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Ultima Veteran
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Status Updates posted by Sylph777

  1. Way to grief this @mudkipzjm guy if he piss you off :P


  2. Upcoming new ( or not? ) smash bros game on nintendo switch anounced recently... @McLaughlin86 in heaven yet ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. McLaughlin86



      I'm only decent at melee, no worries. Well then maybe I'll have to challenge you to Soul Calibur 6 instead when it comes out.

    3. Sylph777


      Soulcalibur 6 hmmm... ok we'll see if i can get a ps4 :P ( with some exceptions, i'm more an amateur of 2D gameplay fighting games tbh )

    4. mudkipzjm


      super smash brothers for the Nintendo switch

  3. Hey my bro, how's going? what's up with your dislikes lol ? and why does mudd keep disliking you all the time ?

  4. Tu les gâte beaucoup trop ma ptite air inis.

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Sylph777


      Je sait que c'est dure a croire car la science et la médecine nous disent le contraire.. Cependant, je suis désolé.. mais que tu le veuille ou non, ça ne change pas la réalité.. ( je sais ce que je dit, je n'affirmerai pas quelque chose comme ça sans en être certain.. et ce n'est pas non plus pour te faire du mal, loin de là.. ne crois pas que ces manifestations seraient uniquement dû a toi.. et ce n'est pas non plus parce que tu aime les démons.. c'est plus complexe que cela ), les cauchemars a répétition sont bien des phénomènes démoniaques.. ( tout comme la paralysie du sommeil, la psychopathie, la bipolarité et la plupart des maladies mentales ) enfin, si tu veut te voiler la face, ça te regarde et je ne peut rien y faire.. Par contre, sache que ces phénomènes, si il ne sont pas chassés de ta vie, peuvent fortement s'amplifier avec le temps et te conduire là ou tu ne voudrait pas.. Si tu sent que c'est le cas, tu peut toujours en être délivré.. ( il suffit juste de le vouloir ). Sinon, je n'ai pas dit que c'était uniquement lié a des films d'horreurs hein.. il peut y avoir plein de causes a ces oppressions que tu subit depuis que tu est toute petite.. ( malédictions, occultisme, spiritisme, voyance, pouvoirs magiques et don de guérison etc... si toi ou quelqu'un de ta famille a déjà touché a des trucs comme ça, et même si ça remonte a tes ancêtres, tu peut malgré tout en subir les conséquences.. c'est pour ça qu'il est important de se renseigner par rapport a tout ça.. ). Je m'excuse d'avance si je ce que je dit t'a énervé ou offensé d'une quelconque manière..

    3. R-78


      Cela ne m'offense pas. Sinon je suis la seule dans la famille à rêver autant. Et les bons rêves sont manifestations de quoi alors ?

    4. Sylph777


      Attend, je tiens tout de même a tempérer mes propos et ajouter une précision de taille.. Je pense que tous les cauchemars ne proviennent pas automatiquement de manifestations sataniques... en fait ça dépend surtout de l'intensité, de ce que tu voit et ce que tu ressent et de la fréquence.. si tu fait des cauchemars éprouvant et angoissant ( voir parfois intense ), régulièrement et depuis très longtemps ( là, depuis que tu est toute petite en l’occurrence ), dans ce cas les origines sont démoniaques oui ( ça se confirme encore plus si tu voit des formes/des apparitions/des objets et de la symbologie terrifiante et ténébreuse ou si tu fait des rêves sexuels poussé.. ça c'est des démons sexuelles qu'on appellent "les incubes et les succubes" ) dans le cas contraire, ça peut être naturel et simplement lié a des peurs par exemple.. les mauvais rêves peuvent aussi être les signes annonciateurs d’un combat spirituel dans certains cas.. Pour ta question, les rêves et les songes sont des phénomènes naturels crées et voulu par Dieu.. dans Job 33:14-15 par exemple, il est dit que Dieu parle par des songes, par des visions nocturnes quand les hommes sont livrés à un profond sommeil... Après, ils n'ont pas toujours ( et même pas souvent dans la plupart des cas.. ) un sens véritable et peuvent souvent naître de la multitude d’occupations, de l'imagination etc.. mais ils peuvent également refléter l'état spirituel. Il existe 3 sortes de manifestations nocturnes : les rêves simples ( souvent vide de sens, comme j'ai dit ), les cauchemars ( souvent démoniaques mais parfois naturel quand la fréquence et l'intensité sont faible.. ) et les rêves divins ( c'est souvent des rêves prophétiques ou Dieu te parle directement en te montrant l'avenir par exemple.. ou encore Il te révèle certaines choses sur Lui-même, sur les choses célestes ou sur les autres et leurs états d'âmes.. parfois Il te transporte également au ciel ou en enfer en esprit etc.. j'ai déjà fait ce type de rêves plusieurs fois, ainsi que Sam d'ailleurs ). voila, j’espère t'avoir éclairé un peu.. Paix sur toi ^^

