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Status Updates posted by Mimi

  1. I am tired of my life...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trigunman


      It's certainly better than the alternative, pushing up daises sweetheart.

      Yea, life can suck...  But it's only temporary, what you get out of it is usually equal to what you put into it.

      Most people seeking to end their life are looking at a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

      Change will come, but will you be ready to face it?

      I cannot help you other than my prayers, advice and wishes that you prosper in your mind, body, soul and financially Mimi.

      Be blessed hon.

    3. Kotta


      Ah yes, justo remembered the one thing I forgot to add In my first post:

      Remember that "Tomorrow Is another day".

      Stuff happens, but It's not always gonna be that way. That's why every day Is different, so It's better not to stick to the same negative emotions forever. (That Is, unless It's necessary >.<)

    4. Mimi


      I'm Better now... but sometimes i can't bear with all my problems... sometimes i just need someone to hear me... or just give me a little bit of support... Tysm @Emewn @Kotta @Trigunman

  2. Sometimes having a big heart sucks, because you expect everyone to care as much as you and they don't...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wayne Jones
    3. Trigunman


      Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all...

    4. serverus


      nunca hay q esperar mucho de los demas

  3. Sometimes i question my sanity...Occasionally it replies...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mimi
    3. Trigunman


      So noted, good to know. :onion-head65: 

      Ya'll both have a great day Mimi. :onion120:

    4. Mimi
  4. Humans are... foolish, but that is why they are strong...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. serverus
    3. Lobotomy


      Unfortunately, this statement contradicts widespread principles in evolutionary biology. Thus, DOUBT.

    4. Mimi


      @serverus Buena referencia de castlevania...

  5. The biggest lesson i learned this year is to not force anything; conversations, friendships, relationships, attention, love. Anything forced is just not worth fighting for, whatever flows flows, what crashes crashes. It is what it is...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EDEN


      I agree.. I forced a fart the other day and ended up prairie dogging and I regret it deeply.

    3. nnorton44


      @EDEN is this factual XD

    4. Trigunman


      @EDEN too much information, hilarious none the less, but yea, TMI...  :onion-head65:

  6. I'm at that stage in my life where i keep myself out of unnecessary arguments, so even if you tell me 1+1=5, you´re absolutely correct!, enjoy n.n

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trigunman


      “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” - Mark Twain

    3. Zabby


      1+1 is actually 11

    4. Kotta


      Bruh ¬_¬
      If only It were multiplications >,<

  7. Your next season is going to cause some people to wish they had treated you better...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mimi


      quien sabe xD, no creo que importe tampoco o si  :v? quien conoce la informacion tiene el poder(?), Sera este el fin de la Mimi buena(?), asdasdf (?), ( Espacio Reservado Para Publicidad ).

    3. steelfirehawk


      When I forgive my enemies they don't have to pay for the way they treat me, but I hope they will get better one day instead of preying on broken down tired souls.

    4. Rivaul
  8. It's ok if you fall down and lose your spark. Just make sure that when you get back up, you rise as the whole damn fire.

  9. Falling down is an accident.

    Staying down is a choice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RIPBenny


      falling on my dad was an accident

      staying on him was a choice

    3. Zabby


      What if someone pushes you and makes you fall down? Then it's deliberate

    4. McLaughlin86
  10. I want to live my life without stress or worries. I don't need to be famous. I just want to be happy...

    1. Virec


      @Mimi finding self happiness is sometimes the hardest thing to achieve.  It was for me at least,  I hope you find happiness :) 

      Let me know if you want to play some time :)

    2. Trigunman


      Sadly, stress and worries will always be there, it's a part of the human condition till the day we leave this world Mimi.  Pray not that you will have to endure them but ask for the strength to overcome and grow from them.  While we all seek happiness, it is a fleeting emotion, even though at times hard to find... I seek it where, in what and with whom I can.

      I pray you're having a good week Mimi, be blessed hon. B)

    3. Mimi
  11. Take time to be thankful for everything that you have. You can always have more, but you could also have less...

