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Damian Lazcano

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I simply wanted to propose if it is possible to modify the animation of Kroe's Sweater, for a more striking one, something like the animation of:


Luminous Field
Smoking Plate
Flame Garment
electro frame
Virus Armor: Lafuteria
Aura Field





Simplemente quería proponer si es posible el modificar la animación de Kroe's Sweater, por una mas llamativa, algo como la animación de: 


Luminous Field
Smoking Plate
Flame Garment
Electro Frame
Virus Armor: Lafuteria
Aura Field

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Not Intended to be that asshole :onion-head82: but I believe this has been proposed a lot In the past (Including numerous post In topic "Ideas to Improve Server" :onion-head01:)



but I believe


(and yet this asshole has no proof on the table despite he Is a phoenix wright fan :onion-head06:) {But I'm going to prove I am not an asshole :onion-head28:}


Also, not only Kroe's Sweater which Is one of the most relevant armors to use :D there are
-Samurai Armor

-Mother's Garb+

-Sue's Coat

-Dress Plate (I am pretty sure this one does :rf-13:It's like the Love (Sweet? :onion-head49:) Heart armors :rf-03:)

-Elemental tech booster Cloaks (Ignition/Tempest/Congeal Cloaks)

-Lieutenant Mantle

-Vampire Cloak (In the lowest of tiers :rf-08:At least give It Devil's wing mag visuals :onion-head65:) [And maaaaybe buff It a little somehow :onion-head64:]

-Neutron Skin :onion89:

-Godric's Cloak :onion120: 



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It has been proposed before, and I've even written such things into design notes for armors Ive made (e.g. neutron skin supposed to have same effect as brightness circle), but it's not always so easy to do in practice. We have managed some crazy things before (sacred bow bullets, fire rod / bombchu animation swaps, macho blade s/d level increase from s-red), but don't hold your breath on it. If it does become possible to do I'll def want to go back and add a bunch to random armors (it's criminal that only fonewm can have smoking plate effect).

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26 minutes ago, Fyrewolf5 said:

...(it's criminal that only fonewm can have smoking plate effect)...


This... and to make things worse, the effect is used on an armor a FOnewn most probably will never use!

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  • 2 months later...

It's a long time since I messed around with the effects in general, IRCC I belive it's possible to do but not 100% sure tbh.

will need to play around with the files in my local server whenever i get a chance...   :onion-head13:

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