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Everything posted by Trigunman

  1. Ahhh good man Soly, thanks for the detective work!
  2. Old friend of mine, I have her card. I'll try to get the guild card # for you to find her, or at the least next time I see her I'll try to get her in contact with you. I don't think she has an account here on the forums either...
  3. Talk to Midori, I know she's in the hunt for the items to create it.
  4. Thank you Under9000 and Midori for hookin' a brotha up tonight! A new Excal and a Red Ring in one night! Waaahoooo XD

  5. And thank you sir for your business!
  6. Ahhh, thanks for the heads up Larva, most unfortunate.... Lazy-bones Mio indeed. *sigh*
  7. I'll take that Arrest Calibur for said price sir, I'll try to be on this evening if you're online then. Thanks!
  8. Hey Serverus, when's the next time one of these mini-events is gonna happen? I've got a Yaz 7k and a Yaz 9k that need some specials on them... Any idea of when the next one will be would be greatly appreciated, thanks man!
  9. Saaawweeeeetttt.... Giggity. As usual, thanks a ton Kajex!
  10. I need a "Baranz Launcher technician" to upgrade mine, I gots your PCs as payment as well! I'll try to be on again tomorrow afternoon, thanks guys!
  11. Thanks for your business and the V502 Exoh, much appreciated!
  12. I want one of your V502s good sir, I'll be on this evening, thanks.
  13. A custom weapon event is already coming up, it's called the summer event and you'll find psycho crystals in it to create Psycho Ravens, the most powerful pair of mechguns on this server. THE END. Have a nice day.
  14. Hail and well met good sir! Perchance that thy needs assistance, tarry not to seeketh me out, that thou mayest be aided by mine hand. Of good cheer and noble deeds, I shall aid you in thine quests, we shall overcome and destroy all evil that befalls and endangers us! Therefore, may good fortune favor thee and prosper in all your deeds! LONG LIVE THE FIGHTERS!
  15. Hit me up Army, I got j00r liberta kit. ;^p
  16. Ha! Just needs a stick shift, a clutch pedal and I'd be set... *THREAD HIJACKED* Just curious, but does anybody here drive manual transmission by chance?
  17. Ahhh, good protocol here... I need to stop being so trusting of people sometimes, for my own protection. Thankfully I have not been screwed over yet and most of the people I've dealt with here are honest and good folks. I do hope this trend continues...
  18. Those that ask for help are in no place to demand anything. Patience is a virtue and sadly lost on a lot of people these days... I've had to wait for over a month for my rollback on my Trigunman account at the beginning of this year cuz of a stupid hacker attack on the server from what I can gather... Of course, due to the Christmas event, holidays and I'm sure a rather hectic personal schedule many of the GMs were dealing with at the time, it took waaaayyyy longer that I liked. Sucked, but hey I started a new account during that time with all new characters and made the most of it. LIKE, get off the computer more and do other stuff that I needed to do as well. Finally, I got Trigunman back and once again, all was good. So again, as the ole saying goes, crap happens bro. The rollback process is a rather involved one from what I understand and for the security of the server it's best that only a very small handful of people know how to do it Bullseye. Ultimately it's Larva's call, him and the GM's business how the server is run. Do remember, this is but a FREE service they provide for us with this private server, they owe none of us a thing. So again I implore you, patience man... All good things comes to those who wait.
  19. Hey i think I remember doing a few runs with you this past week, so welcome to the Ultima server/forums and enjoy your stay hon! As always, if you need some help, I'm not too hard to find. Take care, good luck and good hunting!
  20. Hey Gore you still got that L&K 38 Combat for sale? Throw me a price and we'll go from there...
  21. Kewl, another FOmar! Welcome and enjoy your stay man.
  22. Trigunman

    s> goods

    150 PDs??? Seriously? I'd sooner go donate for some hit on my own Zanba... Good luck with the sale man...
  23. Trigunman

    s> goods

    Pop, I thought you quit? How many PDs do you want for the Zanba Fatboy?
  24. So what does the cute/shock do? XD Make some delicious babe show up and make you go DOHHHHHHHH? Bwuahahaha!
  25. Like a black hole vortex, you'll be sucked back in again one day... Take care dewd and good journey.
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