  5. Where's my r6 mr bell ?


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sylph777


      cmon patrick, you asked R78 to fight me, don't be affraid ;)

    3. Patrick Bell

      Patrick Bell

      R78 is gonna duel you?

    4. Sylph777


      No, you sent a message to R78 and asked her to invite me because you wanted to duel me.

      I haven't played since aaaaaage man, maybe like 8months+ ... i'm certainly very rusty, come on ^^

  6. J’espère que tu va bien princesse ( ainsi que tes études ) ? ^_^

    Félicitations pour ton poste de GM, connaissant ta personnalité impartial et assez dévouée, je pense que tu le mérite ;) Bonne chance en tout cas.

  7. Where are you @Depassage.. i really miss you my bro and i'm worried.. give me news plz !

    1. JanenbaDMS


      Depassage doesn't play here anymore but he's ok :)

    2. Sylph777


      Oh ? i guess he's playing on destiny then ? thanks anyway

  8. Can't wait for those prolly 500+ hours of epic enjoyements ! Thanks Mr takahashi for what is in my opinion, the best serie of jrpg's ( starting by the most impressive, deepest and complex game ever created toward storyline, narrative and characters, to know : xenogears ).

  9. So hyped for Xenoblade 2... this OST omg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sylph777


      it willl probably never be released on PC no, most games from nintendo hardware are exclusives to their system... at least, it's the case for xeno serie.. last hope is emulation but i doubt that the switch is emulated yet.

    3. Lemon


      Probably not.  Oh well.

    4. StarFox2223


      Yeah, Not gonna happen.

  10. Hey.. after seeing many of your publications, messages, responses, reactions from here and there... I just wanted to say that you seem to be an intelligent, sweet and kind person and i would like to encourage you to keep this sensitivity, even if it must be despite the rejection of some people or the desire to have a lot of friends... It is preferable to be little but well surrounded. Choose your friends carefully to not get hurts but the bad intentionned people.. It would be a pity that such a thing would happen to someone as nice as you appear to be. Peace and be blessed.

  11. 22 years old ? why u lie son ? Btw, if it's really your birthday today ( theorically you'll be 19 then ), i wish you a good time ;)

    1. Saber +7

      Saber +7

      It's my 19th haha I just put it as that to make me 18 like three years ago I guess idr but thank you <3


  12. Happy holiday yellow tasty, juicy'n sweety food :onion-head77: enjoy your life.

  13. Good luck and good hopes for your future miss Auli, it's sad to see you go but we always have to move on in life. My best wishes of love and happiness to you and karma, peace :) ( PS : i was really suprised that you mentionned me in this goodbye topic, i wasn't aware that you considered me enough to include me in your "friends" thx though, it is a pleasure ).

  14. Is there anyone playing PSO2 on this server ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Syn


      I play on ps4

    3. Sylph777


      Oh really? how good is the ps4 version ? it's all in japanese i guess... ? it is stable ? does it have vsync on ? i hate the initial screen tearing and vsync forced off on PC version, how about the ps4 version?


