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Ultima's New Launcher


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This launcher is something I have been working on along with a library for the game.
Although the launcher works with the original clients, it's meant to make use of the library to enhance the game with some features hard or impossible to do without it.


  • Can play custom ogg music
  • Can play custom ogg sound effects (rare drop sounds)
  • Integrates a palette manager able to switch palettes pressing 2 keys (Alt + Number1 to Number0). Editing the palettes is done through the launcher. Right click options button and select Palette Manager
  • Control + V hides or shows the HUD
  • Control + M toggles a bigger map in the middle of the screen.
  • Control + C toggles camera free control
  • High resolution HUD and 16:9, 16:10 aspect ratios. Please report any misplaced graphics.
  • Volume controls for BGM and SFX
  • Custom files, in the personalization tab, you will be able to select custom files for specific things like models and textures, this way you can use your custom skins and not have the server overwrite them.


  • To use this program you need .NET Framework 4, if you don't have it installed, you can download it here.


  • The program won't work in Windows XP. I'll see if I can make a version for XP to not leave them out yet. The launcher was updated and now works in Windows XP
  • This program is meant to replace "Online.exe" and "Options.exe", however due to the possibility of compatibility issues, they will be left there. The older launcher might be removed now that the new one works with Windows XP.
  • If you select japanese language and the launcher displays squares, download this font pack.

Known Bugs

  • If you have ENB installed for PSO, the launcher will probably crash, remove the dxd9.dll from the folder. There is no workaround for this, Microsoft classified it as "Won't Fix". This issue has been worked around. :)
  • The game will crash on startup in some scenarios. I cannot reproduce so it has not been fixed, if you encounter this problem, then use the other launcher. The launcher no longer modifies the game during start up.

Any bugs (not known), requests, questions, etc... feel free to PM me or post in the thread.


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is the music in the video from banjo kazooie? on the beach? haha i'm like taken aback :3 but the launcher looks awesome i'm super excited! thanks soly!

Yes, Treasure Trove Cove... i think was the name. That one is a cover I made :Phttps://soundcloud.com/soleilrojas/treasure-trove-cove

And you are welcome!

Edited by Soly
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Nice job Soly :)

I updated the website download page.

Edited by chuk
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