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Drop rates and price change of the best mechguns

Sir Rendlan

Yay or Nay of the MECH GUN rights movement >.>  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Should they be altered to something like this mathematics for our Mech Guns

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I think you overlook something important here. While I may say something shouldn't exist that doesn't really mean I think it should be removed. Is it probably too strong? Definitely. Should we start doing what would really be a shitoad of work, to remove it? No. Do I think all classes should be able to compete fairly against one another? Yes. Now let's consider some of these over powered weapons that have been added. Many of them really put the server in a direction that leans toward this. What I say is more a reaction to someone suggesting it gets buffed when it is one of the strongest weapons in the game. As well as disappointment over hucaseals being mostly ignored.

Edited by TripleR
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@TripleR Would you like to have Psycho Raven usable by all characters ? Should as well make all weapons available for all then, instead of creating new "equivalent" weapons for all character.

My point is that I found something being really stupid on Ultima : all those items usable by all class (Ultima Reaper, Slicer of Vengeance, Fury of the Beast, Sil Dragon Slayer, STA, WD, and the list go on and on...)

When people start to overlook a character, you know there is something wrong, and I don't think that this something is "they don't have that like X". I think it's "they don't have something on their own to stand by themselves".

I remember someone asking me "why should I make a huneweal ? I got a Ramarl and she has more ATA than huney, can use Hundred Souls, can use Daylight Scar, and so many very strong weapons"
Of course this is very arguable and we could explain to this person the differences. But at the end, the "issue", if there is one, is that when it comes to stuff, it is better to have diversity and not equality.


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This does have some merit.  I did a little research, and 20 of the 40 custom items that can be class specific are all classes.  We do a little better if you break it down by type.

  • Weapons: 22 total, 14 class specific
  • Armour: 18 total, 6 class specific

I did not include units or consumables in this research.


Here's the xls file I used to do all the fancy calculations.  There are some hidden values that are just white text on white background if you want to check how I did it. PSO Custom Items Breakdown.xls


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@Misombre I don't think saying to have them be able to compete equally against each other means that they should all be able to use the same weapons. In fact due to each class having different(much different) stats it kind of makes that a non-optimal fix. What I mean is that all classes should be equally effective in all areas, all the classes will of course play differently, and need different items to do so.

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I've went to using female characters now cuz they get some decent mid grade armor and barriers....but males seem to get better weapons now I'm finding myself making a male to use p Ravens. Females imo have no great weapons as do males. A wedding dress should be female only but isn't. I like pretty much every custom weapon and item on this server. But there should be something similar for each sex to use like a p Swan or devil heart armor. Not everyone can be pleased with every change they make but class evening stuff should be made. I'll never play huney or ramarl there mail counterparts have better options. I don't understand why most custom weapons can be used by all classes but not all. The sex of character generally males have better atp sometimes but get better weapons....if anything females should get p raven to even that gap. 

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17 minutes ago, rayblasterx said:

me in 2017: B> charge yaz 80 hit 60-70dts

server bans charge yaz

me in 2018: S> charge yaz 8000 dts or $4000 on steam

Does that mean 85 hit yas will be 10000 dts?

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@mudkipzjmI offer 9950 dts firm, and                          with the finest                                               at least half her original teeth or I pay double

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15 minutes ago, yanvbraz said:

Please tell me a good armor males can use to replace Wedding Dress.

What do you say about Sue's Coat, Kroe's Sweater? Why are them females only? Why there are no male versions of them?

Wedding dress is the 2nd top tier armor before Sonicteam Armor, both usable by all classes, so tell me what is the problem males using it (WD).

Even with all this, males are still better because PR, lol.

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oh this is where it really goes down... and you guys are arguing in whole paragraphs??? i knew i was a nub but damn... my mind is blown daily still... i will try to be more active in the community >:D hahaha jk jk :P

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6 hours ago, theancientsam said:

oh this is where it really goes down... and you guys are arguing in whole paragraphs??? i knew i was a nub but damn... my mind is blown daily still... i will try to be more active in the community >:D hahaha jk jk :P

oh there beyond a paragraph, it's getting into essay's now hahah

9 hours ago, yanvbraz said:


Lets then remove all the ranged weapons from Hunters, remove melee weapons from rangers and melee/ranged weapons from forces, lets remove all the custom weapons Ultima have. In the original concept, hunters is the classes that should have the strongest weapons since the combat is hand to hand, rangers will just be a mid-support for the hunters and forces will the pure support (should be oh'ko in Ultimate since it should be fragile). (*sarcasm sentence incase people don't get it*)


This makes some sence, as in hU should be able to use the melee type weapons, and RA ranged only i know it will never happen does make some sence if it were. I don't agree that a melee weapon or sword w/e is stronger then a gun/ranged weapon, after all in the past centuries man has eveolved from doing war with swords and hand to hand combat for guns. For the sake of the game doing that though would make HU really crap to play.


