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Status Updates posted by Mimi

  1. Al principio todo fue confuso, se oían muchos gritos de dolor y gente lloraba. Poco a poco todo lo empecé a ver con más claridad, pero aún tenía muchas dudas; de la nada sentí como alguien me abrazaba y mientras lo hacía me dijo: "tranquila". Al principio no entendí por que me había dicho eso, hasta que entendí o más bien me di cuenta de que yo también lloraba...

  2. And sometimes i just need to be alone, so i can cry without being judged, so i can think without being interrupted, so i don't bring anyone else down with me...

  3. At the end of the day, remind yourself that you did the best you could today, and that is good enough...

    1. Virec


      @Mimi -  thats it I demand that you make positive post like this once everyday.   :)   I swear I am logging into the forums just to get a positive uprise daily from your profile wall :)     LOL

    2. Kira Note
  4. Be with someone who always wants to know how your day was.

  5. Being strong doesn't always mean you have to fight the battle. True strength is being adult enough to walk away from the nonsense with your head held high.

  6. Complicada, un verdadero torbellino de emociones, sí. Pero cuando amo, siempre lo hago con el alma.

  7. Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway.

    Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard.

    1. Trigunman


      Wise people learn from others mistakes, normal people learn from their own mistakes and stupid people never learn...  Going through life being stupid is hard.  :onion108:

    2. Lemon


      Often times the only difference between something being genius or stupid is if it works or not.

  8. Mimi

    Cuando tendré un nuevo color en el foro? :v

  9. Don't confuse my personality with my attitude....My personality is who i am, my attitude depends on who you are...

    1. Emewn
    2. steelfirehawk


      Oh well you were always super nice to me, and all the lowbies :D

  10. Don't lose your mind over someone that doesn't mind if they lose you...

    1. steelfirehawk


      Thats like one of the hardest things I deal with in life.

  11. Ella es caótica e impredecible. Nunca sabes si te va a amar o te odiara, si va a huir o te pedirá que no te vayas nunca. Y es por eso por lo que hay que amarla: porque en sus idas y venidas puede ofrecértelo todo o dejarte sin nada. Tiene una tristeza que duele, sin embargo no he visto a nadie, jamas, reírse tan fuerte de la vida...

  12. Ella es un raro desastre. Ese desastre que no cualquiera puede controlar y esa rareza que pocos pueden entender. Así soy yo...

    1. flowgm


      me gusta ese tipo de chica ya que asi soy  yo :P 

  13. En mi alma llevo cada pedazo roto de una ilusión que alguien destruyó sin atenerse a las consecuencias de aquél dolor...

  14. Es triste la soledad...porque sabes que nadie puede amar a una muñeca rota...

    1. PhantomJAZ


      En cualquier lugar puede haber una persona que pueda reparar dicha muñeca.

  15. Even though there are days, I wish I could change some things that happen in the past, there is a reason the rear view mirror is so small and the windshield is so big, where you are headed is much more important that what you have left behind...

    1. steelfirehawk


      it's like beautiful poetry Mimi! I really like this

    2. RIPBenny


      I really like the artistic direction you took with the metaphor of windshield and rear view mirror alluding to the passage of time and looking towards the future instead of lamenting the past. Really well done!

    3. Mimi
  16. Falling down is an accident.

    Staying down is a choice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RIPBenny


      falling on my dad was an accident

      staying on him was a choice

    3. Zabby


      What if someone pushes you and makes you fall down? Then it's deliberate

    4. McLaughlin86
  17. Feel the feeling but don't become the emotion. Witness it. Allow it. Release it.

    1. Trigunman


      Ahhh, this reminds me of the meaning of stress!   XD

      STRESS:  The mind's ability to override the body's natural desire to choke the ever-loving crap out of some idiot who desperately needs it!

      Methinks you need a creative hobby to release stress with Mimi, for me...  It's annoying my neighbors with my guitar and a rather large, loud and obnoxious 100 watt all-tube guitar amp head and 4x12 cab halfstack.  That way, everyone can hear and feel (from the bass frequencies) my STRESS AND RAGE!  XDDDD  Hope this helps!  Take care Mimi. :onion-head11:

  18. Feliz cumpleaños loquita hermosa ^^

    1. Usagi-chan


      Wow lo recordaste. Gracias loquilla

    2. Emewn


      Happy late Birthday @Usagi-chan

    3. Usagi-chan


      Thank you ☺️

  19. Hay un tipo de tristeza que no te hace llorar. Es como una pena que te vacía por dentro y te deja pensando en todo y en la nada a la vez, cómo si ya no fueras tú, como si te hubieran robado una parte del alma...

  20. Hearing old music you used to love is like getting in touch with an old friend.

    1. Trigunman


      Alot of the older music is literally the soundtrack to my life Mimi, I am very much a child of the 80's myself.

      Cliche' as it may sound, they truly don't make music like they used to anymore.

    2. Mimi


      Yeah i like the old good music too ( 70's~90's ),  its better that the shi*** music from now xD

  21. Humans are... foolish, but that is why they are strong...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. serverus
    3. Lobotomy


      Unfortunately, this statement contradicts widespread principles in evolutionary biology. Thus, DOUBT.

    4. Mimi


      @serverus Buena referencia de castlevania...

  22. I am going to concentrate on what's important in life. I'm going to strive everyday to be a kind and generous and loving person. I'm going to keep death right here, so that anytime I even think about getting angry at you or anybody else, I'll see death and I'll remember...

    1. Usagi-chan


      La tienes inspirada @PhantomJAZ

    2. serverus


      es bueno ver q no todos los dias pones puras cosas tristes sigue a si nee-sama!!!


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