    4. Syn


      All Japanese it’s runs %100 smooth on console 


  15. Bonjour demoiselle :wub: Je pensais a toi dernièrement et tu me manquais.. Comment vas-tu ? J’espère que tout se passe bien pour toi et tes projets ? Que Dieu te protège et te guide dans ta vie, tu es dans mon cœur et dans mes pensées, prend soin de toi <3 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Sylph777


      J'ai vraiment cru que c'était toi :P à s'y méprendre hahaha ( cela dit, je me demandais quand même ce que tu pouvait bien faire sur ce serveur... ).

    3. R-78


      Bah il y en a quelques uns qui ont essayé de me faire venir, si bien que j'ai hésité à le faire. Il y a pas mal de choses intéressantes dessus, qui rendent le gameplay différent.

    4. Sylph777


      Oui... bon aprés, je me suis renseigné un peu dessus, et il y aura

      il y aurait beaucoup a dire sur les GM's ( je les connait tous ou presque ) et leurs "méthodes" ..

  16. Hi ultima, has anyone figured how to use a credit card to buy stuff in pso2 ? I have serious struggles ( even thouigh it's complicated, i managed to follow the steps but at the end, my credit card just didn't worked... ) and any kind of help would from someone who can do it just fine would be greatly appreciated... thx in advance my loves ;)

    1. Sir Rendlan

      Sir Rendlan

      Well I know with some banks you can give a one time use credit card I think you can even set it to what country? So I'm thinking maybe that could work if you had the ability to do that but keep all documentation of that one use card and the purchase. And make sure you can cancel the one use card if it didn't work out okay?

    2. Sylph777


      Not sure of how to do this but it's really difficult to get AC in pso2.... i've tried plenty of things with no success... btw thanks for your reply, i'll try to find a way.

  17. Hello my old german friend :) how are you ? We should play sometime when we have freetime ^^

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Schranko


      Let me know when you are online :)

    3. Sylph777


      lol i'm waiting lobby1 for you since like 5 min xD

    4. Schranko
  18. What is the most important in life ? What is above everything, even death ? If i spoke like an angel, if i knew the future and even if my faith was very huge, it would mean nothing. If i had the knowledge of all the mysteries but without wishing to obey the reason of Love, i would be nothing.. for the most important thing is Love and when i have it in my heart i shine for the Lord. True Love flows from the Love of God because He loved us the first, even if we never deserve it. Love is not irritable, it is neither jealous nor wicked. But Love is charitable, full of goodness in every ways and forgives all the time. Love doesn't feel proud but is clothed in humility, modesty and decency. Love always tells the truth according to justice, no matter what it cost. Love is always translated into acts which express what is in the heart. Love doesn't envy what is contrary to holiness and purity, nor covet what belong to others. Love is not self-based and seeks the interests of others, rather than its own. Love doesn't do anything unseemly and is not embittered against others. Love can't meditate evil, but injustice saddens it and truth rejoices it. Love strips itself of its reputation and its interests to serve others. Love prays for its oppressors and bless those who curse it. Love doesn't fight evil with evil but overcomes evil with good. On every occasion Love trusts, forgives, perseveres, hopes and protects. Love is a light that shines in the darkness and a candle to enlighten the night. Love is filled with patience, mercy, benevolence and gentleness. Love is gallant, polite, courteous and well-meaning. Ultimately, the greatest act of love is to give one's life for others. Everything is doomed to disappear and fade with time, but Love will endure forever ! Love is deep ! Love is powerful ! Love is infinite ! Love is invincible ! Love is immortal ! Love is the ultimate virtue ! When i fully realize the immensity of Love, i feel very miserable, i need it so often to keep humble feelings and look forward to pursue it. Contrary to what many claim, Love is not for the care bears ( manner of speaking ), because to truly love someone demands a great strenght of abnegation and renunciation of oneself. To truly love others requires such consecration and a voluntary abandonment of individualism, that there is no place for the weak. That's why the true Love makes heroic, valiant and courageous ! At the end, Love must always be the source of our motivations to remain righteous and pure hearted. We must let it disciplines our minds in righteousness and integrity. True Love must be the Divine essence that resides in us when we seek it and refuse to submit to the darkness and ugliness of hatred, vengeance, resentment, bitterness, calumny, cravings, murders, anger, lies.. If mankind would respect this simple commandment : <<You will love your neighbor as yourself>> the world would go infinitely much better.. Happily, an era of love and happiness ( and i am not utopian to think it ) is coming, where The One who carries the scars of love in His body, will spread the perfume of peace and justice over the nations. May this era come very quickly... Which will not happen without the great Judgment, for there is no way that this will happen if the earth is not cleansed of the wicked and all those who destroy it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. StarFox2223


