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Gor3 last won the day on February 3 2022

Gor3 had the most liked content!


95 Contributing

About Gor3

  • Rank
    Arms Dealer
    Gi Gue
  • Birthday 07/25/1986

In-Game Information

  • Hunter's Name
    Gore, Gor3
  • Guildcard

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Texas, United States
  • Interests
    Good Vibes, FPS and Retro Games, Extreme sports, UFC

Contact Methods

  • Discord

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  1. Gor3

    Hide Chat Box

    Apparently all of em :V jkjk ❤️
  2. Welcome, You will definitely find friends here and have a good time
  3. it is a zal mechgun, but its name is demon mechgun, maybe whoever got it first named it like that lol
  4. Gor3

    Please close

    Thank you, and I just read the tradelist and it definitely doesn't make any sense lmao, thanks for the input. You're a wonderful person too
  5. Gor3

    Please close

    Trading an RT run for a monomate
  6. Zal Mechgun 15 DT's Wedding Dress 39/100 34/40 [4s] Open to offers, preff DT's
  7. Gor3

    B> X3 Naka Cards

    Purchased them already, please close
  8. buying 3 nakas, hmu if interested in selling
  9. AHOY!!

    Miss you Captn, hope you're doing alright !

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