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Damian Lazcano

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Damian Lazcano last won the day on February 24 2023

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About Damian Lazcano

  • Rank
    The Helghan Empire
  • Birthday 02/05/1991

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  1. Rianov 303SNR-2 +25 [0/25/0/0|50] -10pd
  2. Buy this !! x1 plz Photon Booster x5 18pd
  3. DEF: 49 POWER: 125 DEX: 26 PB Twins, fish and other
  4. Panzer Faust [0/0/0/60|65] - 220 PD buy this !!
  5. Gratia [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] 5pd/1DT buy this
  6. Vulcan +9 [0/5/0/0|70] [Charge] Arms +10 [100/0/0/100|60] [Charge] TypeME/Mechgun +30 [0/0/0/0|80] [Charge] Price ??
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  8. S-rank Zalure needle + 100 PDs for : *Panzer Faust 60/0/0/0/65H - 30DT / 300PD ???
  9. Photon booster For sale PM-Me ! 

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  11. I offer you this if you are interested, talk to me privately if you are interested Lame D'Argent [0/0/0/0|35] [Kills:4] Master Raven [0/0/0/20|25] Last Swan [0/0/0/40|25] +50 PDs
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