      Thank You ^^ Although... I'm kinda stuck... I'm trying to find a forum for community reputation.  

      btw. That pic would happen to from BOTW would it?

    3. Sylph777


      It is from BOTW yes, i found this princess zelda amazing :P

    4. StarFox2223



      I didn't play BOTW so i wouldn't know.

  19. Among all the technological tools made available to man, the Internet remains the most revealing of the identity of people and of human malice and corruption.. It does demonstrates the state of the hearts by all the poison and the hatred that one can find there... between calumnies, lies, hatred, racism, harassement, jealousy, mockery, rancor, personal attacks and reckoning, the list is very long.. Yeah, since it's forbiden to kill someone physically, let's murder verbally and psychologically by the wickedness of my heart because of course it's the easy way out.. Someone made a video stating his opinion but i don't like it at all, let's make a video in response to attack him personnaly.. Someone posted a comment that displeases me, let's insult him, despise him and show how dominant i am.. I see someone speaking on a topic, but my pride feel the need to be shown, so let's waste my time and argue for hours and hours to prove my point to be the absolute truth because i have more knowledges and my opinion is more valuable ofc.. It seems that facebook had become a good place to post pictures of me bar-chested or in bikini/panties, all my friends do it after all so why not me ? Let's not forget to take tons of selfies of myself because i am thaaaaat important.. I'm not even speaking of the ridiculous accessibility of the most infamous pornography that degrades men and women from their youngest ages and the sites that promote fornication, adultery and all sorts of sexual vices.. Let's also not forget the learning of witchcraft, worshiping of demons  and occultism ( through video games, many animés/manga for example ), dirty and demonic musics glorifying violence, sex, drugs and satanism exhibited through the mainstream.. The greed by the idolatry of money, material, glory and vain success... Where is this abundance of dirt and perversion going to lead us ? In my opinion to destruction, to darkness, death and ultimately hell.. While i don't deny that it can has good aspects if you know what you're doing, internet has still become the new universal sanctuary of moral misery and human decadence. Starting my myself, i would advice to be careful to your use of this tool because what your ears hear and what your eyes see can generate actions that will cause your loss.. The deeds that you manifest on the internet can also demonstrate who you are in the real life ( not in all cases but most cases ). Can a wicked heart that is trained to despise, curse and meddle others on the web be good, caring and loving in real life ? Can someone who masturbates 5 times a day on the most vile pornographic movies be faithful and purehearted in his daily real life ? To me, internet has really has become one of the greatest instruments of the devil to divide people, corrupt morals and destroy others lives.. It is easy to recognize that the negative influence and the hold i has on man is of demonic origin. Knowing that i would also add that the Lord Jesus declared : What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them because what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and that is what defiles man. For from the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, calumnies. The good man derives good things from the good treasure of his heart, and the wicked draws bad things from his evil treasure; for it is from the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. Therefore keep your heart more than anything else, for from it come the sources of life. To meditate ( and i does include myself in this )

  20. Of course this is fake but it's still appalling ( and disgusting ) to imagine that it is a reality in many countries...


