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Ultima Veteran
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Status Updates posted by Sylph777



      Very touching. =] it's so agitating the way some people treat others even though they are close to one another but don't realize it.

    2. Sylph777


      indeed... and the tongue also... we underestimate the power of the language/words, the tongue which is a small member can hurt so much... this so small tongue is bragging of so great things... no man can tame it, it is an evil that can't be suppressed, it is full of deadly poison and like a burning fire that defiles our whole bodies.... by the same tongue we bless and curse the man that was made in the image of God



      You know,... I love your wisdom of words =]

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. serverus


      why lol mio i dont get it lol

    3. Sylph777


      because of you comments i find them funny so i posted this lol

    4. serverus
  1.  When you dream of someone that is a close friend to you and that you estimate much but in a very... emotionnal and sentimental way... in other words in a really concerned and loving way.. and when you feel really lost after waking up, what does it mean >< ? Does it mean that you have hidden feelings for this person more than friendship ? I hate this kind of dreams... they confuse me and put me in sadness and loneliness for the whole day QQ

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sylph777


      21 minutes ago, Nana7 said:

      Talk with the person you dreamt of about it.

      Solving this together strengthens your understanding of each other and maybe also strengthen the friendship.

      Sadly i'm in trouble with this person atm... thx for reply but it's difficult :/

    3. JADE


      It could just be the unresolved emotions of being "in trouble" with them. A lot of times when I am in that situation, I will dream of the person or the situation. The unresolved feelings could be a result of needing to resolve this other issue.

    4. Sylph777


      Oh... i didn't think about that but indeed that could be another reason and i do really hope that i will reconcile with this person that i love very much... thx Jade.

  2. @mudkipzjm @ultrajerky @yanvbraz @rashan0121 @Starlord should be veteran already, plz show some luv.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Yannv


      I was semi-dead when I stumbled accross this post.

      Kudos to Sylph. This dude said some quality stuff :cr-floating:

      It is too bad that Veteran Title isn't as meaningful as it was ages ago. Everyone will become Veteran sooner or later :'L

    3. Misombre


      Something happened. And I was not there, then suddenly... but who cares anyway .____."

    4. ultrajerky
  3. @mudkipzjm do you play pso2 ?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Nana7


      sadly - now, as far as I understood, the matterboard is gone forever... and there will only be the Omnibus Quests left.

      If you actually did all of the matterboard, I would love, if you could tell me somehting about "LOTTIE". She sometimes randomly shows up in E-trials, calling the player "senpai", but in the omnibusquests and the part of matterboard that I was able to clear back then, I didnt see her. Could you tell me why Lottie knows the player ?

    3. Sylph777


      Yeah nana... matterboards are definitely gone and that's one of the dumbest sega's mistake ever for pso2... an incomprehensible decision to me... especially since they also removed the 26 story quests ( there were 11 in episode 1, 7 in episode 2 and 8 in episode 3, each of them had 2 to 3 different routes with different choices and cutscenes... ), which was often good quests, well built and decently scripted... omnibus system is very mediocre in term of depth, interest and lifespan.. but that's SEGA anyway :wacko:

      Unfortunately, i don't think i can help you... simply because i've played almost the entirety of the story in japanese... and therefore, i've skipped most stuff in the matterboards and only watched the most important cutscenes in story quests... iirc she just get introduced normally to the player ( like tea and patty for example ) but she's very secondary yeah, i'm really not sure, nor i remember much about her... if they haven't removed the cutscenes viewer in "my room" terminal, i would rewatch them again and tell you more....

    4. Nana7


      Thank you. Somehow, nobody I know or play with, remembers her well - so it seems she didnt play any important roles.

      I might find something on youtube about her. But it will take a few months until I know enough kanji to understand the Text good enough.

      Anyway, thanks for your answer - maybe we will meet in PSO2 someday.

