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Status Updates posted by Akioyamato

  1. What the hell is happening to the server... I'd love to play on this cold weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Akioyamato


      Still Can't log in...

    3. Trigunman


      *sigh* Well that certainly narrows it down... =^\ Certainly it gives you some kind of error code?

    4. Akioyamato


      Larva addressed it.. Hopefully it worked

  2. My computer can play PSU but not PSO... Such a win.

    1. Akioyamato
    2. Cyane


      PSO will find a way :3 but for now have fun with psu

    3. Akioyamato


      You don't have to tell me twice! :3

  3. what if I said I may start playing again? Just to see if anything's changed?

    1. Wayne Jones

      Wayne Jones

      :"L who are you and will you be bring sandwiches :""L

    2. Nick Dansby

      Nick Dansby

      yes dont forget the sammiches >_<

    3. Malxerz


      Everyone does this :"L

  4. I would love a gush diska... Hint hint.

    1. Akioyamato


      He won't be here for a while sir.

    2. Akioyamato


      Oh mah gawd... Evie has ruined thine childhood...

    3. Akioyamato


      D: well, I see where we stand...

    1. Ryufear
    2. Trigunman


      Gotta catch them all! XD

    3. Akioyamato


      That was my best battle ever, 1 Tyranitar vs metronome.

  5. Throwback Thursday :D -

    1. Akioyamato


      You took me TOOOOOOO far back!

    2. Akioyamato


      >-> someone's face may have to be removed. After I finish reading The Hunger Games...

    3. Akioyamato


      The realization is scary Evie. Real scary.

  6. MOVING TODAY! I'll be on Ultima in the next 2 weeks!

    1. Akioyamato


      :') Such Happy, Much Memories!

    2. Cyane


      New house sounds fun :3

    3. Akioyamato


      New house, Old state, Old Neighborhood, Old friends!

  7. Everyone's playing PSO2 but me! Now vent makes me sad :(

    1. Akioyamato


      @Poptartsftw NO WAY!

      @Armando ._. I was once that hater...

    2. King Ra

      King Ra

      i tried playing pso2 but it didnt work for some reason

    3. Akioyamato


      Oh it was a good NO WAY not an oh my god... no way...

  8. Godric is frightening!

    1. King Ra

      King Ra

      pish, he is all talk

    2. Akioyamato
    3. Trigunman


      "The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences."

  9. May be taking a little break.. Not from bugs or anything, but because of Phantasy Star Portable 2! :D I'm addicted!

    1. Akioyamato


      When she falls asleep I'll be Mika's baby sitter ;)

    2. Akioyamato


      Racist Sega? If they don't like colored people then I'm playing the wrong game...

    3. Akioyamato


      Oh :/ I don't think my computer is beefy enough to handle that anyways...

  10. While I have been sick, I've been playing Phantasy Star Portable 2 infinity and... My god major overhaul on EVERYTHING from the previous game.

    1. R.A.V.S.O


      such a shame it was only intended for Japan, there WAS an english patch in the works but the devs called it quits

    2. blitsen


      emilia's Japanese antics ! made me wanna bite my psp in half !

    3. Akioyamato


      @R.A.V.S.O I keep my sucky laptop at hand for Devifoxxs' translation guide, @chuk NOPE! @blitsen yeah that may be painful.

  11. I don't actually know who this "Godric" Character is but, Happy birthday, you seem highly respected so i'll give my respect as well!

    1. R.A.V.S.O


      in a nutshell if they appear on the forum with a different colored name, he/she is probably outstanding because of past actions.

    2. King Ra

      King Ra

      your just saying that because you have a colorful name -.-

    3. Akioyamato


      Rav, thank you now i know and Godric, you're welcome :D

  12. How many donation tickets can I get for $2?

    1. Choko


      They're $1 each, so 2.

    2. Akioyamato
    3. Ghdivlb Gjendd

      Ghdivlb Gjendd

      true, but you can get one or zero if you like. Maybe even fractional ones, idk

  13. Pso2... My new addiction!

    1. jonesy88


      its pretty sweet dude. but i prefer blue burst for sure.

    2. Akioyamato


      Whhaatt! Nah jk, I feel ya. You can't beat the originals... BUT YOU CAN COME PRETTY DAMN CLOSE!

    3. brofenix


      Ah I tried PSO2 with best friend, got to level 40-ish. Force/talis is so fun but game slowed down alot without trading/multiple char's.

  14. 2 Missionaries are coming to my house today to teach me about gawd... I KNOW ENOUGH!

    1. gamenac


      Ask them about the missionary position for the lulz.

    2. Akioyamato


      I wouldn't be allowed into heaven after that sir...

  15. So, I bought a dreamcast yesterday.

    1. funkytrousers28


      you absolute legend! what games did you get?

    2. Akioyamato


      Pso (v.2 of course) sonic adventure 1 and 2, and I want powerstone but don't have the funds right now :(

  16. I got Powerstone 1 and 2 yesterday! W00t!

    1. Sylph777


      i remember those games back in 2000 lol , was very fun like crazy taxi and soulcalibur haha

    2. Sylph777
  17. Hey, I hate to sound like such an uber noob... But can someone teach me/ Link me somewhere to edit skins MYSELF. Like create a new skin. I know how to use the AFS manager but don't know how to create my own.

    1. Soly


      I think this works.... i tried some by myself but need more time to actually make a good one!!

    2. Akioyamato


      My skype is also on my profile. Any help is appreciated, Thanks guys!

  18. Bought pokemon white 2, can't afford a 3ds but I can buy 2 DS lites :3

    1. Akioyamato


      Lolololololololololololololol never bro! I wanted to but y'know cash flow short. xD

    2. Akioyamato


      That was my second choice...

  19. Whenever I make a topic, Everyone n dae momma wanna make one removing mine from recent topics... Wow.

    1. Hybrid
    2. Hybrid


      Don't worry man people see your topics :)

  20. 2 Photon drops in 1 Forest 1 run... Is my luck finally turning?!

  21. Wow Armando... So birthday, such happy.

    1. shion255


      People seem to have a thing for this Armando guy


    2. Akioyamato


      Such cool, much friendly.

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