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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2015 in all areas

  1. We no do that here D: gifting to your friends it's ok but selling for real money I think it's against the rules.
    3 points
  2. so was doing a pgf run when I owned a mily and went to the drop and it was virus opt shield, and was like WTF. Then went to pick it up to se if someone mess up the drops did not see a banner so was like hmm weird then switch weapons and was like wtf my DM is show as Gigobooma's Claw and red ring was blue merge lol and cent battle was a durga and have a sinow beat as a mag lol so yeah something is off before connect to the ship it was doing some download so think I download something that mess up the names of my stuff. so how to fix this lol do not want to run around with my DM showing as gigobooma alsoshowing my PR as Blade and RIV-5 as Kunai and Ultima Reaper as Sword and lol FS as Guldmilla pics of it "http://tinypic.com/r/9uc4cx/8"
    2 points
  3. Go to your PSOBB data folder, and locate 2 files unitxt_e.pat unitxt_j.prs Follow these steps Backup unitxt_j.prs Delete unitxt_j.prs Rename unitxt_e.pat to unitxt_j.prs Start the game until it patches, then start the game again and verify you have the correct names ??? Profit... i mean delete the backup of unitxt_j.prs (if you made any)
    2 points
  4. done. drop chart updated. www.phantasystaronline.net/droptable.php
    2 points
  5. If you stay moveless before they spawn they can't hit you, unless you are close to them, so just get your ranged demon weapon, stay moveless before they spawn and kill them.
    2 points
  6. Buenas tardes mi amado larva xD y mi madre ultima también mis hermanitos de pso. Quisiera SAber que tengo k hacer para tener mi nombre de color azul en el foro pues arthas no pega con naranja pues es algo gélido también dentro del juego. si ser esclavo,moderador o lo que sea solo díganme xD
    1 point
  7. hahah well.. what can i said i thought people will love the belras by now shame. ok i will have to kill my precious so much hate this dayyss .... damn it!
    1 point
  8. HOla mi viejo amigo. ! cabron de las mil vidas. XD me da gusto verte. dices que quieres regresar tu nombre a color Azul ? pero seguir con el titulo de veterano ?
    1 point
  9. Por qué no te gustan los colores de plátanos? ;o; Bueno, es el color de veterano.
    1 point
  10. As i have the power to change it lol At least till it doesn't get fixed, supposing it will get fixed, he can try to make the problem less problematic . _.
    1 point
  11. The main problem with Ultimate being tougher is that more weapons will be getting useless, alot are useless as it is right now, imagine boosting Ultimate for lets say +20%, now you would be making the list for useful items on Ultimate even shorter, which is short already, making Ultimate tougher right now will make it tougher for new players, but for old users, who already have a bunch of event items ultimate will still be the same, you have a full damage mitigator in SonicTeam Armour, you have Centurion Battle which boosts AS by 110 and most people play ranger for the flexibility it allows while some force just play support while they are getting to 200/good equipment, and hunter will still be struggling. I'm not saying that you don't deserve to ask for a tougher Ultimate, but you aren't giving any ideas here for it to become a possibility in the future, it is supposed to be job of the staff but take in consideration that, but if larva makes that kind of modifications to the game and alot of people start complaining, you are not the one to take the blame but larva, because he is calling the shots here not you, you are not even part of the staff, imagine you get on one day "imma join my friends who are still lvl 120-140 and do a couple of quests to gain some exp, see if i can get some good stuff" and then he makes room and notice enemies hit harder, evade hits even more often, have higher hp and higher dfp, you really think those new guys are just going to deal with the new buff and stick to vhard which would take hours to get a couple of levels and not to mention that vhard drops are really bad compared to Ultimate drops? you only seem to say make it tougher for us old players and stuff but you aren't helping anybody here, so instead of just suggesting things, why not think of a way to make your ideas a possibility, take in consideration that ideas around here should be accepted by most users and there are already users who have said that Ultimate is good as it is. I'll throw in some ideas from the top of my head considering your idea of making Ultimate tougher. 1.- Garbage items should get a buff, not in terms of ATP only, but in terms of usefulness, like giving Gae Bolg, Varista, and Meteor Smash different special attacks, on a simple teth server i modified most of the crappy items to the point that they can be useful, like Meteor Smash instead of having soul i changed it to seize, since it isn't a weapon that drops from rare monsters, it isn't very likely you will be getting one with 50 hit as fast as you would with a Diska of Braveman which does drops from rare monsters and Ultima tends to activate rare monsters mini events alot, and make the weapon itself useful at least for the meantime while you get a Spread Needle or something from Ultimate. tl:dr change the special attacks of certain garbage items and make them useful at least for the lower difficulties. 2.- Difficulty scaling, in vanilla pso, once you get around 150 you are strong enough to withstand almost anything (depending on the class also) you can go as a supporting player, or something like that, but in Ultima the EVP of the enemies and ATP scales insanely, which means that everything you do depends on your equipment mostly, if you are to play efficiently, and so when going to Ultimate users with end game equipment and spare items can just xfer their main equipment to new characters and just rush the 10 levels from 90-100 and ask a couple of friends to help them for faster rt runs and get to lvl 200 in a matter of days, while new players will have to get what most of us got through, play the game from scratch, but they are gonna have a tougher time getting to 200 than lets say me, because i joined Ultima when it was still in its vanilla state, 86millions for lvl 200, exp x3 from lvl 1-200, mobs were easier, and such (96 million the current max exp for 200 iirc), but now Ultima monsters have already recieved a boost of 30% on their stats (i don't remember if it was 30% exactly correct me if i'm wrong) and now recieving another boost of lets say 20%? now characters have just recieved boosts to their max stats, not to their growths overall, which means a current lvl 100 humar will have the same stats as a lvl 100 humar from a vanilla pso, and you don't see new users hunting materials that early in the game (well i don't know if there are currently players hunting mats and selling them) and pds, the coin of pso isn't as common as one would want it to be.