  4. For those who appreciate the serie of castlevania, i highly recommand this excellent fangame : http://the-mig-page.wifeo.com/castlevania-the-lecarde-chronicles-2013.php

  5. 22 years old ? why u lie son ? Btw, if it's really your birthday today ( theorically you'll be 19 then ), i wish you a good time ;)

    1. Saber +7

      Saber +7

      It's my 19th haha I just put it as that to make me 18 like three years ago I guess idr but thank you <3


  6. Among all the technological tools made available to man, the Internet remains the most revealing of the identity of people and of human malice and corruption.. It does demonstrates the state of the hearts by all the poison and the hatred that one can find there... between calumnies, lies, hatred, racism, harassement, jealousy, mockery, rancor, personal attacks and reckoning, the list is very long.. Yeah, since it's forbiden to kill someone physically, let's murder verbally and psychologically by the wickedness of my heart because of course it's the easy way out.. Someone made a video stating his opinion but i don't like it at all, let's make a video in response to attack him personnaly.. Someone posted a comment that displeases me, let's insult him, despise him and show how dominant i am.. I see someone speaking on a topic, but my pride feel the need to be shown, so let's waste my time and argue for hours and hours to prove my point to be the absolute truth because i have more knowledges and my opinion is more valuable ofc.. It seems that facebook had become a good place to post pictures of me bar-chested or in bikini/panties, all my friends do it after all so why not me ? Let's not forget to take tons of selfies of myself because i am thaaaaat important.. I'm not even speaking of the ridiculous accessibility of the most infamous pornography that degrades men and women from their youngest ages and the sites that promote fornication, adultery and all sorts of sexual vices.. Let's also not forget the learning of witchcraft, worshiping of demons  and occultism ( through video games, many animés/manga for example ), dirty and demonic musics glorifying violence, sex, drugs and satanism exhibited through the mainstream.. The greed by the idolatry of money, material, glory and vain success... Where is this abundance of dirt and perversion going to lead us ? In my opinion to destruction, to darkness, death and ultimately hell.. While i don't deny that it can has good aspects if you know what you're doing, internet has still become the new universal sanctuary of moral misery and human decadence. Starting my myself, i would advice to be careful to your use of this tool because what your ears hear and what your eyes see can generate actions that will cause your loss.. The deeds that you manifest on the internet can also demonstrate who you are in the real life ( not in all cases but most cases ). Can a wicked heart that is trained to despise, curse and meddle others on the web be good, caring and loving in real life ? Can someone who masturbates 5 times a day on the most vile pornographic movies be faithful and purehearted in his daily real life ? To me, internet has really has become one of the greatest instruments of the devil to divide people, corrupt morals and destroy others lives.. It is easy to recognize that the negative influence and the hold i has on man is of demonic origin. Knowing that i would also add that the Lord Jesus declared : What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them because what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and that is what defiles man. For from the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, calumnies. The good man derives good things from the good treasure of his heart, and the wicked draws bad things from his evil treasure; for it is from the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. Therefore keep your heart more than anything else, for from it come the sources of life. To meditate ( and i does include myself in this )

  7. are you still looking for an HS gorilla ?

    1. Starlord


      I’ll have to see what I have. Which one you got??

    2. Sylph777


      i'd sell you a 35/0/0/35/35 for 20 dts, up to you brah

    3. Starlord


      Gotta get the dts my man. Still working on rebuilding. I should have known, never give majority of your stuff away. We always come back to pso lol

  8. B > good FO ( with good teamwork ) for 2P TA games, pm me if want to try :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HHawk4


      I would but im garbage at TA, and a bad fo. i can always mess with you tho c;

    3. Sentor


      i can focast if u want, i'm good i can have zalure/jalen s rank j cutter for sup and ft for freeze

      i've s red blade

    4. Sylph777


      it won't work sentor :P but thx for proposal


  9. B > tension/morolian blaster hit, girasole/inferno girasole with machine/dark and hit, fury of the beast native/dark and hit, chromatic orb, thx.

  10. Bon anniversaire queen S-773, profite bien pour tes 22 ans ^_^

  11. Bonjour demoiselle :wub: Je pensais a toi dernièrement et tu me manquais.. Comment vas-tu ? J’espère que tout se passe bien pour toi et tes projets ? Que Dieu te protège et te guide dans ta vie, tu es dans mon cœur et dans mes pensées, prend soin de toi <3 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Sylph777


      J'ai vraiment cru que c'était toi :P à s'y méprendre hahaha ( cela dit, je me demandais quand même ce que tu pouvait bien faire sur ce serveur... ).

