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Joshua Alves

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Joshua Alves last won the day on October 17 2014

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24 Excellent

About Joshua Alves

  • Rank
    Sinow Gold
  • Birthday 04/06/1991

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Roselle NJ, New Jersey
  • Interests
    pso video gaming such as rpg and adventure computers etc. favorite bleach character sasuke aizen favorite naruto character kabuto

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  1. screw Phantasy star online Blue burst AS of tommarow yo lissten upSon i will be hosting my own cheating server for pso so come on by and check out the latest coding or be as slow and take your time like a pussy lvling up since i just got banned from the server i will be my own gm and host my own server if u wanna come fine by me i already got the programs to make the stuff anyway so u cant stop me

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. hidden


      RX man, sh0uldn't 0f been hacking, what's the fun in a game if your hacking?

    3. floodi


      Getting back to the real life will be better for you.

    4. Soly


      Well dude... you wanted it this way... If you really are going to host a server, all the luck for you... in the meantime.. see ya later

  2. this is farewell to ultima and to the world of pso i will miss fatboy soly and the rest of u i will now grieve in sorrow pain and misery

    1. Joshua Alves

      Joshua Alves

      All I ever Wanted was Friends that Care "RX-190"

    2. Joshua Alves

      Joshua Alves

      P.S. PGF's dont matter to me anyomre

    3. Joshua Alves

      Joshua Alves

      Lost But not Forgotten

  3. Joshua Alves

    B> STA

    ill be more than happy to have your Dark meteor 0/50/50/0/60 + Gael Giel 0/155/45/0 + pravens please!!!! p.s. are u offering these items for free or do we have to trade for them im confused if u are trading for the sta then i will try to get a sta for u ok
  4. i would love that pheonix claw santa tyvm also could i have the DB'S SHIELD and the heart of opa opa also could i have the YASAKANI MAGATAMA st nick.
  5. i really need a team so will anyone help i understand olga is a pain in the ass but im willing to join u
  6. guys help me out too this is my first pgf and im very VERY!!!! desperate to get one for christmas god bless to all that find one and may god congratulate everyone on their findings merry christmas to all and to all and good night P.S. Share the wealth not bear the wealth may the force be with u
  7. i would like the devine protection plz thank y st. nicolas
  8. yellow power sato please 150 power 50 def and 5 dex
  9. I'm sorry my life is empty and weary and i feel sorrow within without the Alves family I used to be happy living there now I weep in misery without them

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fatboy


      wish things get better for you buddy.

    3. squish


      Sorry to hear that, if you need me for anything just pm me :)

    4. Sylph777


      My condolences.. life is not easy but you must continue to fight, i fear that only time will close your scars.. i wish you a speedy recovery.. good luck alves, keep strong... may God strenghten you and confort your heart.

  10. i choose MegaMan Legends 67 - Juno (Bureaucratic Model).mp3
  11. ive noticed now that when it pached the game and in the middle of the game it freezes without a prompt after telling the error and the game just sits there frozen without warning
  12. Dear Santa: For XMAS I want a psycho raven since i gave mine to insanity long ago Psycho wand 50 hit Dark Bridge C-bringers rifle belra's cannon C-sourcerers cane oh and a asteron striker with 50 hit would be nice and for my lv 200 ramar i would like a wedding dress with 4 slots sta and a dark meteor kroes sweater 4 slots 99 def mats 99 pow mats 99 hp mats heavens striker with 50 hit dark flow holy ray 50 hit deamon and charge yasminkovs with both 50 hit 4 FTDS and 4 virus shields of volopt 4 del rol le shields angels harp 50 hit
  13. wisdom vs knowledge who will win well ain't that a heartbreaker Sheiiiiiit

  14. how do i become apart of the GM's Team Just wondering what does it take to be a GM ive been on this server for two years and have been playing ever since it got released by dreamcast back in mid 1999 id make a great advocate for the GM's Team and who do i have to talk to become one :/
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