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Choko last won the day on May 24 2018

Choko had the most liked content!


447 Popular

About Choko

  • Rank
    That Sleepy Chineese Guy (according to chuk's coworker)
    Olga Flow
  • Birthday 04/04/1988

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  1. Choko

    Wow, it has been awhile. Hope you're doing well.

  2. 同じ大阪です!よろしくお願いします。
  3. You're back now?

    1. Xceptional


      Yeah man, miss the PSO action

  4. Had no idea mimi was still playing. My first, and only official, week as a GM was her last.
  5. I'll jump on that bandwagon. @Larva
  6. Happy birthday @chuk!  27歳を精一杯楽しめ!1日だけの王様だからw

    1. Choko



  7. If it is about redeeming, then Choko should be excluded as well.
  8. This is the kind of post where I think necromancy is actually okay.
  9. 日本語で答えさせていただきます。 もう引退致しましたので、最近ランチャーを開いてませんので記憶が曖昧ですが、OGGを上書きしないという項目があったような気がします。今も確認できなくて申し訳ありません。 これで解決できなかったら、仮装環境を立ち上げてもう一度見てみます。 EDIT: 読み間違えました・・失礼いたしました。 ファイル自体を消したいのであれば、消してもパッチサーバで追加されるので出来ません。
  10. If you just want to level up and are soloing at a low level, then perhaps doing TTF and then /lobby when you defeat the dragon, and repeat.
  11. ultima he youkoso. kono saabaa de kitto tanoshimeru to omoimasu. saikin, amari akuteibu jyanai node, mata kiemasu! dewa, mata ne! (ローマ字が苦手だから間違えたかもw
  12. There really is no way to help you with that amount of information, so I'll ask for some basic information regarding the issue. OS? CPU? How did you install the game? At what point does it give that message? Can you provide a screenshot of that message? If it is for the launcher:
  13. It depends how big the difference is, but you will likely be able to deposit a substantial amount of the meseta -- but you will be disconnected if you try to deposit more than the server thinks you have.
  14. Any chance you could get that error message?
  15. It isn't a matter of time, but it is a matter of leaving the room, going to the lobby, and reloading blocks to resynch your data.
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