    3. R-78


      Bah il y en a quelques uns qui ont essayé de me faire venir, si bien que j'ai hésité à le faire. Il y a pas mal de choses intéressantes dessus, qui rendent le gameplay différent.

    4. Sylph777


      Oui... bon aprés, je me suis renseigné un peu dessus, et il y aura

      il y aurait beaucoup a dire sur les GM's ( je les connait tous ou presque ) et leurs "méthodes" ..

  12. Coucou,  j’espère que tu va bien ?

    Tiens, je viens de regarder la conférence xbox, et je voulais partager ça avec toi, car je pense que ça peut potentiellement t’intéresser ( en tout cas, moi ça m'a grave hypé )

    C'est plutôt chouette graphiquement, à voir pour le gameplay, mais ça semble très sympa également.

    Selon Sega, c'est une sorte de refonte de PSO 2 en monde ouvert, et nettement améliorés sur tous les points ( y compris la customisation général, qui était déjà complétement démente dans PSO2 ).


    1. R-78


      Je n'ai jamais vraiment regardé de vidéos de PSO2 donc je ne sais pas ce qui a été amélioré en voyant celle ci. C'est vrai que les graphismes sont pas mal mais je n'accroche pas trop à ce style de combat malheureusement ... Tu comptes jouer à cette refonte ?

    2. Sylph777


      Hum oui, à première vue, ça semble largement au dessus de PSO2 sur tous les aspect ( et surtout, un gros monde ouvert, ça va changer la dynamique du jeu et le gameplay en profondeur ).

      Après, c'est vrai que PSO2 est nettement plus "casualisés" ( et peut même paraitre brouillons aux premiers abords)  dans le système de combat que le premier PSO, je suppose que c'est ce qui te rebute ( et je comprend, PSO2 m'a fait cette effet au début ) ?

      Sinon, oui je vais clairement y jouer, j'aime beaucoup la direction artistique, et les jeux en monde ouvert ;)

  13. euh bonjour.... ça va sacha? ça fait bien longtemps que j'ai plus de tes nouvelles, et tu semble même m'éviter et m'avoir enlevé de tes amis... il y a une raison particulière ( parce que là, tes réactions dernièrement m’inquiète vraiment et ça te ressemble absolument pas... ) ?

    1. Sylph777


      Bon... et bien, si tu es capable de me tourner le dos aussi facilement et sans raisons, j'imagine que nous n'avons jamais été amis après tout... après je suis aussi un peu habitué, et c'est pour ça que je ne fait plus confiance aux hommes depuis bien longtemps... mais enfin, si tu estime que ce que tu fait et que ton attitude est juste et droite, alors je te souhaite une bonne continuation et que tu trouve la paix..

  14. Excuse me but i'm curious sir, why do you have a profile picture of marion maréchal le pen lol?

    1. McLaughlin86


      While I don't support all of her views, she is very good at constructing her arguments and tackles specific issues rather well. It's also refreshing to see some young faces involved in factions of government. Although I'm not sure she would have been as involved if her aunt wasn't.

      To answer your question, I have this profile photo because I endorse anyone who possesses proper skills of debating in such times.

    2. Sylph777


      Oh, so you does understand french language pretty well then ? or, are you using translation ? Indeed she have good debating skills and targetting/focusing on some real problems as well. I was simply curious because i'm native french and it's not common to see someone from another country involved into french politics haha ( especially considering that marine and marion are both eloquent characters who make controversy ), i just thought you had chosen a picture of her because you find her pretty. Peace man :)

    3. McLaughlin86


      Unfortunately, I don't know the language at all. Thankfully, there's translators out there. I suppose it is something you don't see from people every day lol. I try to keep my eye on politics, mainly geopolitical things. Though that's also true, she's gorgeous. Take care. You seem nice.

