be affected. You as a human, using god in your words, you're the one that might make things darker. Consider it. The same way that love can destroy. This is not love that destroy, this is what people do with it. Also, it's time to sleep o=

    4. Sylph777


      I do perfectly agree with your words :) what you said reach me and it's a lesson of humility. Now, while my sight might be really incorrect about lot of things, that's absolutely certain. I still think i'm correct when i claim that God is against  adultery, fornication, free love and everything that is sexually perverted. In the same order of thing, i don't think i'm wrong by taking Jésus as the perfect model, considering how much His life reflect holiness, purity of heart, moral perfection, uninterested love and ultimate goodness. I love you my friend, peace <3

  15. Hey my bro, how's going? what's up with your dislikes lol ? and why does mudd keep disliking you all the time ?

  16. @mudkipzjm do you play pso2 ?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Nana7


      sadly - now, as far as I understood, the matterboard is gone forever... and there will only be the Omnibus Quests left.

      If you actually did all of the matterboard, I would love, if you could tell me somehting about "LOTTIE". She sometimes randomly shows up in E-trials, calling the player "senpai", but in the omnibusquests and the part of matterboard that I was able to clear back then, I didnt see her. Could you tell me why Lottie knows the player ?

    3. Sylph777


      Yeah nana... matterboards are definitely gone and that's one of the dumbest sega's mistake ever for pso2... an incomprehensible decision to me... especially since they also removed the 26 story quests ( there were 11 in episode 1, 7 in episode 2 and 8 in episode 3, each of them had 2 to 3 different routes with different choices and cutscenes... ), which was often good quests, well built and decently scripted... omnibus system is very mediocre in term of depth, interest and lifespan.. but that's SEGA anyway :wacko:

      Unfortunately, i don't think i can help you... simply because i've played almost the entirety of the story in japanese... and therefore, i've skipped most stuff in the matterboards and only watched the most important cutscenes in story quests... iirc she just get introduced normally to the player ( like tea and patty for example ) but she's very secondary yeah, i'm really not sure, nor i remember much about her... if they haven't removed the cutscenes viewer in "my room" terminal, i would rewatch them again and tell you more....

    4. Nana7


      Thank you. Somehow, nobody I know or play with, remembers her well - so it seems she didnt play any important roles.

      I might find something on youtube about her. But it will take a few months until I know enough kanji to understand the Text good enough.

      Anyway, thanks for your answer - maybe we will meet in PSO2 someday.

  17. Money, material, sex, drugs, can only make man eternally dissatisfied and never really happy because these things feed the flesh but not the soul that remains empty and hungry of something greater... The truth is that it's not the flesh that cries, it is the soul that cries, and who can heal the soul ? Who can feed it with perfect love, joy and peace that your heart desire ? who if not the Creator ? Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sylph777


      why do you live ? what is the meaning of life ? why we are on here ? what happen and where do i go after life ? only God can reply these questions my friend ... and eternity is even more conscious than this world ... God is even more real than anything else because He's the meaning of everything

    3. Sylph777


      My Lord is not a religious God dead my bro, He's living in me by a personnal relationship/friendship... words alone can't do anything indeed but they can remind important things, only God Himself can enlighten others because His words is truth and light but He can't speak to us if we don't want to listen... He can't force you to love Him

    4. Sylph777


      i just want to remind you that God truly love you, He don't love you like other do... it's not a fake worldly love, not only in words but also in powerfull acts... He gave His life and everything He had for you, who else would do that for you?

  18. I really want to thank these friends of mine for their friendship, tolerance, kindless and love toward me.

    R-78 : even if i am sometime rude and demanding with you, i never intend to hurt you.. i still think you are a beautiful person, smart, patient and devoted to others and i loved you almost immediately ;) you welll deserve to be ultima's queen ^-^

    Depassage : stay the way you are my brother, you are tender, teachable and humble and many people should take example over you.. thank you for your patience with me :3

    Cake : i must say that i like you very much little thing.. you are adorable, kind, respectful and i want you to be strong and not care about the bad opinions of others toward you, never let anyone despise/underestimate you.

    Justin/RRR : i know you can say alot of bad word sometime and people may not appreciate you, but i personnally do :) you seem to be an happy and simple person which exudes good humor and i like to be in your presence because of that, thanks for endless battles with me and because you never raged :P

    I ask you to forgive me if i did hurt you in acts or words my friends. I pray that God may protect your life in the next years and bless you with peace, hopes and joy. You guys are people of great value and even if you are not for others, at least you are for me... you my friends are important in my eyes and in my heart and i love you <3

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ultrajerky


      Did you feel like people were mad at you or something sylph bud? this looks like an apology o.O

    3. R-78


      That's lovely, Sylph. You are important to us too :rf-01:

    4. Sylph777


      no jerky lol, that's not amessage of apologies  haha, just something i wanted to wrote for my friends :)

  19. Golden time is such an awesome anime and Koko-chan is so beautiful <3 I recommend it to anyone who likes touching love stories n_n

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Grimoire Greys

      Grimoire Greys

      I have heard of Golden Time before, it was something I planned on checking out a long time ago. Perhaps some time soon.

