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Status Updates posted by griffeni

  1. http://puu.sh/m7Giq/606d6d7b6c.png wow das alot o muns. i wil go 2 tem coleg and make u prawd

    you should enjoy dis lad








  4. reminder this is a kids show ment for kids under 10 so its completely suitible for safe for work or anything of that matter

  5. some one help it seems i forgot how to breath
    1. ultrajerky


      its pretty amazing thats for sure

  6. *takes podium like bill clinton*

    mud did not hack me and steal jefferys dts


    i played jef like a fiddle and sent the dts to my friend that he was picking on because you cant just start a hey lets all hate on this guy thread and get away with it


    it was done for top keks and because he was harassing my friend over nothing other than just afking in lobby and thats not okay

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. griffeni


      yes it was mean but not as much as a hey lets all pick on mud thread

      and i wouldnt say lord over us or that we are plebs


      and maybe the bus service is on strike because they found out your actualy a lime?

    3. radezz


      It wasnt mean, it was just what he deserved by making that post, if not more.

    4. griffeni


      yeah i mean if anything i could have been wayyyyyyy worse about it but instead i chose to show him what happens when you start threads like that


  7. acurate representation of me seeing metroid prime 4 reveal


    1. Sylph777


      @lostgriff forever

    2. mudkipzjm


      same dood, same

  8. any app picks up my gps in undera minute

    pokemon go on the other hand picks it up never using the sensor and only uses data for location

    gg pokemon g fukin g

  9. courage had some lit songs tbqh


  10. dragonball was over 150 eps

    dbz was over 200

    super better be atleast 200

    1. yeyy


      the griffeni show season five better be out soon


    2. griffeni


      its out rn but only for my patreons untill august

    3. SubZero


      131 is final episode for super, tho they are bringing out 3 movies corresponding to super ^^

  11. finaly got a jolteon in pokemon go after 3 failed  attempts for it bc flareon

    i am happy i got my fav gen 1 pokemon c:

  12. happy bday mudman

    still cant belive you answerd the phone when you where taking a shit

  13. happy pikachu and hawk day everyone

    you will bestow them your love and gifts

    for its is the day of their coming into existance

    1. GoPikachu


      thanksuuuu :3

  14. happy protoss day

    erry body gon be banned

  15. i found a pso related thing


  16. looks at squares e3 schedual for any kingdom hearts related stuff for kh 3 and they arnt even going to show it at all

    im dissapoint mostly bc wheres that release date yo

    1. thelionorion


      i'm disappointed b/c i found out you're not my real dad

    2. griffeni


      no but i love you like your my real son

    3. McLaughlin86
  17. might not be on today >.>

    to upsetti to have fun

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rayblasterx
    3. TripleR


      Did you realise hangovers are a thing?!

    4. ryukin


      are you on a lot now that its rare that you're not playing? that's a change from what i was used to ;x

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