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Status Updates posted by TheJoker25

  1. Shattered some ankles that weren't my own this evening. Not a bad way to end my day.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheJoker25


      No, but a few did play like girls. Doge would have made a better opposing player. Air Bud style imo.

    3. Voodoo Kitty

      Voodoo Kitty

      fighting or sport?

    4. TheJoker25



  2. Would anyone like to make a few gentlemen's bets with PDs for the NBA Dunk Contest & 3 Point Shooting Contest tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheJoker25


      Lets say 2 PDs per contest. So total of 4 PDs to win.

    3. Saber +7
    4. Starlord


      Psshhh basketball be real men and watch hockey bros :P

  3. The amount of condescension on this server is amazing. I love having people with all the best gear tell me how easy it is to solo stuff. Listening to that is my favorite part of event times.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ultrajerky


      i just wanna garantee i get what i want. after that ill help people get the shit they need.

    3. Grimoire Greys

      Grimoire Greys

      You are quite right. As one of those selfless people , I usually end up helping others but many a time they do not return the favor. It is saddening.

    4. TheJoker25


      Well thank you for being selfless in the face of selfish people only concerned about themselves and not their teammates xD

  4. If you think it's hard to train dinosaurs then Imagine Dragons.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. griffeni


      i see what you did there and misombre brings a fairly good point of logic into the matter and i concure whole hartedly

    3. TheJoker25


      You're trying to apply logic to my nonsense. I believe that's hue worthy.

    4. Misombre


      I think you missed what I did there =D I heard you, I understood you, I believed y... wait wut, no way forget that.

  5. You must be 21 or older, and not a total sack of shit to view my profile.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheJoker25


      You will be scarred for life.

    3. Malxerz


      Am total sack of shit and looked anyways

    4. TheJoker25


      Doges eat their own shit. You're self cleaning so it's okay.

  6. I got a big brown doge barking at my back door. Thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheJoker25


      Such doge, much image, very wow.

    3. Malxerz


      very drug much stoned so sell wow

    4. TheJoker25


      Much drugs, such high, very very wow.

  7. Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.

  8. There is no 'I' in hue but, there is 'hue' in hue hue hue.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zoomcat7


      why can't we all just hue along?

    3. Misombre


      I have no clue what you're hueing around.

    4. Malxerz


      but there is a u in hue

  9. Are sheep made of wool? Or is wool made of sheep? Think about it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Misombre


      Neither. You have to rethink everything from the start.

    3. Zoomcat7


      I am wool and I find this sheep

    4. radezz


      I am sheep, but what if i find this

  10. How many bears can Bear Grylls grill? If Bear Grylls could grill bears?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zoomcat7


      None cuz he's drinking piss

    3. Starlord


      Mans gotta do what a mans gotta do... Even if that means drinking piss.

    4. TheJoker25


      The fuck is wrong with you guys? I'm talking about eating a god damn bear!

  11. Having a 6 ft high bong means I need a spotter when smoking. Otherwise I'm like a midget trying to kill himself with a shotgun.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheJoker25


      I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and, assume you knew what I meant...

    3. Misombre


      Thanks for your confidence... I could end up thinking that people believe I have no clue at all.

    4. makaveli


      Lol sounds like you need a smaller bong.

  12. He is the Batman to my Joker, if Batman had head trauma, and a crippling bipolar disorder...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheJoker25


      I live by the lake so I leave lines out all the time. Don't worry about what I catch. I just kill whatever I don't need.

    3. Starlord


      poor little fish. have to suffer your sadistic ways. when will they be free? WHEN?!!

    4. Virec


      hahahaha neverending

  13. What's the best way to remedy a sticky keyboard? No it's not jizz that's causing the keys to stick, it's wild cherry pepsi that I spilt.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tro
    3. Starlord


      Is that what they call jizz in wva? Man I am lost with the times today. You kids with your slang. Such creativity gone to waste XD

    4. Angeldust


      put keyboard in washer, then dryer, fixes it 10/10

  14. The worst thing about being told you've got Alzheimer's is it doesn't just happen the one time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheJoker25


      Hahahaha. It took me a second but, I hue hue hue'd.

    3. Lukas Heistso

      Lukas Heistso

      I would rather have Alzheimer than Parkinson.I prefer to forget to pay the beer be4 i spill it

    4. TheJoker25


      I hue'd a lot at that Lukas.

  15. Do you think the world will ever have a dwarf shortage?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheJoker25


      I knew a midget that was trying to become a certified chef and, he told me the reason he gave up was because the steaks were too high.

    3. Lukas Heistso

      Lukas Heistso

      then he smoked some weed and got medium

    4. Lukas Heistso

      Lukas Heistso

      cause he cant get high

  16. The LockHeed SR-71 BlackBird an advanced, long-ranged, strategic reconnaissance aircraft capable of Mach 3 and an altitude of 85,000 feet! DO YOU EVEN READ MY TRADE THREADS?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheJoker25


      I prefer the antique model.

    3. InCiDeR


      I like the TR-3B or TR-3D... if you ever were to discover one..

    4. Dashie IOW

      Dashie IOW

      *holds up a radio playing rick roll*

  17. My preferred mode of contact is fakeemailaddress@f**koff.gov

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Malxerz


      im signing you up for prons

    3. TheJoker25


      fine, but make sure you sign me up for a pronhug account

    4. Malxerz


      no, gay pron

  18. Gambling on farts is dangerous. There's always a chance it'll be more than air.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZenReborn


      I've lost in a gamble like that.

    3. Zoomcat7


      You gotta be shitting me

    4. ultrajerky


      just don't get greedy.

  19. I need a better armor for male FOmar than Sacred Cloth. Someone hook me up asap.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fyrewolf5


      When easter comes I can help you with godric's cloak.

    3. Tera


      Or just buy one from me, if you can't wait til easter.

    4. Malxerz
  20. I remember this one time when people used to make funny status updates but, sadly all those funny people died.

    1. ultrajerky
    2. TheJoker25


      No that's ING.

    3. Lukas Heistso

      Lukas Heistso

      I did not die.My PC did :P i know that you mean me,hue

  21. Yousa in big dudu dis time.

    1. Malxerz


      Jar jar was a sith lord.

    2. TheJoker25


      Quiet baby Greedo...you're lucky I even let you hold the paddle.

    3. Malxerz
  22. If you listen carefully at 0:00, you can hear the sound of the song starting.

    1. Misombre


      I never thought about that. Mind blowing o.o

    2. Zoomcat7


      I have the super-human ability to stop time, wanna see? *press pause

    3. TheJoker25


      You've never once made me laugh Zoomcat7. You're not clever or funny. #SorryNotSorry

  23. I'm high on life. And also on drugs.

    1. Starlord


      im high on sizzurp. so i dont blame ya

    2. Malxerz


      omg i got this new hook up and inga just died

    3. TheJoker25
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