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  1. I got the sub-forum, might as well use it am I wrong? If you wanna join you gotta be good, small team most likely
    2 points
  2. This thread is very very outdated, it's from before the max stats increase. The patch that actually increased stats. ATP/MST/DFP + 100, ATA +10, EVP+30 http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/topic/2727-update-patch-25/ The Quick Questions thread. I have posted numerous updated maxing plan guides in this thread for a variety of classes. I really should just consolidate them all into a fresh updated maxing forum guide... http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/topic/9827-ask-a-quick-question-get-a-quick-answer/ Zynetic's New Material Plans. I think this is outdated now, with many new items being added since which are important to consider, and would direct you to my material plans instead, but including it here for reference anyway. http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/topic/2995-new-material-plans/
    2 points
  3. So here's my question, in the simplest way I can ask it: What do you do when you play this game and why? A little story to go along with this question, if you're at all interested: I came to ask myself this question a short while ago, when I was asked for help from another player in a run of "Toward the Future" on hard mode, so they could get to very hard as quickly as they could. I did, yet even though I had generously given them my assistance, they continued to berate me to go as quickly as possible, rushing through as fast as I could. Of course, they died many, many times over in their carelessness, constantly moaned about their weak gear and grew frustrated at me when I tried to save them from the claws of some horrid beast because I didn't give them a chance to tag it so they could get the experience points (even though their accuracy was so low, they couldn't reliably hit a Lilly in the caves). I told them "you should slow down a little and play a bit more carefully" of course only as a word of advice so they might not have to keep relying on me and my steadily dwindling supply of Moon Atomizers. They ignored me entirely, instead constantly spamming messages like "go go go" or symbol chats specifically designed to tell me to "go go go". When we (or, rather I) beat Falz, I was completely out of Moons (since they also told me not to go back for more before the fight because it would "take too long" and that they would "promise not to die") and they were lying on the floor, dead. Again. And, of course, got no experience from the fight as a result. They then became extremely aggressive toward me for not reviving them and denying them their share of the experience. They then left, without so much as a "thanks for the help" or anything of the sort. This happens with surprising frequency, as I've come to notice. I do very often find myself being asked by lower level players (both new to the the server and old players simply starting new characters) to help them grind up their levels. Or being asked to give them better gear. Or being asked to help them farm for rare/powerful drops. In essence, just to help them shoot to the top as fast as they could. And then I wonder (only wonder, never ask—I'm not a callous bigot) "why don't you just do it yourself?" Now, I'm not saying that I wouldn't want to give a helping hand to those that need it. Even in my ponderings, I still often offer help where I can and I don't mind, really. I was there before; I know what it's like to be on the bottom and want to get to the top—good gear, decent level, higher difficulty modes. But the thing is, when I did it, I didn't try to beeline for the top. I didn't "grind", I played; I didn't "farm", I played; I didn't make a beeline for all the best gear and a level cap, I PLAYED. I'm not looking to "win" by finishing this game as fast as possible; I'm trying to have fun. What I'm wondering is, what's the point in shooting for the top as fast as you can? Why bother? What do you think you're going have to show for it at the end? You're going to get there quickly and then realize "welp, I've done everything I can. I'm the best (around! No one's ever gonna bring me down~!) and now I've got nothing to do." And then what happens? Well, you could start a new character and do it all again, grinding and speed-running your way to the top once more. Or you might just call it quits and forget about PSO because you've been there and done that so why bother doing it again, right? You might also do a bit of bragging beforehand about how great you are now and how pathetic all the little nooblets are (even though you were once there yourself and probably only got to your lofty status with excessive help from players far better than you—show some humility, damn it!). I'm not going to tell anyone how to play this game. But I do wonder why anyone would bother playing at all if they don't really want to play as much as just wanting to get to a point where they can say they "won"—max level & great items, usually by getting help from much stronger players to do so as quickly as they can. Whatever happened to the adage "it's about the journey, not the destination"? When did playing a game like this stop being about killlin' monsters, savin' the world, feelin' your power grow with every level-up, revelling in every new piece of gear you got a hold of and having fun playing with other players in a community for the sake of it—for fun—and start being about getting to the top as fast as humanly possible, using other players as stepping stones to get there while treating them like they're not other human beings trying to play a game with you? Bragging rights? Instant-gratification? Or are you just so lazy that you can't even be bothered to play a video game—which is something you usually do for fun—on your own and have to let others do it for you while you hide behind them (and then, of course, take all the credit)? I'm not mad. I'm just... confused. Is this what is considered "fun" nowadays? Would someone care to explain? ...Anyone?