  21. Happy Birthday Genesis, God bless you my friend :)

  22. Regarde en entier car il y a beaucoup d'images choc et un bon message.


  23. How can a woman know if a man is true and good ? She should just look at how the man consider his father and his mother. A right man loves and honors his parents. You tell a woman you've just met that you love her but you never tell your mother that you love her ? Hyppocrite, are you serious ? Don't you think there's a problem ? The ways of a man who is rebellious to his father cannot be right. The beginning of integrity is to respect and honor those who gave you life ( despite their faults ). Then, a true man is the man of only ONE woman, he will never cheat and he will never see someone else than his love, it is the wickeds and the perverse who do that. I know that the decadent modern society has taught us that there is nothing wrong and no harmful consequences to know several partners and to do what we want/feel only to satisfy our carnal desires but love is the contrary of that.. Love is not synonymous with pleasure but with forgiveness, sacrifice, service, concessions and understanding. True love often causes more pain than pleasure, but the satisfaction and strength that emanates from it is infinitely more powerful than carnal love. There are terrible impact and consequences ( on others but also on ourselves ) to commit adultery, play with the feelings of others and practice all kinds of immorality and sexual depravity. Women are absolutely not meat or sexual objects that can be used as you please and then throw them away when you are satisfied.. it is unbridled sexuality and pornography that taught you to look at women as objects of lust to satisfy your pulsions, you must change your views and relearn everything my friend.. A man who refuses to marry the woman he claims to love, does not really love her in reality... this man is just a coward who refuses to engage because the mere fact of considering the refusal shows that his heart is in uncertainty and fears, but perfect love BANNISH fears ! A true man keeps himself clean and pure for the woman he loves, he is not going to masturbate and watch porn simply because his wife doesn't want to make love one night... true love is PATIENT ! A real man listens to his wife when she speaks to him, he protects her, considers her and cherishes her more than anything else, he sees her as his treasure and would voluntary lay down his life for her.. A real man questions himself and acknowledges his mistakes, he is not shamefull to asks his wife for forgiveness if he is wrong. A true man doesn't try to dominate and take over from his wife, he doesn't try to manipulate her emotionally and mentally to change her according to his perverse desires.. Mr proud, you are nobody to pretend to be able to change your wife, only God can change the hearts... You should start yourself by changing and showing the good example daily, then maybe you could touch your wife by your behavior..

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sylph777


      By freedom , i mean not your freedom of thinking ofc, i meant your freedom of always doing what you want without considering your partner needs :) seem like you have trouble understand me but it's probably my fault i don't express myself clearly. Also God doesn't darken anything, He is light and therefore He rather enlighten everything that is darkenned by our own thoughts and bad thinkings. Peace.

    3. Misombre


      Well it's hard to write down our very thoughts in such a way that we're always understood. That's why talking face to face is often better for this kind of discussion/argument. It has been an issue for me sometime: people thinking that am being agressive or disrespectful because they don't read correctly or I don't write correctly (or we're not even talking about the same thing, this make me laugh, but is kinda sad) ç_ç

      God is light, therefore it doesn't darken. But you are human. Glasses are supposed to be see-through, yet, if you don't clean them correctly or if you wear them incorrectly, your sight will be affected. You as a human, using god in your words, you're the one that might make things darker. Consider it. The same way that love can destroy. This is not love that destroy, this is what people do with it. Also, it's time to sleep o=

    4. Sylph777


      I do perfectly agree with your words :) what you said reach me and it's a lesson of humility. Now, while my sight might be really incorrect about lot of things, that's absolutely certain. I still think i'm correct when i claim that God is against  adultery, fornication, free love and everything that is sexually perverted. In the same order of thing, i don't think i'm wrong by taking Jésus as the perfect model, considering how much His life reflect holiness, purity of heart, moral perfection, uninterested love and ultimate goodness. I love you my friend, peace <3

  24. Happy birthday Monsieur depassage, enjoy ;)


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Depassage


      Redis-moi quand t'es dispo =P

    3. Sylph777


      Je le suis :p, viens sur TS :)

    4. Depassage
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