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Ragol99 last won the day on November 11 2017

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About Ragol99

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    Take a wild guess...
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    ...PSOBB, history, Kung Fu, studying religious beliefs, working out/fitness, logistics, antiquing......to much already

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  1. TypeSS/Swords [0/0/0/0|0] How many Dts do you want for this?
  2. B>TypeSS/Swords blank or with some hit(no special prefered) PM me price+stats thanks!

  3. I'll take one cent/battle this weekend I should be able to come on for it if you can hold it thanks!
  4. Ragol99


    Sues coat should be around 10 pds-ish for non max one some people sell for a few dts. Good luck to you!
  5. Welcome hope you continue to enjoy your stay! Getting to level 200 is much easier then vanilla pso would be. 5x experience is turned on during events and other times as well as boosted everything to begin with. That being said many players here have been off and on for years. You can get a character to 100 in just several hours via Towards the future.
  6. Stellar shards aren't worth the same as Sue's coat. Stellar shards should be worth more as in DTs. Sue's Coat should be in pds or very low dts but really just pds and cheap...Don't overpay
  7. As the title says I am trading ( within reason item(s)) off the list directly below for a 95 or 100 hit shot type common weapon. These are NOT for sale! This is my list of potential items I have to offer in trade for a 95 or 100 hit shot type common weapon NOT all but within reason....for the trade * I might consider trading some of the Hunter gear listed here for 85+hit ranger gear * Sil Dragon Slayer [0/0/0/40|50] Holy Ray +40 [30/0/0/0|40] Laconium Axe +25 [0/0/0/80|80] Zanba +38 [35/0/0/0|25] Zanba +38 [0/20/0/20|15] Wedding Dress [DEF: 100/EVP: 40] [Slots: 4] Sonicteam Armor [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] [Slots: 4] Dark Meteor +25 [0/100/0/100|80] Dark Meteor +25 [100/0/100/0|80] Yasminkov 9000M +10 [0/0/0/0|80] [Demon's] TypeSH/Shot +60 [0/0/0/5|80] [Hell] S-RANK Shot ZALURE +125 [Zalure] Frozen Shooter +9 [30/0/0/0|50] Arrest Needle +60 [100/0/0/100|80] Ultima Reaper +15 [100/0/0/100|80] M&A60 Vise +9 [0/0/0/0|60] Suppressed Gun +9 [0/50/0/0|80] [Blizzard] Psycho Raven +80 [100/100/0/0|80] Psycho Raven +80 [0/0/100/100|80] Dark Flow [0/100/0/100|80] Dark Flow [100/0/100/0|80] Asteron Striker [0/0/30/40|80] Burning Visit +18 [100/100/0/0|80] Bringer's Rifle [0/0/0/0|50] Guld Milla +9 [0/0/0/100|80] Dual Bird +50 [0/0/0/25|55] Yasminkov 7000V +25 [0/0/30/0|80] [Hell] Yasminkov 9000M +10 [100/0/100/0|80] [Charge] S-RANK Rifle ZALURE +220 [Zalure] S-RANK Needle BLIZZARD +70 [Blizzard] S-RANK Needle SAVAGE +70 [Demon's] Rage de Glace +9 [0/40/0/0|45] Great Fairy Sword +99 [0/0/0/60|80] Snow Queen +18 [0/0/0/0|80] S-RANK Needle ZALURE +70 [Zalure] S-RANK Scythe +180 [Hell] Sonicteam Armor [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] [Slots: 4] Red Ring [DEF: 85/EVP: 25] Centurion/Battle Centurion/Battle Centurion/Battle Centurion/Battle Ylvis Costume Frank the bunny Costume Guardian angel costume Stealth suit Crimson Sword +55 [0/0/30/35|40] Last Swan [0/0/0/50|80] Chain Sawd +15 [0/0/35/0|45] Suppressed Gun +9 [0/0/0/75|80] [Charge] TypeME/Mechgun +30 [0/0/0/0|80] [Demon's] Slicer of Vengeance [60/0/0/0|80] Morolian Blaster [0/0/0/40|60] God Hand [0/0/0/0|55] Arrest Needle [40/0/0/0|50] Suppressed Gun +9 [0/0/0/0|80] [Demon's] S-RANK Gun ZALURE +200 [Zalure] S-RANK Scythe ZALURE +180 [Zalure] Sange & Yasha [0/30/50/0|50] Jizai [40/0/0/0|40] Iron Faust +18 [0/100/0/100|80] Iron Faust +18 [100/0/100/0|80] Baranz Launcher +30 [0/0/0/0|50] Yasminkov 9000M +10 [0/0/0/0|80] [Gush] NUG2000-Bazooka +32 [0/90/0/90|80] [Charge] Heaven Striker +20 [0/100/0/100|80] TypeSH/Shot +60 [0/0/0/0|81] [Demon's] D-Photon Core Sacred Bow [0/0/0/45|80] Fire Rod [0/0/35/0|25] Master Sword +70 [0/0/90/80|80] Prophets of Motav [0/0/0/40|0] Blood Sword +9 [0/0/60/0|80] Banana Cannon +50 [0/100/0/0|80] Glide Divine [0/40/0/0|0] Sacred Bow [0/0/0/40|50] Glide Divine v.00 [45/0/0/35|0] Rico's Parasol [0/0/0/0|30] TypeME/Mechgun [0/0/0/0|0] Banana Cannon +50 [35/0/0/25|30] Lindcray [0/0/90/100|80] Psycho Wand [0/30/0/0|0] Sorcerer's Cane [0/0/0/0|0] Samba's Fiesta [0/0/0/0|80] Glide Divine [0/0/35/0|0] Crush Cannon +25 [0/0/0/0|60] TypeME/Mechgun +30 [5/0/0/100|80] [Charge] Inferno Girasole +20 [40/0/0/0|70] Yunchang +25 [0/0/0/0|70] Tsumikiri J-Sword +50 [0/45/0/50|70] Hand of Justice +25 [25/0/0/0|80] Lindcray [35/0/0/0|60] Sword of Ultima +50 [0/0/40/40|80] [Charge] 100 pds 30+DTs
  8. Welcome hope you enjoy your stay! Feel free to ask any questions here in forums. Most people are friendly and willing to help out.
  9. Trading a max stats DM or a STA or maxed stats DF for a 100 or 95 hit shot type common weapon.

    B>maxed stats spirit garment or brightness circle PM me prices thank you!

  10. As you already mentioned you don't even need them. Just equip a hylian and you'll boost them all to 30. Among other options for it as well anyhow. Plus not as IF you need them the damage variance for most is meh. I used to see some sell here for around 30 pds if you really WANT them.
  11. Not only that but they can drop just EXTREMELY rare. I've seen only a few level 30 attack techniques in my entire time here.
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