    2 points
  4. If you're gonna complain about helping new players in this form then why do you even play this game?
    2 points
  5. Sounds like you had a poor experience in that one ttf, but I haven't found most players to be like that on ultima. Sure many ask for help/items/whatnot, but I don't see them act like that very often (and even so douchebags exist at all levels, but I think the community has far more niceness in it). That being said, the times I do want to just grind levels and get stronger are between 1-50 and 90-140; First range being that normal and hard don't really offer anything interesting in gameplay (monsters are way too slow then) or drops, especially if you've given that character any equipment at all (even midrange gear like red partisan or dragon slayer, or just a good mag/units), and Second range getting over the hurdle of starting ultimate to a point where you can have decent hp and start to use adepts/centarms to max ata for ult. Once I am out of those ranges I like to just play around in different areas in vhard/ultimate and enjoy using different weapons/gameplay styles, but in those problem spots it feels very limiting on what/how I can play. For example, my newest fonewm felt especially ineffectual during the latter span of levels, as he had to wear a mind mag to use glide divine, and was so low on hp/ata/atp that there were no weapons for him to use either; it was too dangerous to use melee weapons with such low hp, and way too far off max ata to use any ranged weapon (even small things like rayguns, as battle unit + smartlink + v801 + 1 stat unit was still way too low to hit anything at all). The only thing to do was to buff/debuff and then ride other players' butts to stay in resta range. It wasn't until about 150 when I could use a spare high dex mag with some pow on it (5/63/110/22) and a cent/arms to give him a chance to do anything else. So I see points to both sides of the argument that one should just enjoy the game instead of just leveling, and the benefits of leveling to a point where you can enjoy the game more fully. In any community there will always be a small amount of douchebags that act like what you described, but I find the Ultima community to be pretty nice and friendly for the most part.
    2 points
  6. So this post turned out quite subjective and maybe rough in one or two spots. Love me or hate me. Both is in your rights. What it is that I perceive by playing PSO? A short journey back into childhood. Back to the time when there was homework only (and that was done in a wink of time, or not at all). Back to that day when my dad forbade me to play videogames for the rest of the day, and I went to bed several hours earlier, just to get up at 4 in the morning and play PSO. Boy, I'll never forget that moment when he came into my room in the morning. He was _proud_ of me. He was proud that his lessons about logic and all that stuff that fathers teach their sons had had some effect. He didn't say this at all. But I know he was proud. Playing PSO is meditating. It's diving into the past future (back then, photons and stuff made so much more sense. If you know what I mean) And, always on this server, *looks to schthack* there's a great community with cool guys, stupid (not too stupid, though) jokes, and this great atmosphere, which is created by people who, somewhere, think a bit like me. And yes, there is some sort of plateu which I try to reach. A plateu from which everything else will become much more - in search of a better word - easier. A plateu, which makes you a super-hunter. But I never have and never will run around in the lobbies and cry out for help, and beg for stuff and say things like "if i had some better weapons, than i'd deal sooooo much more dmg." And then, after somebody nice actually gives you stuff, you go like "ooooh! *flood of digital tears and some inside laughter* Do you have a high pow mag? i'm too weak for those weps!" Every time I see such things happen I wanna throw their controllers at their heads. Or vomit. Or, sometimes, both. Besides, being pulled up like that takes the fun away. The fun of running at seaside, remembering how one got his first lockgun (it was better than my buddies sniper!) and listening to this beautifully arranged soundtrack. AND it doesn't give you anything for later on. Still not much meseta, probably not many pd's and, especially, no feeling for the monsters, the latency of the server and the game mechanics. So I think it is very stupid and childish to beg around. But then again, it really may be the way of generations yet to come. They did few to get way too much. They've grown accustomed to getting handed everything into their laps. (and then being patted, too, probably) I remember how hard it was to convince our parents to concede us some videogaming. And I damn well remember the smiles on our faces when we finally played. Maybe this is the point where the younger ones do actually perceive something totally different, and that might be why they get offended when we tell them a "no" (or something more dircetly ) My five cents are: If we are to accept those kids with their standards, then they'll have to accept us as well. ( I reckon there were some discussions about individuality and stuff..)