    1 point
  12. 2015-01-30 Drop chart updated DOWNLOAD or VIEW ONLINE VERSION view changes from previous drop chart to this one Notable changes:
    1 point
  13. That's kind of missing the point that they're one hit kills. not every class can stand completely still and use arrest needle to keep any approaching mobs from knocking them around. even a racast with sta on and 30 deband takes over 1800 damage from the buffed indi belras, and probably the only ones that can survive a hit from a not jellened belra are racast and hucast w/ hp mats. When only 2 maxed out classes can survive that's maybe a bit too strong...
    1 point
  14. This doesn't change the fact that super-powered Indi belras are still there for an item that is no longer dropping. Sorta like how the Meriltas are still Deku Babas.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. i think its not allowed to sell items in that way, but... good luck
    1 point
  17. That's not allowed sorry, you can only do trades in game... although i think i saw a topic about trading for stuff in other games... (Not money, but items in-game) Larva will have to check tho
    1 point
  18. the rate of the pgf is the same as its been every year. now for the items that are not dropping that is a error, and sorry but i will add them today and extent the event until mid of February, BUT removing the PGF from the drops on February 8 end of day and end of the PGF for the year. anything else?
    1 point
  19. I'll trade you Find me in game as tru.
    1 point
  20. a ship so i can play today lol
    1 point
  21. lots of good ideas in here. would really like to see that navi mag that stark mentioned. also some more xp grinding quests would be cool too instead of the usual.
    1 point
  22. Hello Ultima, I've recently realized what matters the most to me in life and that thing is freedom. Freedom is the ability to enjoy yourself without pressure or threat. It creates happiness. To love someone is to give them freedom from your conviction. Free from borders, and judgement. To be able to say "It's ok". Hackers do not know what freedom is. They hack because they have never felt freedom. They think that their freedom comes at the cost of another's. This is how they are capable of deriving pleasure from the act of destruction. Internally, they have not yet experienced peace. A certain environment shapes a certain creature. Their current state tells a story about where they're from, and what they've endured. They may not know it now, but those days are over. It's time for them to discover a new environment. One we have all created together. We call it... Ultima. So let me be the first Welcome to Ultima! During our last hackers time here I wrote this: I've changed my perspective... we all make topics! We all want to share pictures and videos that express us and what we relate to Tower is just in the early stages of developing self-esteem. Hackers I have observed all have an inferiority complex. Tower is quite obviously no exception. This seems to cause an agenda of basically fighting themselves into a position where they perceive themselves to be important. I don't understand how a person can be so hellbent to accomplish something so pointless. I guess it's very important to him that he shares his message. I don't mean to sound negative but we can't really stop him because he is communicating by the same means as the rest of us. I can sense many competitive and violent undertones in people on this server. Tower is just straight up and honest about it. In some weird way he is refreshing to me. I acknowledge him as a human being and an equal. It's simply the way he defines himself, it's very sad. To respond though, yes. GMs always clean it up fast. Tower Himself gave this post an up vote, and personally addressed me when I met him in a Ventrillo chat. He told me that people like me made him want to stop hacking the server. ~ Part 1, The Seed Okay, time to get down to business. It appears we are under attack again here on Ultima. When this happens I often see people complaining in the shout box about how it sucks. These are the people who I call victims. I suggest that you do not complain since it's not going to help you. What are some possible things that could be happening to each and every one of us right now? We could all be about to die. Most of us assume we aren't, but the truth is we don't really know. Drowning out all mental noise with the appreciation for life creates a feeling of freedom and dissolves worries and expectations. This is where it all begins. Part 2, The Thorns Now, i'm sure many of you are familiar with the word love. What does this word mean to you? Do you feel it radiating from your body? Do you know how to show it to everyone around you? Is it somehow inside of everything around you? If not, you are missing out. Since love is in everything, that means that all emotion is love. When we feel anger are we without love? No. Anger is caused because you have identified with something in existence that is not love. Anger is your secret power to solve the problem. You have been given a gift; the power to achieve the goal of restoring peace to your life. The desire for peace is the first ingredient to creating anger since it is contrast that makes anger what it is; it simply depends on the intensity of the threat. Part 3, The Flower The universe is an eternal and ever growing flower. There is no start and no end. The very furthest reaches of the universe is also the dead center. Every one of us have complete freedom in life to do whatever we want as long as we can stay alive. The requirements of life are simpler than many people realize. If you are warm and hydrated with a full stomach, your life is entirely yours. My goal in life is to survive not against others, but with them and to create and honour peace and balance around me. I have discovered the power of teamwork. One big team that is perfectly balanced and in sync has no flaw. It provides for itself, shares the achievement of its efforts evenly, and therefore maintains peace. To be selfish is still possible, but seeing as a team can always achieve more for a single person than that person ever could for themselves alone, once established it offers strength. Long live Ultima. ~ Cerv
    1 point
  23. Give a PD to anyone who reads this whole thing lol
    1 point
  24. This rate is the same as it's been quit complaining... And RT should only take no more than 25 minutes and if you're truly in such rush learn seabed. Indi Belras need to stay buffed anyway they are too easy normally if you're having troubles try using demons.
    0 points
  25. Really, STA has been 1/80? Oh for the love of Falz then yes, this rate is ridiculous..
    -1 points
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