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Everything posted by Trigunman

  1. Possible IP address conflict? Server won't take both of you on the same IP at the same time? If that's the case, perhaps maybe one of you should use a proxy IP and see if that can get the other logged in.
  2. RAmar, RAmarl, FOmar, HUnewarl are all great, flexable soloing classes with access to S/D and other support techs, moreso the FOmar, although without the best gear, he's still rather squishy and not quite powerful as I'd like in Ultimate. His support ability is excellent though while maintaining a degree of offensive ability, I'd probably say the same things for HUnewarl too... RAs will always have a great force multiplier going solo using shots, namely with the Dark Meteor and the Baranz Launcher. I can go just about anywhere and survive going solo with my RAmar and a DM, nuff said. (although my RAcast with a even a 75 hit Baranz ain't too far behind, now that he's got a Wedding Dress...)
  3. Hot damn, I need to stop being a recluse. :onion-head48:

    Also, my anime habit is getting out of control... Help?  :onion129:

    Damn you Crunchyroll and your tasty animated deliciousness!

    1. Grimoire Greys

      Grimoire Greys

      Hey, at least its available in high def. :3 

    2. DutchRide


      No such thing.

  4. Errr ahh Deborah, hon... If UPS was shipping it and they sent it to the wrong address, why didn't you contact them about it when it didn't arrive on time or at the first sign it didn't arrive at the proper destination? Instead of complaining about ASRock or even Newegg for that matter, my humble opinion is to focus on who had it LAST. Once it's out of Newegg's shipping facility, it's UPS's responsibility to get it to the proper address. ASRock nor Newegg cannot help you beyond that point aside from warranty claims, the board is long gone out of their inventory and their effective reach.... UNLESS by some act of kindness, the recipient of the board actually decides to return the misplaced item.(highly unlikely I'd think, but eh, not everyone is that privy about building their own computer, much less even know what a motherboard is!) You just recently bought that board, I'd get UPS on the phone and try to track down that package and see if it has already been returned or start a claim with them for the board. Do it pronto, if you have any hopes of getting that board or any of your money back!
  5. Sorry, but I can't agree with this these days, maybe about a year or two ago, perhaps... The release of AMD's latest Ryzen has changed all of this, along with all of Intel's current misfortune to boot. Between the Specter and Meltdown security flaws/exploits that have reared their ugly head, the associated "fixes" for them that seriously affect the CPU's performance and the closing performance delta of AMD's latest Ryzen processors, aka "Zen+" or next year, "Zen2", Intel is about to lose their performance crown. (technically they've already lost it, the Ryzen based Threadripper is even besting Intel's latest massive multi-core chips) Another issue that is going to become a real problem very soon is Intel's serious issues concerning CPU production due to their VERY serious problems with their latest 10nm chip fabrication... They are going to be stuck on 14nm node well into next year and it's so bad they are even having to rely on TSMC for their latest 14nm production! Even if you want a chip, their supply is going to tighten in the coming months, this also most likely means increased prices. In short, I'd rather roll the dice on what AMD offers these days, which is usually always more bang for the buck to comparable Intel offerings.
  6. Actually, I would think that would be for Newegg, not AsRock, they don't dictate the prices or handle warranty/claim exchanges, generally. That sucks though, find a hellavu deal and then they turn around and won't honor it. Above all I can't emphasize this enough, you want a system that will last? Don't skimp on the motherboard, do your homework, research and get the best you can afford.
  7. I 2nd the SSD drive for primary boot drive, I will never use a platter drive for a OS drive ever again after I built my current machine 3 years ago! 10 second maximum boot time from the power button to desktop! I would seriously consider a better MOBO, get the best you can afford. Never get cheapy on the MOBO, go with the X470 chipset too if you can swing it, cheap boards tend to not have long lifespans. Ask me how I know! (and how many I've replaced over the years... *facepalm*) I think this is the one I've got saved on my wishlist for an overhaul with a Ryzen 2600X next year... https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157836
  8. Ahhhh yay! It's finally here! Here's my obligatory Zelda meme: Dat Masta Swoood...
  9. Argh, this almost makes me want to take another stab at getting an account setup with SEGA ID... But I'm still getting spammed by them even though it's all in japanese kanji. I've watched alot of the videos and it's just seems so over the top in certain things, certain IMPORTANT things that makes an JRPG an JRPG. I think I'll go waste $60 on Dragon Quest XI instead...
