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Everything posted by Trigunman

  1. I'll take one of your Lame D'Argents sir! Lemme know the next time you're on and I'll try to hook up with you sometime this weekend hopefully!
  2. Good journey and be blessed, perhaps one day the vortex of Ultima will suck you back into it's event horizon. Until then, take care!
  3. Still not tired of winning.


    1. McLaughlin86


      Lol are you referring to what I think you're referring to?

    2. leezy


      Meet me outside how bout dat

    3. rayblasterx
  4. Hell, I probably have some stuff for you for free Malak, I keep stuff I find on runs all the time for guys starting out like you. Just find me in-game sometime, look for my alts Triforcer and Triblader, they carry all my FO and HU gear respectively, for anything else RA related, look for Trigunman and Tri-MSUIT. See you then!
  5. HAPPY MAGA DAY - January 20th 2017!  :onion-head11:

    1. ZenReborn
    2. Trigunman


      If' I'm wrong then I don't wanna be right baybeeee XD


      Hereeeeee comes the Trump trainnnnn choooo chooooo XDDDD

  6. In roughly 24 hours, many things are going to change...  Or will things once again persist to remain the same? 

    In every end there is a beginning and to every beginning there will come an eventual end.

    What will be birthed will begin in the hearts of each of us, therefore what will this bring?

    Our eventual demise?  Or a glorious new beginning?



    Ultimately this fate begins with a decision we must make of with the reality that surrounds us each day.


    Deuteronomy 30:15-16 - "See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity; in that I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you are entering to possess it.…


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MadOrNah


      You sound like a bitter old fart, who just now started going to Church.


      I'm to young and immature to take what you're saying seriously. > Trigunman

    3. mrchibbs


      Human's were cursed with the conscious mind. It causes us to think of what the right choices are and think of where our ends will take us. I for one think there is nothing awaiting me when my time comes, and find it in myself to try and spread peace and love while I still can on this beautiful world. God bless you Trigunman.

    4. Trigunman


      Actually MadOrNah, I was raised in church for all my life.  Imperfect, pontificating old fart?  Haha, maybe I am... XD  Or maybe I still annoy my neighbors with my loud music/guitar amp and don't fit into societal norms with no wife or kids while keeping down a good day job at an engineering firm.   Who cares really, I sure don't...  Oh yea, GET OFF MY LAWN LOL!

      What is important though, being young and naive however is no excuse unfortunately for what will come.  For none of us are guaranteed another moment's breath on this minuscule rock of a planet we call Earth in the vast, massive universe.  I've sadly seen quite a few friends of mine growing up as a teenager I knew for years, then suddenly one day wake up to find they were in a horrific accident and are GONE, never to be seen again among the living.

      But realize that some people do actually care whether you suffer physical separation, torment and anguish for all eternity, someone cares about YOU enough to warn you of your eternal destiny.  This isn't about proselytizing, this is warning you along the lines of "the plane is going down, it's fixing to crash and I have a parachute for you that will save your (eternal) life, please consider using it".   I'm one of those persons, the other DIED FOR YOU over 2,000 years ago on a cross for every sin you'll ever commit and HE is the only acceptable atonement for those sins to our Creator and His Father, YAHWEH.

      This man is Jesus Christ.

      Regardless, again, believe whatever you will, but the truth will seek you out one day.  I pray then it will not be too late for you...  Yet a seed hopefully is planted.

      Until then, peace be unto you.


      P.S. Thanks Mrchibbs ^_^  God bless you sir! :)

