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Trigunman last won the day on June 9 2020

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About Trigunman

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    AKA "Vash the Stampede"

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    Pioneer 2 Colony Ship

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  1. In roughly 24 hours, many things are going to change...  Or will things once again persist to remain the same? 

    In every end there is a beginning and to every beginning there will come an eventual end.

    What will be birthed will begin in the hearts of each of us, therefore what will this bring?

    Our eventual demise?  Or a glorious new beginning?



    Ultimately this fate begins with a decision we must make of with the reality that surrounds us each day.


    Deuteronomy 30:15-16 - "See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity; in that I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you are entering to possess it.…


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MadOrNah


      You sound like a bitter old fart, who just now started going to Church.


      I'm to young and immature to take what you're saying seriously. > Trigunman

    3. mrchibbs


      Human's were cursed with the conscious mind. It causes us to think of what the right choices are and think of where our ends will take us. I for one think there is nothing awaiting me when my time comes, and find it in myself to try and spread peace and love while I still can on this beautiful world. God bless you Trigunman.

    4. Trigunman


      Actually MadOrNah, I was raised in church for all my life.  Imperfect, pontificating old fart?  Haha, maybe I am... XD  Or maybe I still annoy my neighbors with my loud music/guitar amp and don't fit into societal norms with no wife or kids while keeping down a good day job at an engineering firm.   Who cares really, I sure don't...  Oh yea, GET OFF MY LAWN LOL!

      What is important though, being young and naive however is no excuse unfortunately for what will come.  For none of us are guaranteed another moment's breath on this minuscule rock of a planet we call Earth in the vast, massive universe.  I've sadly seen quite a few friends of mine growing up as a teenager I knew for years, then suddenly one day wake up to find they were in a horrific accident and are GONE, never to be seen again among the living.

      But realize that some people do actually care whether you suffer physical separation, torment and anguish for all eternity, someone cares about YOU enough to warn you of your eternal destiny.  This isn't about proselytizing, this is warning you along the lines of "the plane is going down, it's fixing to crash and I have a parachute for you that will save your (eternal) life, please consider using it".   I'm one of those persons, the other DIED FOR YOU over 2,000 years ago on a cross for every sin you'll ever commit and HE is the only acceptable atonement for those sins to our Creator and His Father, YAHWEH.

      This man is Jesus Christ.

      Regardless, again, believe whatever you will, but the truth will seek you out one day.  I pray then it will not be too late for you...  Yet a seed hopefully is planted.

      Until then, peace be unto you.


      P.S. Thanks Mrchibbs ^_^  God bless you sir! :)

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