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Status Updates posted by Starlord

  1. Happy birthday you Ultima team member.

  2. Hating others until I die because love is overrated. 🐍🐍

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JanenbaDMS
    3. Starlord


      @JanenbaDMS lmao good song. I’m guessing that was the follow up to hey there delilah XD poor guy

    4. bobshlibidich
  3. Holy hell this pgf hunt is brutal AF. *urges to bitch intensified* but it only comes once a year so the hunt continues. Olga refuses to give that pgf, gotta slip a pill in his drink XD

    1. Jeffk1023


      Is that you Pill Cosby? xDD

  4. How much is STA now? I probably will need one but not sure how many limbs I have to give up to obtain one. I have dts and some OP weapons I never got around to use, I just bought them because I was bored. Helps me here :"L

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rayblasterx


      @MadOrNah is lying to get your hopes up. I sold it for 450 dts and maxed saber :"L

    3. TripleR


       I hear @mudkipzjm will give up an STA for one limb if it's the right one

    4. Auli'i


      @TripleR I hear that only @KarmaTheFoney possesses that limb, and I bet Mud would pay a lot more than just his STA for it

  5. I love this place. Ultima you are my home for entertainment :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Starlord


      Your destiny was always here @JanenbaDMS. Your path you chose is not destiny. Jk. Hope you’re having the time of your life there. 

    3. JanenbaDMS


      Tbh  I've mostly been playing ff8 and minecraft with folk from work lately.  I can only ever play PSO for a few months at a time.  Props to you guys that can manage it every day ❤️

    4. Starlord


      I wouldn’t call it everyday. But I try my best. Wish I could everyday so I can get burnt out. Minecraft is for noobs :)

  6. I swear some people on this forum just love to try to start shit. Come on kids high school is over XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TripleR


      *rings bell* Sorry starclown but class is back in session


      That's the story of how I took lil starlord to school

    3. Starlord


      @TripleR I wish this classroom was a bit more fun.

    4. MadOrNah


      I like drama tho. I'm gonna start a drama topic soon 





  7. I want my profile pic to be like soilahs. But I refuse to be basic with the snapfilter :(

    1. MadOrNah


      Your face is unfit for the public to see anyway.

    2. SelahIsASpot


      accept the basic bitch into your heart.

  8. I want to wish my best friend in the world @Karinaka breezyboo a very happy special birthday. You legal now my boy. Enjoy :D

  9. I will have 5 noob hps by the end of this event.

  10. I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know that I'm not blonde.- Dolly Parton

  11. Is it only me that thinks HH is a lie. Rates x3 is a little unbelievable. Should be easier to find. Yet I find more stuff during no HH. #LIEGOTRUMPORHILLARY:"L

    1. Misombre


      Luck being luck, you can't expect that it will work according to the logic

  12. Is there always reasonable doubt for anything? ponder on the pondering.

    1. Misombre


      There is none. Doubt is nothing but hindrance. Just do it, and think later. That's how you make things happen... hem, either in a bad way or in a good one. Na seriously doubt is just the proof that we think too much. It leads to horrible things such as being self-conscious, lying, hating, forgetting to breath, being crushed by a car and so on...

  13. It’s been so long. That I  haven’t seen your face. I’m trynna be strong, but the strength I got is washing away..

    1. McLaughlin86


      It's ok, you can see my face now. Everything will be ok (:

  14. Let’s make this more interesting since you whining pacifier suckers like to whine and cheese too much. I got a deal for you. Sub 18 time RT, no pb with video proof also you have to do it ( Han Solo). Video proof submitted to me or on sylphs record thread will earn you a MOTHAFOOKING PGF. Let me know if y’all up for the challenge. 

    1. Lipelis


      Id totally watch that video! and eww im barely doin some sub25 RT atm :v

  15. Love yourself, whatever makes you different, and use it to make you stand out. Mine is my voice and the fact that I'm gay: well, the fact that I'm flamboyantly gay. Ross Mathews

  16. Make Cannon rouge combo unlocked so people stop complaining about DM. Make Nug2000bazooka great again :(

    1. MadOrNah





    2. Sylph777


      considering the point that we've reached on this server yet anyway, it wouldn't change much to unlock CR or even SQ lol....

  17. PB, if you still got it I’ll take it.

  18. PC> New Years card (price police needed) who sells them? Hunting them by switching Id or dual logging is such a drag.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Starlord


      Probab Not. I only got 2 of them. Not gonna waste my time with them. I rather hunt RMS or girasoles until HH. To prove people wrong about pgf rate.

    3. TripleR


      Yellowboze RT runs will get you a new years card damn near everytime, I think I have 15 or so already and am rarely running yellowboze. I believe skyly dorphan eclair also drops them fairly easily

    4. Fyrewolf5


      At the moment they are basically worthless. Drop is more than 50% off eclair, so it's even easier than any heavenly/units. They don't have any use yet either. around 2-5 for 1 pd right now; may change sometime in the future, but for now they are piss easy and useless.

  19. Quiero tacobell :”L

    1. jezbuz


      By far, my favorite one of all the spam.

    2. Yannv
  20. S> 0/185/15/0 (hucast Max stat mag) SATO (black) 20dts or 160pds, MID WD 99pds. Pm me if interested 

  21. S> 650pds 8:1 pm me if interested 

  22. S> arms 0/50/0/50/50 pm me offers ;)

    1. LunaX


      You still got that arms?

      Your inbox is full btw :)

  23. S> centurión arms 20pds, cent battle 198pds, soul booster 70pds, psycho black crystal 70pds, hylian shield 70pds. Pm me if you’re interested

  24. S> chromatic orbs, ultima reaper hitless 15pds pm me :o

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