    1. Trigunman


      You never truly realize what you have until... It's gone.  The blessings we enjoy are unparalleled in all of history, thanks to modern technology and scientific advances.  It's only when you visit a 3rd world nation do you truly understand these things.

    2. Emewn
    3. Virec


      @Mimi  wonderful words of wisdom which most people today are blinded by its simplicity :(    Have a great day !!

  12. Making a big life change is pretty scary. But, know what's even scarier ?


    1. Zabby


      I think spiders are even scarier 

    2. Virec


      I know what you mean,  I just made one of these changes recently :)

    3. RIPBenny


      I'd like to be your big life change

  13. Mis cuentas en el foro fueron fusionadas ( la de Termisai ya no existe ) gracias @Soly y @R-78 por ayudarme en la transición.

    1. R-78
    2. serverus


      R-78 can u merge my 2 accs Larva and serverus XD ty

    3. R-78
  14. Feliz cumpleaños loquita hermosa ^^

    1. Usagi-chan


      Wow lo recordaste. Gracias loquilla

    2. Emewn


      Happy late Birthday @Usagi-chan

    3. Usagi-chan


      Thank you ☺️

  15. Even though there are days, I wish I could change some things that happen in the past, there is a reason the rear view mirror is so small and the windshield is so big, where you are headed is much more important that what you have left behind...

    1. steelfirehawk


      it's like beautiful poetry Mimi! I really like this

    2. RIPBenny


      I really like the artistic direction you took with the metaphor of windshield and rear view mirror alluding to the passage of time and looking towards the future instead of lamenting the past. Really well done!

    3. Mimi
  16. Yo ya no vivo...simplemente aguanto...

    1. serverus


      q aguantas?


    2. Mimi


      ando enfermita corazón

    3. serverus


      tomate algo mujer para de sufrir xd sone bien de comercial lol

  17. Y aun, entre tantas almas, es una locura que la tuya me siga pareciendo la más hermosa...

    1. Larva


      Letra de cacion?

    2. Mimi


      No, son cosas que pongo mientras espero a hacer quest ^^

    3. Mimi


      cuando quiero poner alguna letra ps mejor pongo la cancion aca x3

  18. ¿Cómo vas a sanar tus heridas si le sigues sonriendo al cuchillo?

    1. serverus


      siempre sonrie a la vida en malos momentos y buenos siempre se positiva animo soriele a la vida q ella te devolvera esa sonrisa

    2. Larva


      Pues wtf lol

    3. serverus


      anda sensible mimi we 

  19. Never apologize for how much love you have to give. Just feel sorry for those who didn't want any of it...

    1. nnorton44


      Some people look for love in the wrong places not knowing true genuine feeling is right in front of them

    2. Revelator


      L'amour. C'est beau mais fait souvent souffrir. La liberté c'est mieux. ( Libre et non pas libertin )

  20. Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway.

    Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard.

    1. Trigunman


      Wise people learn from others mistakes, normal people learn from their own mistakes and stupid people never learn...  Going through life being stupid is hard.  :onion108:

    2. Lemon


      Often times the only difference between something being genius or stupid is if it works or not.

  21. Stop focusing on what happened and start focusing on what's going to move you forward.

    1. Virec


      Good Advise :)  

    2. bobshlibidich


      Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. 

      -George Santayana

  22. Don't confuse my personality with my attitude....My personality is who i am, my attitude depends on who you are...

    1. Emewn
    2. steelfirehawk


      Oh well you were always super nice to me, and all the lowbies :D

  23. What others think of me is their choice, what i think of myself is my choice...

    1. Kotta


      And yours must matter to you above anything else.

    2. Gor3


      Disregard anything anyone says about you, only opinion that matters about yourself is yours :)

  24. Lo que puede hacer un simple mensaje en la mañana: alegrarte el día y saber que alguien esta pensando en ti...

    1. serverus


      yo siempr epienso en ti aveces me siento mal por q soy un sucio pervertdio luego me acuerdo q tu eres mas q yo y se me pasa XDDD


    2. Mimi


      En estos momentos si alguien me dijese " te quiero así como eres", yo dudaría de su estabilidad mental

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