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Everything posted by Zoomcat7

  1. 2020 and still no flying cars
  2. I cannot believe how much of my time I have put into this game, lol

    1. Misombre


      I can believe you on that one =D

    2. leezy


      How much have you put in?

    3. McLaughlin86


      I feel the same way about myself :L.

  3. B> vol opt shield :3 plz PM me

  4. Baconmate, recovers full HP and adds 1 HP to max

  5. Question, is there a shot-gun (spread) type weapon for a hunter? More specifically, for a HUnewearl? Just wondering.
  6. Zoomcat7

    S> 7 DT

    Damn that was fast lol
  7. Zombie Rappy should be an event-enemy

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cyane


      grab a pumpkin, give it a dress D: kill a rappy so it gets possessed

    3. Zoomcat7


      But Rappies are immortal, not even DM/DF can kill them!

    4. YukiSenoue


      Brb skinning rappies

  8. T> DTs for some PDs :3

  9. PSO and chill

    1. chrishnyc


      Sex with hunewearl xD?

    2. Zoomcat7
    3. SelahIsASpot


      10 minutes into pso and chill, he tries to Give you the Del rappy

  10. Hey guy I'll trade you a rappys beak for that glide, hue
  11. Sometimes, a force has to know when to stop meleeing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. R-78


      I have never played melee force :P

    3. leezy


      Dam one guy complain bout how a force use to much magic,it's dmc his attack,(to me I think he just miss alot),,,now this....dam no love fore a force

    4. Zoomcat7


      Don't get me wrong, I like forces a lot, I just think sometimes you have to do what you do best, lol

  12. I don't always hunt, but when I do, I never get it.

  13. I would like a large gibbles-supreme pizza with a side of hot-rappy wings

    1. rayblasterx


      don't forget the hildeblue cheese

  14. shut up Morty, that's a monomate

    1. McLaughlin86


      They're just racasts, morty.

    2. Zoomcat7


      that bird's gonna kill you morty

  15. A Tetramate should restore half HP and TP

  16. I think rappys are secretly the strongest enemies in the game cuz you can't actually kill them :o

  17. McRappys, I'm lovin it

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