    2 points
  7. If it's a new player they usually work on their first character with calm (doing many questions and needing of somebody to explain things with calm). For peoples like me with over 10 characters, after the third time grinding levels you want to do it fast. When I see they want to do ttf I usually bring a character that can deal great damage or that can "heal them or revive" as much as possible. Finishing bosses fast will help those that have already a bunch of characters to surpass the hassle of taking long hours just working on levels doing things that won't bring them profit. If you think you're running out of moons before a boss room it will help to set a pipe and go get it, even if you lost pb, they probably don't have theirs set yet so it won't matter much. (meseta shouldn't be an issue on this server).
    2 points
  8. Just wanna remember i still not have my fo stuff since rollback deleted them , i think i don't need rollback cause i have picture of all stuff there like 5-10 stuff to make , take your time this is not urgent playing hu atm
    1 point
  9. Ok.. since it was a failed rollback i will remake without asking larva... lol but the next time be sure to nag about it (not really, i guess you can PM me i wont add warning points [maybe])
    1 point
  10. Then.. sorry to make you do all this but... well... reply here with the missing stuff... pics if you can and all that... (a link to the previous topic would be awesome too) for the stuff you are missing.
    1 point
  11. LOL "Ultima MAg !" The typos are too stronk.
    1 point
  12. Plain and simple, I'm here to have fun and help others. This is a two-way street in my opinion, you will return the token respect I give you and if you're that serious about having "fun", then they need to seriously re-evaluate why they even play this game in the first place. Personally, anyone who is that rude Dark Sinow, I wouldn't have gotten to probably even De Rol Le before I told them, enough of that BS, good luck pal, you're gonna need it, I have an acute allergic reaction to BS... *DISCONNECTS FROM ROOM* THE END. Bottom line my friend, don't waste your time with a few bad apples that can spoil the bunch. Sadly, in time you will find a few, but please do not let them give you the impression that EVERYONE is like that here. Regardless, I pray you have better adventures in the future with a bit more mature players, good luck and good hunting sir.
    1 point
  13. nice patience I would have whipped out my troll weps and let them die until i legit had no moons to res :S
    1 point
  14. I think a more appropriate thing to address here is a very common misconception. Firstly, let us define fun. someone or something that is amusing or enjoyable : an enjoyable experience or person (Merriam-Webster) I'm sorry, pretty sure TTF's don't amuse anyone. Regardless, that's not a source of fun. (Neither are RT's) However, the nature of this game, unless played very casually, doesn't give fun. It gives engagement. If you're on that 400th run trying to hunt an STA an you're having fun, I'd certainly love to talk to you. But if you're on your 400th run and you're really invested in what you're doing and are going to see it to and end? That's engagement. Most people conceive the point of games as to make someone have fun. Games in general. It's sad. No one gets amused by silent hill. If they do, they're sadistic... But it engages them. Gives them a reason to go that isn't pleasure. That's what this game offers. The hunt. Engagement to work towards your item. NOT fun. Unless you're with others. Then it can be fun. EDIT: GRAMMAR. I CAN'T TYPE AT 5:30 IN THE MORNING TO SAVE MY LIFE.
    1 point
  15. I would not expect a relaxed experience while playing TTF. People are already playing those quests in order to be as efficient as possible. Any slowdown, especially in pre-Ultimate, is not tolerated. If you want a more relaxed experience I would caution you to play an exploratory room I.e. no questing. Anyone who will play at that speed is generally looking to enjoy the gameplay as you wish. I understand you just wanted to help, and I would say your experience was atypical of Ultima as a whole.
