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Steven Romam

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42 Excellent

About Steven Romam

  • Rank
    Gi Gue
    Gi Gue
  • Birthday 12/13/1993

In-Game Information

  • Hunter's Name
    caco88 ramar lvl200,keven lvl 150 fonewn,darlenne racaseal lvl182,james bon humar lvl155,cacotas lvl 57 racast,steven4 lvl 163 ramar,danisha lvl 200 ramari,redx lvl 68 hucast,roberto lvl 150 ramar,putazo lvl 1 hucast, el mecanic lvl 10 racast,jessica28 lvl 32 hucaseal, reddemond lvl 1 foneweari,polako3 lvl 1 hucast,sarimar lvl 1 hucaseal,yarritza lvl 14 huneweari,painizzle lvl 161 racast,pain12 lvl 67 ramar,real ngga lvl 160 hucast,zangar lvl 162 humar,pain12 lvl 200 ramar,kikio lvl 157 hucaseal,dark styl lvl 179 fonewm,777 lvl 63 ramari
  • Guildcard
    team MU LOL

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  • Gender
  • Location
    puerto rico
  • Interests

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  1. i have the hylan shield for selling
  2. i have 2 acounts i cant join the first username acount is dominicang the second acount username is brooklynkid please help me i cant join on this acounts
  3. i have dm 0 50 0 50 50 and zalure nedled
  4. dark falz guild card is 42003861
  5. and i not have pics i have this for trades i trade df shield for spiward for dark falz
  6. sorry kajex i only lost spiward
  7. mass know you're my brother saves anything you need I am here for you. I love you bro. you're my bro.
  8. el ship donde estamos es un ship igual que fun ship la cosa es que te lleva 2 meses atras los items que tienes ahora son items que tenias 2 meses atras lol cuando larva ponga el ship i el otro server tendras tus cosas denuevo no as perdido nada. entendieron lollllllllll
  9. mass sabes que eres mi hermano cualquier cosa que necesites saves que estoy aquí para ti. te quiero bro. tu eres mi bro.
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