    3. Sylph777


      grimoire, we need to add each others in pso2 man.

    4. Grimoire Greys

      Grimoire Greys

      O-Okay, after maint then. X3

  20. Happy birthday Monsieur depassage, enjoy ;)


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Depassage


      Redis-moi quand t'es dispo =P

    3. Sylph777


      Je le suis :p, viens sur TS :)

    4. Depassage
  21. RIP social life in 2 weeks XD


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Misombre


      Never thought that would trigger you like that O= I kinda feel sorry it did. I have nothing against Zelda to be honest, actually Yskialuw is a huge fan girl herself and what ? I respect it like I'd like people to respect my retrogaming so ^^ You don't need to explain yourself or whatever. Live your life as you want it, no ones gonna take that from you Sylphounet.

    3. Sylph777


      :o retrogaming ? like ? i'm suprised that you don't like those games then because many of them still have a vibe of old games ( it was made like that on purpose by nintendo ).  Btw, i kinda stopped gaming because it really bores me alot now ( appart of pso and some fun nintendo games in local multi ) and i have better things to do as well :)

    4. Misombre


      I never said I didn't like those games >.> They're just not the kind of games I play. Like racing and fps games, I don't dislike them, I just can't play them. There is like a wall preventing me from, this wall is sometime called "other thing to do", sometime "other games to play", sometime "don't want to spend money for it", sometime laziness... which am totally fine with it because... they're games so, it's not like it's a duty or job to play them =)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. serverus


      why lol mio i dont get it lol

    3. Sylph777


      because of you comments i find them funny so i posted this lol

    4. serverus
  22. How to grief a little cake AKA @HHawk4

    That wasn't really intended but still funny xD

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sylph777


      i barely play with invincibility unless i'm forced with impossible spawns to deal safely... nothing give a temporary invincibility boost though..

    3. mudkipzjm


      oh, that's kezia i think, or @thelionorion

      also 5 sinnows vs 1 tiny fo is hilarious lol

    4. Sylph777


      1 minute ago, mudkipzjm said:

      oh, that's kezia i think, or @thelionorion

      also 5 sinnows vs 1 tiny fo is hilarious lol

      wow my bad, i confused the two XD, that's indeed kezia

  23. Trump will reintroduce the death penalty for pedophiles in the 53 states of USA. He advocates lethal injection and firing squad for cases of abuse and/or rape of minors under the age of 15 and will take tough measures against child pornography as well. It seem like the Lord is bringing His Justice and Light in america through this man, i don't think to make america great again like donal trump and many americans believe.. but to cleanse the horrific dirt and corruption of all these past years.. and this will not be done without a high cost.. It's only the beginning of this judgement but darkness will be put to light and earth will be purified of evil ! I pray that God will bless, protect and use this man to stand up to all of these elite devil worshippers and spread a spirit of repentance over america, otherwise its destruction will be certain and imminent. I hope americans people will not harden theirs hearts and recognize the moment of their divine visitation in this land, which is now!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lemon


      I'm sorry, that wasn't quite what I meant.  It wasn't that you were reading the bible wrong, but that Levidicus (for example) wasn't understanding God's will when he wrote that. 

      But then again, it's long been my opinion that the bible become just an instrument of the Church to gain power since before the middle ages. (On that note, I have not actually read the bible.  I have attended mass for 18 years though, and was told they cycle the readings through the entire bible every 3 years.) 

      To be honest, I'm more of a Deist.  Though I'm sure there's all sorts of strings and junk attached to that term that don't reflect my beliefs.

      I respect your view points, and even more so your willingness to share them.  That's why I replied, in an attempt to share mine and to discuss the differences.  I hope you didn't take my reply as an affront.