  7. Yea, okay I know what you're talking about Misombre, that info is also here: http://www.pso-world.com/item_compare.php?section=8&class=Sword&version=v3 BTW, they all have an AUW date, it's just the real Flowens is very distinct in appearance from the "fakes" as well it being the newest AUW date. Bottom line, the "real" Flowen's Sword "AUW 3084" cannot be given another special as it already has one. The fakes have never had a special on them, hence why Kajex included this in his previous mini events. I have a question kinda off-topic though, but related... Does anyone know if the Flowen's Shield, Flowen's Frame will interact with the "set bonus" with all of these swords or just the "real" AUW 3084 sword? (or does it even work on this server honestly?)
  8. Errr ahhh, that's what the event is all about Misombre... Just got spirit put on a AUW 3083 Flowen's Sword to get the next best thing to an actual "real" Flowens. And to those who ask is it worth it, does it actually make it stronger? Well, I've got a Tsumikiri J-Sword with 80-hit and the Flowens can hit harder than it using Spirit. Sadly, I've only got 35 hit on the Flowens though, so technically, it's not near as accurate as my Tsumikiri. As always, thanks Kajex for all you do and for putting this event back on the server.
  9. Ahhhh dear Cycy, I pray you recover quickly hon! I feel you on the health issues, got an aunt who is still recovering from surgery due to Chron's disease and has another surgery in a few months to finally end her nightmare... I'm fighting freakin' insomnia again, it seems the holidays screwed with my sleep patterns, traveling on the road alot and so forth and it sucks something harsh. Hope you had a good Christmas and New Years as well Cyane, hope to see you back on the server again soon.
  10. Here's to 2017, Happy New Year my fellow Ultimites! *raises glass*

  11. To my fellow Ultimites, I pray you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year!  Be blessed, enjoy this time with your family and I pray all your Christmas wishes come true. 

  12. It's the journey, not the destination dear Selah. I am an adventurer at heart. PGF or no PGF my main objective is to still have fun doing it. We still play this game for fun right? Right?
  13. Yea I know you've been here a while Saith, but honestly I don't remember the drop being across all IDs... Meh, I guess since I finally got a DM for Trigunman way back when I just haven't really cared terribly about or paid much attention the drop IDs for the PGF... Well that and it's probably still a pain in the ass for one to even drop I imagine. XD *shrugs* Ahhh maybe I'll get off my sphincter and work on it some this year during my vacation time... Along with some more L&K 38s, giggity. XD
  14. When did this start happening? Damn have I been gone that long... And please don't refer to me as your child, I'm probably old enough to be your daddy... *facepalm* -______-
  15. Doubt it, it's always been limited to a few IDs every Christmas event. As already stated in the earlier posts, so far Yellowboze and Oran are confirmed for the drop. (yuuuuussss, time to get to work Trigumman XD )
  16. Soooo very stoked for the new AMD RYZEN to be released the first quarter of 2017! Game on Intel, game on!

  17. Perspective sometimes is all a matter of where you're standing in life, whether it's on a high mountain top, a dry desert valley, or staring at an oncoming, blaring train from a tunnel...   If you have the wrong perspective, move, so that it will change, sometimes all it takes is a few inches...

  18. It's not an easy job, but eh, we try around here
  19. Oh hey, I think I helped you do a ROCT run the other night! As horrible as it went, I had a good time,(and with you too Lemon) hope you did too man. Welcome back to the vortex that is PSOBB Ultima! Just holla if you need some help man, I'm but a PM/email/signal flare/smoke signal away!
  20. LOL didn't mean to sound so snarky, haha! But crap like that irritates me to no end, I mean c'mon... A little "splan'in" goes a long way and not everyone has that "knowhatImeanVern"...
  21. Ahhh a mystery solved, hallelujah, thank you Jade. A great program indeed, I've seen smaller, local organizations putting on programs like this, even my workplace does this for local public schools during Christmas. However, I didn't know the U.S. Marine Reserves were the first to start it. Noble causes though are exclusive to no one thankfully and it's people like this that restore my faith in humanity... at times. Good stuff... Yep even a few dollars or so or even a few hours of your time to help can give a child more Christmas and blessings than you can imagine guys. Not all of us are so blessed as we are to enjoy a full Christmas of gifts, family, food, fun and holiday cheer that we often take for granted.
  22. Oh... Deborah dearie, if you would please, provide a link or a bit more explanation to your post. I hate to terribly disappoint you but unfortunately most of us here don't have ESP, premonitions or any sort of crystal ball to deduce exactly what the hell your point is. While charity work is a worthwhile and noble cause, usually those asking for help in such things are usually affiliated with some sort of organization that heads these kinds of things up. Just sayin'... Thanks in advance for all you do and have a nice day!
  23. Trigunman


    My offer still stands, I'm home and I'll be available after 6:30 pm CST during the week Death, thanks.
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