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Ultima Veteran
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Status Replies posted by nnorton44

  1. T> PB for DM/DF/ PGF

  2. These help to cure cancer directly, and indirectly:

    Burdock Root
    Cascara Sagrada
    Red Clover
    Santa Maria
    Blue Vervain
    Irish Sea Moss

    These help to cure diabetes directly, and indirectly:

    Blue Vervain
    Burdock Root
    Irish Sea Moss
    Red Clover
    Rhubarb Root
    Santa Maria

    Other notable Herbs & Spices:


    Other alkaline foods:


  3. PSO2 coming out on Xbox one, and PC this year

  4. Is it just me or is Ultima getting a lot more depressing? What's with all these super emotional or personal post? I think it's about time we promote a Therapist as a mod :"L

  5. I am just a human "being" seeing, feeling, wishing for healing. Learning, burning with desires concerning the flesh, a mesh of a mess. no more no less I confess

  6. I made this translation of the 12 commandments myself, so that it translates to other languages correctly.

    The 12 Commandments of God Almighty

    I am the Lord your God which have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You will have no other gods before me.

    Make no graven image, neither any similitude of things that are in the heavens above, neither that are in the earth beneath, nor that are in the waters under the earth. 
    Do not bow down to them, neither serve them, because I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers of the children of the third and fourth generations of those who hate me; and showing mercy to thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

    Do not misuse God's name, because the Lord will not hold whoever misuses his name guiltless.

    Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it sacred.
    Six days you will labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of God; 
    In it you will not do any work, nor your son, nor your daughter, your man-servant, nor your maid, nor your beast, nor the stranger that is within your gates.
    Because in six days the Lord made the heaven and earth, the sea, and everything that is in them, and he rested on the seventh: Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.

    Honor your father and your mother, so your days will be prolonged in the land the Lord your God gives you.

    Do not kill.

    Do not commit adultery.

    Do not steal.

    Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.

    Do not seek your neighbor's house, neither your neighbor's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his donkey, neither anything that belongs to your neighbor.

    Love God with your whole heart, and with your whole soul, and with your whole mind, and with your whole strength.

    Love your neighbor as yourself.

    1. nnorton44


      Boy I'm glad I don't have mental illness as well 😅

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Count your blessings folks, I was almost seriously smashed from the rear in my truck today by a stupid woman in a big Dodge Ram truck who didn't know how to drive in the rain today.

    --->  <---  "This close", with my fingers was my only gesture to her as she nonchalantly drove around me while I was stopped at an intersection to turn as she nearly went into a ditch to miss me.  

    Dear Lord I hate driving in the rain!  Not because of the limitations it puts on me driving, BUT THE STUPID PEOPLE WHO GET THEIR DRIVER'S LICENSE OUT OF A CRACKERJACK BOX and don't understand the simple concept of extended braking distances IN THE RAIN.  And THESE PEOPLE wonder why the state of Louisiana has the highest insurance rates in the nation!

    Are we really all just a bunch of dumb monkeys operating a heavy, expensive piece of collateral damage waiting to happen?

    *END RANT*

  8. No es que abandone para siempre Pso. Tan sólo necesito un tiempo fuera hasta superar esos sentimientos que me andan artormentando. Cuando los haya superado estaré de vuelva, por mientras Kira entra en off. Amo este juego, y no permitiré que gente de mala vibra me afecte a mi para dejarlo.

  9. S>STA you stupid bitches this ain't no joke hoes

  10. B> Demon TypeSH/Shot 80 hit

  11. Hey so guys I just wanted to say I'm gonna be making a comeback here but I just wanted to like let you guys know so like I was thinking in a couple days and stuff but I just wanted to tell you guys before I come back but I'm pretty happy to tell you guys I'm coming back so like if anyone wants to have fun do missions get some pds and pgfs I'm down to have a good time and stuff so like just pm me out like if you see me around just give me a quick hoot and I'll be sure to say hi:)

  12. Spring has come :3

  13. How are all my babes?

    1. nnorton44


      It just picked what you say most dirty boi 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hello friends of Ultima, hope all is well. Wish I still had the time to play as much as i used to... dw

    But I'm on Discord if you want to stay connected: Ban#6544

  15. Protoss was here. :onion-head18:

  16. What, am, I, suppose to do, with, that?


  17. Just want to say thank you to the staff for all the happy hours this weekend. You were all quite generous. Thank you!! <3


  19. One of the best things in life is the opportunity to dedicate your love, loyalty and faithfulness to someone, because if you have somebody to love, that will keep your mind away from sinful thoughts about other people. Eventually your soulmate becomes the primary reason you sin less. When you're busy loving someone faithfully you sin less. Look out for your soulmate. They will save your life.

  20. New pic who dis


  22. I did a stupid thing and now I have a bunch of little holes in my waist.  Who knew clothing touched you that often?

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