    1 point
  16. Well what is fun really depend by players, for some people is fun playing in a relaxed way for other people is fun playing in a grindy way. In my case, when i play a game like pso, i really hate being a low level ungeared player, i just want to learn more things about the game and get stronger. The point for me isn't to be " the very best like no one ever was" i don' care about being stronger than other people but just enough strong to do everything in the game correctly and fast. Cause for me is fun doing things correctly and, if i do things in the correct way, i feel like i did good. I really dislike being carried by other people, i'd just like to be as strong as them so they don't have to carry me and i can feel like i did my part. Also i really enjoy learning strategies for the missions, learn spawns and using correct weapons. But i have not enough experience in this game to do it :/ Anyone should just play in the way he finds fun, and never pull on other people to play as he wants to play. If a thing is not fun for you it might be fun for another people, PS: Anyways that player was really bad mannered lol
    1 point
  17. why sometimes I solo runs when leveling up really most of the time I do solo runs
    1 point
  18. Episode 2 Towering Nutello and the Blue-eyed hunter made their way to Olga flow. As they waited to Olga to jump down the elevator, they notice that he wasn't there.. Nutello: Wheres the Olga? Blue-eyed Hunter: Dunno, maybe he's already at the bottom? Nutello: We'll find out soon enough. The two took the elevator to the test subject disposal area. Once they arrived they notice olga already dead and infornt of the hackers Tower and Broomop are standing next to him. Nutello: You must be the haxxors that are causing the hysteria on the server, where is LARVA? Tower: Silence you infidel, Larva is with our employer. And as for you two, I am afraid you both will be hacked. Broomop: Make sure you smash them into the tables, for the sake of ADE. Tower: Whatever, HACK THEM! As Nutello and the blue-eyed hunter prepared to be hacked, they are suddenly saved by the team of GM's. Choko throws a pokeball and from it emerges a venusar, then rocky and protoss throws theirs and from it empoleon and lucario emerges. Then, Kajex and Chuk throw theirs with Kajex wierding charizard and Chuk wierding the mysterious pokemon mio. Tower and Broomop pisses their pants and take of into a portal. As the portal closses, a deathstar can be seen from outer space. They group watches in horror as the portal closes.. On the deathstar, Tower and Broomop beg for their lives infront of their rutheless leader Bueford. Pissed off with their failing to stop Nutello and the blue-eyed hunter, Bueford decides to pay his long lost duagter and her monkey friend a visit. He commands the crew to set a course to Ultima. To be continued Episode 3 The Wilson Theory (Filler episode) Announcer: Welcome to the Wilson Theory, today we will have a word with our star, Calorado Wilson! How are you today, Wilson!? Wilson: Just more people pissing me off. Faki: SHUT UP Wilson: See. Announcer: What do you have to share with us today? Wilson: Well sometimes grammatical errors happen while I don't praise myself when they do, I most certainly don't look down on it because only about 3 people use good grammar. Which all of them are "arguing" right now. Also I am quite attractive in my age group, generally have good hygiene, while also be quite big for my age as well, whilst not spending anytime rolling around in poop. Waste exits everyone's mouth anytime they exhale so not much of a statement and my life has bee quite nice. Announcer: WOW INCREDIBLE ???: YOUR FULL OF SHIT! Wilson: Which is why America is the greatest place on earth. Announcer: Thank you for your time Mr. Wilson!
    1 point
  19. The point Saith was making is that anyone with powerful weapons is obviously going to think the game is easier. That's literally what it means to get stronger. Not all players coming into the fray need to face monsters any stronger than the ones already in place. Don't make it harder on the little guys just because you're a big tough guy and you think it's too easy. If anything needs to be done, we need to go back and look at some of the "common rares" like Cross Scar and DB's or Flowens set and give them boosts so that they are used more commonly as liable equipment. A lot of the basic rares look amazing but quickly loose functionality and shine when pit against the power of Ultimate level monsters. They don't have enough ata and ATP to add up to the obviously superior dark weapons. So anyone with dark weapons would obviously think the game too easy. But this is what crack mode was made for (even if it's currently down) so honestly there is no point to this topic, as Armando said, the game is fine as it is.
    1 point
  20. give him the dark weapon and the gaelgil
    1 point
  21. Name: Selah, but most just call me spot Age: 16 Preferred contact method: PM, or just meet me in game. Hobbies: i'm too lazy for hobbies. Picture: A little more about your self: if you really want to know, just ask.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
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