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Everything posted by Larva

  1. yeah .. to fix it change server and join the ultima ship !
  2. Nice videos man! its cool to see someone explaining the classes and weapons to use with them!!! keep it going man!
  3. Larva

    Summer Event 2024

    Happy Summer everyone! Enjoy the event.
  4. Have you try to use the recovery account? https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/account-management/account-recovery/ this is for INGAME accounts .
  5. Larva

    Christmas Event 2023

    I hope everyone enjoyed the Event. will see PGF and the rest of the event items next year!! happy 2024 to everyone~!
  6. Larva

    Christmas Event 2023

    Thanks to @R-78 and @Soly for the event and all the work they been putting in the entire year!!! Merry Xmas everyone and happy New Year! Enjoy the new Item.
  7. Can you check if any other equipment in your loca network can access this URL ?
  8. Wow this is good memory here, I forgot that @Protoss Also asked about this too. nice one.
  9. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ULTIMA Hi Ultima It's been 15 years since we started this journey, 15 years since we stepped into Ragol to slay the first Rappy!. There are a lot of things that have happened in your life during the past fifteen years. For example, when I started here I had only one child, and now I have 3 more, moved to another country, changed jobs a couple of times, opened my own company and many more things. But the server has prevailed all these years, with the help of all the great staff that has been here for all this year. And of course Big shoutout to the OG crew who've been here since day one and a warm welcome to the newbies joining the ranks. You all are what makes this community awesome! Your passion, support, and pure gaming spirit have turned this place into the great community and PSO server that we are. I'm very grateful and thankful for been here and been part of this great community, for some users this just another online game, but for me Ultima it's just something that its part of my life, something that has been there since forever and that it will remain part of my life as long the server lives. There is one sure thing, I'm not as active as I once was, but the passion and the willingness of keeping the server alive it's something that hasn't ever gone away. Thanks Everyone!! Let's continue this journey together, crafting new legends and memories that will endure for years to come. I want to give a special thanks to @R-78 for all these years that she has stepped out for us, she has done a lot of work here, and put a lot of time into the server. She deserves a big thanks and recognition for all that she has done on her own. For another 15 years!!! Have Fun 15th Anniversary Event Combine Frozen Booster with Panzer Faust +9 to make Frozen Faust Combine Arrest Booster with Panzer Faust +9 to make Arrest Faust Both weapons can hit up to 8 targets just like Iron Faust. They hit the main target twice. Hucast cannot equip those weapons. (There is a hidden 202 ATA requirement) SonicTeam Armor 500 DEF 500 EVP 80 All resistances All classes Required level: 200 Asteron Striker Handgun 300 - 380 ATP 60 ATA Autolock Hell Special Ultima's engine Use on a mag Level 50+ to obtain Ultima Mag. D-Photon Core Use on a Kama Level 100+ to obtain Gael Giel. Mr. Naka's Business Card Exchange 3 of them for an S-rank Weapon with the special of your choice. Ask a GM once event is over. Add a Christmas Present to get a custom name on it. Sonic Magazine Wand 5 ATP 25 ATA Hand of Justice Handgun 400 - 400 ATP 65 ATA 25 Grind Demon Special Tyrfing Twin Sword 700 - 740 ATP 80 ATA 13 Grind Geist Special Sword of Ultima Combine it with Psycho Black Crystal to obtain Ten Years Blade Ultima Bringer's Good Luck
  10. Just enjoy the server , the game , make friends!. Thanks for asking tho💪🏽
  11. we all work really hard in getting this update done. I'm not taking out the credit of anyone. Thanks to everyone who was involved, @R-78 did put a lot of hours and effort in to get this files ready and tested. @Soly did sources changes lot of hours there too. thanks guys , i just did a fresh new install for the system 🤟 two nights ago lol which I had to take down the server for some hours.. my bad on that one lol thanks everyone it's great to work with the team!🤟
  12. how quickly you change attitude, couldn't tell is the same person posting in perish topic .
  13. Hello everyone ! how are you? having fun? or just bored ? Ultima its what all the members together brings to the community. And we have all kind of members here, those who love to be here, to share and enjoy the server and what we have to offer, and those who like to just been around for nostalgia, and those who like to be around for... i dont know .. maybe it's just part of our life. It's true that we don't have the amount of active players as we did once, I have my thought on that of why that happened but will keep them for myself since I see things from another perspective. Anyway , my two cents .. I always share ultima links and advertise in the forums that im active, maybe you guys shall do the same in the places that you guys hang around. I'm not a social media person , I don' even have tiktok lol. anyway thanks for been around, we are few but still present. !!!
  14. Someone revived a super old topic using onions! not bad LOL
  15. Welcome, great art man! I really like the details in the eyes!
  16. WoW man , indeed it's been a LOOONG time my friend. but it's great to see you at least to say HI to the old friends!
  17. It's a long time since I messed around with the effects in general, IRCC I belive it's possible to do but not 100% sure tbh. will need to play around with the files in my local server whenever i get a chance...
  18. Why I'm not surprised this topic turned in to something else... like always... people trying to convince others that they idea is better and this idea will change the world.. This is one of the great flaws of the community, always fighting and each other and trying to outsmart the other person. this was a simple poll topic. And the only thing that will be looking in to it's the actual poll result. posting will be lock. Your welcome to still vote.
  19. HI everyone, It's been some time since we have made some changes to the drop rates and HH in the server. The staff and other member suggested a change and we want to present the idea to everyone, but we also want your vote in this. It is known that many players enter the game mainly during Happy Hours, due the fact that the drops are easier during these 3 hours. So the change will involve a balance to encourage the players to log in more frequently without being waiting for HH to occur. Increase permanent drops to x1.2 and, change HH running time to 2hours with a boost in drop during this 2 hours to X2.

    But my best way to help the server at this moment is to spread the word, help new users and bring new user. And to show the users how Ultima can be more than just a game, but a place were people meet and get to start friendships, as has been like this for many years and for many users. 


    :onion-head72:   im inspired.

    1. Usagi-chan


      Te inspiraste Larvita 🤭

  21. Larva

    Christmas Event 2022

    Ohhh my bad i read the wrong file, thanks for the clarification. Now im even more exited to see how many PGF drops this year. LETS GO ULTIMA!!!!! ALL IN !!!
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