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Everything posted by mudkipzjm

  1. ty all for the birthday wishes uwu

    1. Wayne Jones
    2. Starlord


      No, thank you...... for being born.

  2. I know I have a trade topic but this stuff deserves a topic of its own. 0/0/0/200 Chao (twins/golla/leila) - 25 dts (can't make this out of a PPP mag with these stats) UNMAKER S-rank Needle (Berserk Special) - 15 dts Anti-Dark Ring x2 - 5 dts From The Depths - 5 dts Epsiguard - 20 pds Alis Resolve - 20 pds Mind Mat x99 - 20 pds for all
  3. Update the game through the launcher, and it should fix it.
  4. This was 5 months ago, odds are they probably have one by now.
  5. Yes, this also make it so people can't send odd amounts of DTs (i.e. .69, .01). i know it's a fun joke to send that much once in awhile but there's not much having the ability to do that also could have have the hotkeys to change the lobbyevents back? we still have the ones for cam and hud, doesn't make sense not to include lobby event
  6. Honestly, at this point, I'd say just make it not count against your current reputation. It doesn't need to have a negative impact to let someone know what they're saying is rude/dumb.
  7. I've never sent anyone to go troll your discord. If anyone I associate has, they did it on their own accord. Don't make stuff up about me out of your own paranoid delusions.
  8. I've never joined your discord at all, I prefer to keep as much distance as possible. Please keep my name out of your mouth. I keep actively leaving you alone and only disliking things that merit it but here you keep mentioning me.
  9. It's on hold, sorry. If they don't end up wanting it, I will let you know.
  10. Same old PSO, just new items.
  11. I've never been officially diagnosed but I do find it hard to keep focused on things I don't find entertaining. I don't take any medication or meditate or anything. It's not particularly hard to keep a job but it's hard to keep focused at the task at hand. If I want to keep focused at something, I find not having a phone/computer nearby really helps, so I'm not distracted. Although, I do find music can help keep me focused sometimes, depending on the genre. As for foods, not sure if anything really helps. I'd just keep a healthy diet and stay away from stuff with caffeine in it.
  12. I stopped trolling heather for that very reason, and I assume most others have too. If you went through either discord, you wouldn't find anyone trolling heather at all in recent days. Also Emewn was the one that started the beef in the first place with most of us, the first thing I linked in my original post on this thread was just because I said 'wat' in a thread, also he accused a good friend of mine of hacking just because he dc'd or something while trading. There's good reasons I, personally. don't like this individual, it's definitely not unwarranted. Also who I dislike is completely separate from who R-78 dislikes. Un-biased GMs won't exist unless you bring in someone hasn't been a part of this community. I realize I'm not a perfect individual and never claimed to be, but if someone's gonna drag me into a thread despite me actively trying to avoid drama now, I'm going to respond. Also you're a fool if you think most people don't do the exact same thing. 90% of people here probably talk behind other's backs, it's just a human thing to do. I'm not an asshole to anyone who doesn't deserve it. I just wanna enjoy the game. Also I talk to plenty of people in-real life. I'm not on this game nearly as much as I used to be. I just really enjoy this game. Thanks for making a false assumption about my personal life.
  13. Or you know, there's legitimate reasons to dislike most of the things you say, because most of the things you say are dumb posts like this. Then you play victim and go off saying "they just hate me cuz i'm the realest (insert n-word her) alive, thus earning yourself a warn because you used a racial slur. Then you call favoritism because the realest nintendo switch alive doesn't ever deserve a warn, despite having made posts like: and @Emewn Also I thought you had cooled off and mellowed out, thanks for proving me wrong.
  14. B>Guilty light with 50+ hit

  15. I'll give 20 pds for the regular Glide Divine.
  16. I'd say all of those weapon's, except rage de glace, are worth using. Here's my FOmarl gear for reference. It's mostly complete, maybe missing an item or two. Dark Bridge [50/0/50/0|50] Lindcray [100/100/0/0|80] Lindcray [0/0/100/100|80] Bringer's Rifle +9 [0/0/0/0|80] Samba's Fiesta [0/0/0/0|80] Slicer of Fanatic +30 [0/0/100/100|80] Rambling May +50 [0/0/100/100|80] Sacred Bow [0/35/0/45|80] Hundred Souls [100/100/0/0|80] Hundred Souls [0/0/100/100|80] Ten Year Blades +200 [100/0/0/100|80] [Berserk] Banana Cannon +50 [0/100/0/100|80] Glide Divine [0/35/35/0|0] Tyrell's Parasol [75/0/0/0|45] Ultima Reaper +15 [25/0/0/25|80] Sonicteam Armor [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] [Slots: 4] Agent K Costume [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] Other items to consider: Boomerang - for arresting dorphons Master Sword Kiss of Death Merc Rod - stopping del biters a bit closer than gifoie would
  17. I'd shoot a PM to @Solyor something.
  18. The game really doesn't like it when it changes resolutions, I'd also make sure the game is fully updated and etc.
  19. If you're running win10, make sure it isn't in full screen. I forget if soly's fixed it or not but I think fullscreen crashes the game.
  20. I'm thinking about making a cryptic status/topic to get people's attention :cr-floating:

    what do you think @jezbuz@Noob Saibot

    1. jezbuz


      Do it, but only in spanish :onion-head18:

    2. Starlord


      You got mine already. Please proceed.

    3. Yannv
  21. Shard wasn't introduced until last year. You're probably thinking of Psycho Booster Crystal, which does drop from morphos.
  22. jajajaja

    1. jezbuz


      Rsrsrsrsrsrs kakakakaka

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