    3. Sylph777


      Not at all lemon :) i'm glad you replied, thanks. To be honest ( and i wanted to reply to that before ), you are more than right about the "church" thing... i'm  absolutely not in this stuff, i only believe in the Word of God and not man made cult or thinkings, i don't pretend to own the absolute truth ( on the contrary i feel myself as very little and i'm weak in many ways ) but i do believe that Jésus-Christ is the only truth and i believe that what is making the difference beetween people that badly understand the Bible ( and then so, use verses to condemn people, judge others to feel like they are better, make wars etc etc.. ) and those that understand it in a more spiritual way that would truly change their hearts and mind to the best is the Holy-Spirit, we don't need the views of the man made and religious "church" we need God's presence and His spirit above all the rest, only His spirit can lead us to truly understand the spiritual meanings... I personnaly came to Jésus by a personnal encounter ( that truly changed my life and my mind forever ), alone in my home, i did shout to the Lord and wasn't even sure of His existence, the min after He came to visit me and i felt Him, He became real and i could feel Him all around me, i even had a vision and this night i was born from heaven and i gave my life to Jésus.. and you know what ? the next day, i was someone else... my families and my friends couldn't even recognize me, i was a new creature like the Bible says ! i threw all my addictions and i was totally delivered of every bondages... i could feel the light and peace of the Lord upon me, God was living in me and i could start to express new feelings ( love, compassion, tenderness, patience toward certain stuff etc.. ) that i've never knew before. So you see, it's impossible for me to go back now because i didn't grew up as a "christian" or in a local church... i was living in a hopeless life full of darkness, despair and perversions and the day i called the Lord in a sincere state of heart, He came to rescue me and He saved me and forgave me. :) Peace my lemon, i love you <3

    4. Lemon


      That sounds like an amazing thing.  I've had no such revelation, so I don't think i can truly relate. 

      My view has always been 'mind your own business, and be nice'.  And really, I think that's what most of the world religions boil down to.  At a base level they are all about not being awful people.  And really differ only in the method of teaching, be it punishment or reward, and how they 'pretty it up' (how they celebrate their religion).


      Not sure why, but this all reminds me of a Navajo (iirc) saying that I heard once. "It took a universe to make you".

  24. What is the most important in life ? What is above everything, even death ? If i spoke like an angel, if i knew the future and even if my faith was very huge, it would mean nothing. If i had the knowledge of all the mysteries but without wishing to obey the reason of Love, i would be nothing.. for the most important thing is Love and when i have it in my heart i shine for the Lord. True Love flows from the Love of God because He loved us the first, even if we never deserve it. Love is not irritable, it is neither jealous nor wicked. But Love is charitable, full of goodness in every ways and forgives all the time. Love doesn't feel proud but is clothed in humility, modesty and decency. Love always tells the truth according to justice, no matter what it cost. Love is always translated into acts which express what is in the heart. Love doesn't envy what is contrary to holiness and purity, nor covet what belong to others. Love is not self-based and seeks the interests of others, rather than its own. Love doesn't do anything unseemly and is not embittered against others. Love can't meditate evil, but injustice saddens it and truth rejoices it. Love strips itself of its reputation and its interests to serve others. Love prays for its oppressors and bless those who curse it. Love doesn't fight evil with evil but overcomes evil with good. On every occasion Love trusts, forgives, perseveres, hopes and protects. Love is a light that shines in the darkness and a candle to enlighten the night. Love is filled with patience, mercy, benevolence and gentleness. Love is gallant, polite, courteous and well-meaning. Ultimately, the greatest act of love is to give one's life for others. Everything is doomed to disappear and fade with time, but Love will endure forever ! Love is deep ! Love is powerful ! Love is infinite ! Love is invincible ! Love is immortal ! Love is the ultimate virtue ! When i fully realize the immensity of Love, i feel very miserable, i need it so often to keep humble feelings and look forward to pursue it. Contrary to what many claim, Love is not for the care bears ( manner of speaking ), because to truly love someone demands a great strenght of abnegation and renunciation of oneself. To truly love others requires such consecration and a voluntary abandonment of individualism, that there is no place for the weak. That's why the true Love makes heroic, valiant and courageous ! At the end, Love must always be the source of our motivations to remain righteous and pure hearted. We must let it disciplines our minds in righteousness and integrity. True Love must be the Divine essence that resides in us when we seek it and refuse to submit to the darkness and ugliness of hatred, vengeance, resentment, bitterness, calumny, cravings, murders, anger, lies.. If mankind would respect this simple commandment : <<You will love your neighbor as yourself>> the world would go infinitely much better.. Happily, an era of love and happiness ( and i am not utopian to think it ) is coming, where The One who carries the scars of love in His body, will spread the perfume of peace and justice over the nations. May this era come very quickly... Which will not happen without the great Judgment, for there is no way that this will happen if the earth is not cleansed of the wicked and all those who destroy it.

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    2. StarFox2223


      Thank You ^^ Although... I'm kinda stuck... I'm trying to find a forum for community reputation.  

      btw. That pic would happen to from BOTW would it?

    3. Sylph777


      It is from BOTW yes, i found this princess zelda amazing :P

    4. StarFox2223



      I didn't play BOTW so i wouldn't know.

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