  15. France is dead on May 7, 2017 ? Hmmm this country has gone out for a long time unfortunately .. it will just sink even more into the darkness and i feel a moral downfall, a civil war and a clear increase of terrorist claims very soon... realizing how much french people make catastrophic choices in politics and everything that concern the future of this country.. above all, i can clearly see the nasty background.. ( and it goes for most of the powerful and influential countries imo ). The strong indoctrination and media blindness by the demonization of all that is not masonic and elitist and which does not contribute to put forward the plans of the oligarchy.. the biases are obvious and it is not insignificant to ask whether all the elections are not oriented and rigged in advance... not to mention the lack of discernment and the stupidity of the "average french" who because of the "politically correct", the fear of "what will we say?" and general "well-being" "well-thinking", are unable to take a stand for what is right and actually suffers, this conditioning by the media, by society, by the gaze of others on oneself, etc.. Most people nowadays live in all these fears that paralyze their objectivities, their freedom of thought, their wisdoms and their intelligences.. we will need to free ourselves from all this mental superficiality and this brainwashing, to begin to see things change in a good way..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sylph777


      Thx to you all muddies on utima ;)

    3. Champione


      damn thank god for trump lol jkjk

    4. Sylph777


      4 hours ago, Champione said:

      damn thank god for trump lol jkjk

      Well idk for trump, he could just be fake... nobody knows after all.. but he's still better than hillary for sure.

  16. For many years, i wanted to take advantage of everything the world offered me... Then, i tasted pleasures, but without satisfaction, i had so many illusions. But i really did find what i wanted, only in The One who brought me everything. This world has given me nothing, it can take nothing away from me. Why want to cling to all these vanities ? Many people spend their time building the present here, as if they were going to live eternally on earth.. But all my life, i want to spend it for My Maker who gave me everything. You spend your time running after money and material, after women ( or men ), the glory and gratitude of people, you waste your time in vanity and distraction but are you even aware that you will bring nothing with you after your death ? Vanities of the vanities ! Why waste your time accumulating treasures knowing that everything can burn in the blink of an eye ? Why run after pleasures and seek glory here below ? Do you think you will keep your reputation in the other side ? What memories will be kept of you in the darkness outside ? There will be no glory in the future century for all those who have built their lives without the right foundations ( which is a life based on obedience to God and His prescriptions ). Where is rest for the sinners ? The rebels will be a subject of horror and contempt for the saints in Eternity.. Makes no mistakes, your deeds will follow you forever and you will be punished or rewarded according to it. You have no power and no influence over the hour of your death. There is no man that have power over the spirit to retain the spirit. You can say to your soul: << I have many years of joy before me, i will rest, eat, drink and rejoice >> but the Lord says: << Foolish one, this night your soul will be taken away, and the things which you hast prepared, whose shall they be, for Me or satan? >>. If you die tomorrow, you will have to face eternity, are you sure to know where you will go ? Will you leave with your conscience in peace ? You can say that there is no life after death, but are you quite sure ? What do you say about the countless testimonies of Near Death Eexperiences ? Do you know that science have now proved that there is a conscious life after death ? What about people who went to hell and heaven through visions ? Are they all liars and deceivers to you ? And more importantly, the Word of God asserts that you are a liar because it says that the Lord has put in the heart of every man the thought of eternity and afterlife..  You can silence your conscience but all these things testify against you, you will have no excuse if you reject this Word and it will condemn you on the Day of Judgment. The Divine Justice is that if you die with Jésus and your are clean before God, the angels will come and seek your soul and bring it into the joyful presence of the King, but if you die in your sins, demons will snatch your soul and drag it into hell, in this frightful place where you will pay for your sins eternally.. and if that is going to happen, i don't think you will still claim that you don't fear death.. Your soul is eternal and infinitely precious, it's worth more than everything that exists on earth, don't dirt it and don't mistreat it with the vices of this world.. change your way of considering it and feed it with healthy and noble things, worthy of values. Don't you realize that true wealth is not money or any pleasures but love, justice, truth, compassion, patience, humility, tenderness, benevolence, holiness, goodness and all that makes you conformable to the perfection incarnated : Jésus-Christ ! Living your life, enjoying it, having fun and laughing, all of that doesn't give satisfaction, it is only a world of illusion.. You can continue to run after the wind but ultimately, death will catch you and your heart will remain empty and dissatisfied because it needs the love of Jésus to feel alive. Now, if you seek something else, something greater, a meaning to your Life, a true Friend who listens to you and leads you because you would like to start all over again.. if you feel deceived, you had enough of this miserable life, you are afraid to be alone and abandoned, your conscience is charged by all your sins, you think of the evil you have done, your heart is too heavy and you are crushed but if you turn around, everything can change, Jesus has come to forgive you and He is ready to forget everything ! He is your only chance, he would like to help you and save you. He wants to give you what you have always sought, He have for you a future and hopes, do not miss your chance, come and meet Him, you will never regret this decision. If you fear death, come to The One who has conquered death and you will become immortal because He has the power to give eternal life to all those who love and fear Him ! If you miss this chance in your life, you are condemned and you will inevitably go to hell.. Without Him there is no peace and no salvation for your soul, no forgiveness of your sins, no ways to be recognized righteous and no possibilities of entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Good people will not inherit the Glory above, only forgiven people redeemed and washed by the Blood of the Lamb will do ! Even if you had all the treasures that this world can give, you could NEVER win your eternity. All those things would not bring you gladness and you would never know about the love that God has for you. That would not be enough to pay the Love of the Cross where Jesus died for you. You cannot buy a single drop of that blood that He shed to save you... What does life here below mean ? 30 years ? 50 years ? 70 years ? 100 years for the most robust and after that ? On the scale of eternity, this represents a second, a very short moment, a breath.. Why want to lose and sacrifice your soul for a so short time ? For so little things, for these ephemeral joys, for these success of an instant, you are ready to spend eternity in torments.. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul ? How many of us have sold their souls ? How many have even signed with their blood, a pact with the enemy ? The Lord will say that the soul of all flesh is in His blood, and when you signed with your blood, you sold your soul, but Christ can redeem it, for He signed with His priceless Blood to redeem you ! 2000 years ago, He came, He saw the misery of humanity, the abominations, the sins that made us miserable in the eyes of Our Creator.. Yeshua of Nazarreth came to pay the price by His blood, He died for us, He died with us !  He was broken for our sins, crushed for our transgressions, abandoned and despised by all men, treated like a thief and a murderer.. He who was sinless and perfect became sin for us simply because He loved you so much. Then know that even if you have sold your soul, Christ can redeem it because all men had been sold to sins but He has the power and ability to save every man. It is written that the enemy has been defeated by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. Come forth from these lies, get out of death and darkness and invoke the Lord, invoke Jesus, invoke the only sufficient Savior, the one who comes in your distress and your brokenness. Accept The Son of God in your heart and inherit eternal life, then you will rejoice in everlasting felicity ! I beg you to cease to waste your time in vanities and begin to work for your salvation because everything here below is ephemeral and will perish but the Lord offers you eternal life if you turn away from your sins and repent.. and this word is certain : all the sufferings and even a whole lifetime of pains of this century could never be compared for a single second, has the glory and beauty of Heaven !

