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Lets work together for type weapons

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So, a lot of us want type weapons, myself included, and getting them solo is a very long task. I think what would be a great idea is for us all to team up to do this.


The gear constraints aren't actually very hard here as none of this needs to be done in ultimate difficulty, and if you were newer to this server this would be a great way to get some pds/dts by selling if you didn't want to keep one. 


Saith has a very in depth guide on how to do this here: 

but I am going to lay it out fairly basically.

First, any character you want to use must complete AOL cup sunset base on hard, or hearts and class and id can not be obtained.

Once this is done you must proceed to complete max attack 1v2 in episode one, with characters of each different class in your party. If we plan this out properly it will only take 4 runs, pretty easy

After that complete max attack 2v2 in episode two, with characters of each different section id, again, this could be done in a few runs if planed out properly, I am pretty sure both max attacks can be done in normal mode.

I will let you read how to claim the weapons afterwards from Saith's guide



If you are interested in getting type weapons, I think we could go through this fairly quickly with 4 people provided the right class/id setups. I have many characters, all classes, all ids and am going to list the ones I would be best to use for this, although I can come up with any class or id if it is needed.

 Skyly - hucaseal, fonewearl

Viridia - hucaseal, fonewm

Purplenum - humar, hunewearl, ramarl

Greenil - hucaseal, fonewm, ramar

pinkal - fomarl, racaseal

Redria - hunewearl, humar, fomar

Oran - Hucast, Racast

Whitil - Hucaseal, fomarl

Bluful - Fonewearl, ramarl, racaseal

Yellowboze - ramar, humar, hucaseal

I can cover any ID and any class pretty easily, but I don't feel like running 20 something characters through aol cup to be able to get the hearts, but I don't mind running 4-5. I can also dual log to fill in n extra spot in we have a game of only 3 :)


If you are interested in taking part in this, please post here, and I would like to know what classes/IDs you could contribute

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I'm definitely interested in doing some runs with this.  My chars are as follows:

RAmar - Whitill - 167

HUmar - Redria - 130

RAcaseal - Greenil - 125

HUnewearl - Oran - 104

HUcast - Purplenum - 102

RAcast - Skyly - 172

RAmarl - Bluefull - 101

HUcaseal - Pinkal - 101

Think I've only done sunset base with red guy so far but I can easily grind the rest out.

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lets start with these I already know a viridia hucaseal who is willing to take part today and has aol sunset base

I will do a skyly fonewearl, bluful ramarl, oran hucast

So if Janenba can do greenil racaseal, oran hunewearl, redria humar

Ban:  pinkal fonewm, purple racast, then make a yellow fomarl

Diabloscar: Whitill ramar, then make a fomar, I guess id doesn't really matter here

With those we could get this all done today if you want to start getting your aol sunset bases done. Making the new characters shouldn't be hard as you really only need to be level 20 for this



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I'll hop in for the yellow fomarl today. Give me 30 min to finish this cake.


Yellow Fomarl

Skyly Ramarl

White Huney

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I feel almost obligated to help, lol. Plus I could always use a TypeGU/MECHGUN Well here's my 16 or so characters. A few of my characters already have Sunset Base done, so I'm already ready to do the ep 1 Max Attack.

MudkipzJM - HUnewearl Oran

Mudkipz - FOnewearl Blueful

GLaDOS - RAcaseal Purplenum

Mudkipz - RAmarl Redria

Muddycast - RAcast Greenill

Mudo - HUcaseal Whitill

Mudkipz - FOmarl Pinkal

BinAflak - RAmar Skyly

Mudkipz - HUnewearl Redria

Mudynewm - FOnewm Viridia

Mudcastv2 - RAcast Yellowboze

Mudkipz - HUcast Oran

UselessHu - HUmar Pinkal

 けつをたべる - FOmar Blueful

GLaDOS2.0 - RAcaseal Whitill

I also have a level 1 Skyly FOmarl I plan on leveling eventually, so I guess she can count too?

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I could use a GU/mechgun and ME/mechgun. My toons:

Whitill Huney

Purplenum Foney

Viridia Ramar

Purplenum Hucassy

(Plus a few others I still need to level and do Sunset Base with)

Skyly Hucast

Blueful Racast

Redria Huney

Pinkal Fomarl

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