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Everything posted by Viande

  1. We've already been discussing it with EDEN, thanks 😋
  2. Or you little brother stole them 👀 Not accusing, just exploring all the possibilities 😄
  3. Hey, Looking for a BC with hit (30-40) preferably with A. Beast and/or Machine. Hit is priority though so I can work around other (or no) other stats. Also looking for a hit Lindcray but I'll buy it after the BC if I have enough Dts left.
  4. Hi Jade, I'm interested in buying this mag of yours: Love Rappy [Red] [0/0/71/129] [Mylla & Youlla | Farlla | Pilla] 20 pds or 2 dts Thanks 🙂
  5. B > Lindcray with NO hit (but some stats would be nice) / Banana Cannon WITH hit and machine 🥰


    1. jezbuz


      I have the following linds since forever:



      I sell each for 3 pds or 3 luck mats, but if you want more than one, i can drop the price. 

    2. Viande


      Nice, I'll take the 35 machine 😀

  6. Hey, How much for this one: Lindcray [0/0/50/50|0]? Thanks
  7. Bump, Got a few things up for sale after my comeback, make sure you check it out 'cause I'm poor af! 👀 (Oh and can this thread be moved in the trade list section, just realized it was not there? TY)
  8. Hey there, The nostalgia is strong in all of us, welcome back! Hope you enjoy your stay 😀.
  9. Have you got a controller plugged in? I used to have similar issues on other games because the analog stick of my Xbox 360 pad was a bit worn out and a random direction would always get stuck.
  10. I had the same problem a few weeks ago. Did all the quests and Montague wouldn't take my animal parts. It fixed itself when I tried to launch Dr Osto's research in all difficulty levels. It turned out Montague would only convert my parts when I was on Ultimate (although I did all the quests on Normal). You can try that!
  11. Alright, I might have used a little of the hp mats to finish off my new character so it's 2 full stacks + 85 instead of 3 x 99. PM me when you're around
  12. Shop updated with materials and pds: - Selling 3 stacks of 99 x HP mats for 3 dts per stack / 2 stacks of 99 x pow mats for 3 dts per stack - And one stack of 99 x Photon drops for 15 dts
  13. There's a mini event going on, you might have noticed the name of your character has a green colour. When names are green like that, rare monster spawn rate is way higher than normal. So it's a good time to hunt if you need something off a rare monster. It will probably stay on for like a couple more days, unless the GMs forget to deactivate it! And also welcome back =)
  14. How much for the Hylian shield?
  15. Hey there Time Attack fellas. So I recently started to do solo TTF Time Attack runs on my FOnewearl, because I enjoy playing her and soloing stuff with her feels great! The first few ones were kinda bad, the worst being somewhere between 45-50 minutes (at level 182). But now I've improved a bit and I'm starting to get times around the 25 minute mark, which I think is not bad considering my gear sucks compared to what you vets have (Vol Opt with a blank Banana Cannon is a chore ). With my current gear, I believe I can reach low 20, maybe 21 if I get very very good Dark Falz 3 patterns and if I manage to lock Vol opt with gizonde at the very start of the fight. And with improved gear (C/battle, BC with stats, high ATP weapon for Vol Opt gizonding => yes that's a verb), I think I could get below 20" quite easily. Anyway, here's a screenshot of my PB so far:
  16. Hmmm, I arrived in the middle of the Easter Event and I clearly remember that the drop tables were changed for the event.
  17. I don't feel like language is much of an issue around here. Sure the Spanish speak Spanish when they're together, and we French speak French when we're together, but if we want to communicate with each other we do it in English. Of course not everyone has a top level but being understood and understanding the other is fairly easy. Plus quickchat is awesome: MONOMATEwillgatherTOLLAW
  18. Okay, are you still around? Edit: PM me when you get back so we can arrange for a meet up
  19. Bump, added some stuff and added prices too. Thanks to Lipelis for the price check
  20. Sooo, I found this thread from a few years back, and thought I could get a Rambling May but it doesn't work anymore does it? I did all the steps right but the principal doesn't give me anything at the end. And yes, I am 100% sure I did all the steps just how it is explained. EDIT: Ok, nevermind, I recreated the room and it worked...
  21. I've got an Arms +1 [0/0/0/40|40] [Charge] sitting in my bank if you're interested
  22. Hi and welcome back to PSO! I'm rather new to the server myself (just been there for over a month), and I've found some very helpful stuff on the website that are essential to know when you start out, like: - The command list: https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/tool-box/commands/ (If you play with other people and create a room, make sure you type "/dropstyle 1" BEFORE creating the room, it will make the drops different for every person in the party and thus you'll avoid drop steals) - The drop tables: https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/droptable/drop-tables/ - The max stats guide: - The useful links thread: That's all I can think of right now. Hope you enjoy your stay here!
  23. I'm confused, are you leaving for real or just going on vacation? Anyway, it was good playing with you bro =) Have a good one!
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