  10. Ahhh, that's easy, an exacto knife or maybe a utility knife as well if it's a thin enough piece of plastic. However I will warn you, be extremely careful with both, use a piece of glass or metal as a cutting surface, make damn sure that plastic is secured before cutting and go easy with either.(just enough pressure to cut) Cut away from you and make sure you don't cut close to your own hand with it. The exacto is effectively as sharp as a medical scalpel and the utility knife (that uses a razor blade!) ain't too far behind it. Honestly, you might be better off with a dremel though,(it's certainly safer than those two knives) but how cleanly you can cut with it takes a bit of practice, a dremel has alot of torque behind it for it's size which makes it tricky to get a clean cut.
  11. Never give up on the talents and abilities you've been blessed with Pthalo. While you may not see the fruits of your labors now, like many famous artists, your recognition and accolades don't come till much later in life or in the fullness of time. Always strive to push yourself beyond what you consider your limits and work harder to sharpen your skills, eventually that work and effort will pay off. Like many of the engineering jobs I do drafting for, sometimes it may take months or years before I finally see it built and enjoy the fruit of my own labors I helped create! P.S. Sorry about never getting back to you on your "box" thingy, I could never get it to import into AutoCAD, you're probably gonna have to give me a hand-drawing of what you want and I'd have to take it from there.
  12. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THE VORTEX THAT IS ULTIMA PSOBB, MWUAHAHAHAHAHA...ha... *COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH* ...I mean welcome back good sir! Enjoy your stay!
  13. Yea, I've already got a blank Iron Faust... I'll think I'll just donate for some hit on my current one, thanks.
  14. Nevermind... *facepalm*
  15. Looks like he actually named it Zalure... I'm interested in your Iron Faust there Ruff, how much in PDs would you take for it?
  16. Hail and well met! There is a keyboard layout diagram btw, the controls are not that terribly difficult IMHO and you have far more control with hotkeys for techs, items, IMHO. (plus the mini-menu CTRL+END is a must for fast weapon switching)
  17. Dear Lord man, how are you able to keep up with that many teammates??? More power to ya I guess...
  18. 56Yasminkov 9000M +10 [0/0/0/0|10] [Demon's] 20Laconium Axe +30 [15/35/0/35|0] Greetings! I'm interested in these two Chris, thanks!
  19. Greetings Click2winipod! This is kind of a rather subjective answer as this ultimately depends on your gear, your mag's level, your techs, whether you're attempting this solo or with a full group of help, namely with either of equivalent level characters or either high level characters. My personal suggestion is to find some higher level characters to power level you through to lvl 50+ if you're having a hard time on hard at the moment. Bottom line, early on in the game can be tough, especially if this is your first character here on the server. Later on with other stronger characters, you will hopefully have resources, better low-level gear and most importantly a strong mag (lvl 200 perhaps) starting out with a new character can make them pretty strong "out of the gate" which can speed up leveling exponentially faster and easier. If you need some help, feel free to contact me in-game with my FOmar, Triforcer. He can certainly help with this issue for you, courtesy of buffs, debuffing monsters, demoning,(reducing their HP to 1/4th) freezing and paralyzing monsters. Hope this helps, welcome to Ultima and good hunting!
  20. I humbly withdraw my bid, found a V502 already, thanks!
  21. Yep I can confirm this, they "drop off the forums" effectively, aside from other's quotes and their interaction with them. It's quite pleasingly... effective.
  22. While I do agree there are some who are lazy when it comes to events/hunting/etc, etc... There are others as well Starlord who simply don't have the time to devote hours upon hours it takes to hunt such things. I'd probably be one of those people... It's why I was also one of the last individuals to buy a PGF before they cut off the ability to do so years ago, I don't regret it either and would do it again.(but I also didn't buy it till Trigunman hit lvl 200 and I still had to grind Restless Lion quest for that freakin' perfect 50 hit Arms too ) Regardless, time is money and for some, money is easier to come by than time these days. If I was 20 years younger (i.e. not having to deal with stupid health issues rearing their ugly head) and didn't have a job, house, vehicle and other responsibilities that eat up so much time, I'd have no problem grinding for hours too. Right or wrong, that's unfortunately the way it is...
  23. There is a simpler solution... Just make the PGF drop year around, but lower the rate to where it's like a %0.00005 chance of drop. You'll have all year to hunt one, but your chances are... Pretty low. A humble compromise perhaps? Or maybe you'd rather play the lottery?
  24. WHOOOOOO, my self-imposed exile is over!  Thanks for all the prayers, my back is healed up, heck I'm even getting some good sleep this week, GTHO INSOMNIA!  :onion-head11:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lipelis


      Welcome back!

    3. Yarokosaki


      Welcome back,  I am glad everything is doing better for you. 

    4. Trigunman


      Ahhh thanks guys, it's good to be back in the hunt again, feeling much better and I can sit in a chair again!  It's the little things we take for granted...  :onion-head72:

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