9 hours ago, yanvbraz said:

Please tell me a good armor males can use to replace Wedding Dress.

What do you say about Sue's Coat, Kroe's Sweater? Why are them females only? Why there are no male versions of them?

Wedding dress is the 2nd top tier armor before Sonicteam Armor, both usable by all classes, so tell me what is the problem males using it (WD).

They buffed Sweetheart, Safety Heart, Love Heart. Safety Heart have RR stats, Sweetheart have enough resists to perform well on Tower. What else do females need?

Lindcray is used by forces and HUnewearl. Isn't Lindcray a good enough reason for people to make HUnewearl?

Sue's Coat gives extra ATP, Kroe's give extra ATA. What else HUnewearl is missing? She does have Shifta, Deband, Jellen, Zalure Lvl.20. Techs great enough to solo many quests.




First, i was on my phone while writting this, so quoting the right stuff and typing what i wanted to say was a bit difficult. No i don't want them to nerf WD for males, my meaning is, the name wedding dress it should be female only. Most of the gender spaceific armor has feminen names which a male wearing a WD seems to be a bit of a tranny. I don't understand why WD was buffed and usable for both genders, rather then something with a more neutral name, not that any of you prolly care about what i just said. 
I do not know why there are no male versions of sue's coat or kroe's (personally i dont really care for sue's as a armor i consider when i'm 181 anyways) decent yes but)
Sue's is ok, im using one for my Hucaseal now- untill i can get on and get another samori armor for this char slot, why? cuz that 35atp bonus isn't needed in my max stats and 35 atp isnt real noticeable, when i have 53 free mats i can eat left, i eat 18 pwr mats and use sam armor and there's that gap broken, but with more luck, that i can save some money on luck mats. Sue's is nice, but with only 35atp bonus i won't use it if i don't have to use it. IMO sam armor should be a male armor, it's close to sue's but males don't have any speceific armor that is male only (maybe they do and what i said isn't fact but i do not know of it but what i am saying isn't law so don't come screaming there is something, i just don't know of it and i was looking for RAcast armor before the event started) Yes. wd i agree is 2nd best armor compared to STA. Love Heart, can be as strong as min-med WD, at a lower level to use, far cheaper with comparable def, but lower evp and ok resistances...but at level 131 having 400 def is alot stronger then at level 192 with 400 def too, so the lower evp at level 131 balances out to the evp of wd at a higher level. Using HU for example cuz i just made 2 recently, HUcast max atp is like 1600 something, while HUcaseal is 1300 something...i option to balance out the classes would be a female only armor adding more atp then 35, which is not noticeable. same concept to balance out their def to, which would help even out some of the classes some. I see tons of RAcast and HUcast on the server, they puit up huge numbers, but theres still alot of racaseal hucaseal etc i know that.

 Females pretty much have the better armor options is the point here, and the ones that are available to males, females can use too. I do agree on the fact that HU have no real cool ranged weapon like tripler said as i've found out making a hucaseal. None th eless HUcaseal to me is pretty fun, when i was a FO only player, that's the class that sort of reinvented the game again for me.RA do have better guns, as well as males which there's nothing terribly great for a HUcaseal.

Also I know safety heart has rr stats that's why rather then spend 10 dt for one for my hucaseal i got one of them so my ra can get my rr. I'm in aggreance females don't need more armor for them specifically. Just saying imo evening out racast and racaseal some would be what id suggest for server development. Females need the stronger weapons then males. Def isn't really a huge discrepancy between male and female hu's so that's not really a big issue it's the power. I'd guess the theory behind females getting more armor is the fact it will take them a little longer to kill the same mob there male counterpart would. He'd kill faster so needs less atp. So playing a female is more of a challenge I get that too. I thaught all classes could use mechs I maybe wrong here but if so there's some mechs not all can use. According to pso world every class can use mechs but yet most classes can't use all mechs. A mech is a mech I don't get why if original pso allowed for this not all can use mechs except type I believe everyone can use that. 

( I really do not care how poorly my sentence structure is or grammar I'm in a hurry to get out of the house)

Edited by O9B066
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Quick example racast has more atp but less def then racaseal. Yet the guy gets male only weapons that are very strong. The female gets stronger or arguably better armor yet whatever each sex is better stat wise gets gender specific stuff to be even better yet. I know the def stat here is less then 100 but atp gap is 200. The armor argument isn't as strong but something like Praven shouldn't even be allowed on males but female only to help bridge that gap.

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