  17. Golden time is such an awesome anime and Koko-chan is so beautiful <3 I recommend it to anyone who likes touching love stories n_n

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Grimoire Greys

      Grimoire Greys

      I have heard of Golden Time before, it was something I planned on checking out a long time ago. Perhaps some time soon.

    3. Sylph777


      grimoire, we need to add each others in pso2 man.

    4. Grimoire Greys

      Grimoire Greys

      O-Okay, after maint then. X3

  18. Good luck and good hopes for your future miss Auli, it's sad to see you go but we always have to move on in life. My best wishes of love and happiness to you and karma, peace :) ( PS : i was really suprised that you mentionned me in this goodbye topic, i wasn't aware that you considered me enough to include me in your "friends" thx though, it is a pleasure ).

  19. Happy 10 years old my cake ;)

    1. HHawk4


      excuse you im 7 and a half today 

    2. Sylph777


      Oh sorry, i always tend to think you're older :(

  20. Happy bday my bro, enjoy it ;)

    1. McLaughlin86


      Hey, thank you man! Stay true c:

  21. happy birthday BK my bro, have a good holiday for your 23 years old.

    1. Cyane


      BK is my little brother uwu

    2. Cyane


      Also BK is 24! He's a few hours younger!

    3. Sylph777


      oh yeah my bad

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