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Everything posted by Trigunman

  1. AKA "Vash the Stampede" TANNNKKKK J000000 Cal.
  2. Hail and well met adventurer! Please feel free to hit up any of my characters for assistance if you so desire, above all, welcome to Ultima! Have a good time and good journey sir!
  3. Hail and well met fellow adventurer!
  4. Consider that you are taking basically a thankless "second job", with crummy hours and basically zero pay. The job of a GM is a very vital necessary and important component of running a good server, however being a good GM requires dedication, effort, wisdom and CRAPTON of patience. Additionally I'd suggest talking to Soly or Kajex to get the lowdown on what to fully expect in your job as a GM. Also consider the fact it may totally ruin your love and desire to want to play this game, permanently. XD I've seen a few GMs here get burnt out on the abuse, hacker attacks and just plain crazy ass politics that sadly and eventually gets involved in such a position, so be prepared to deal with it. With that out of the way, by God we need more GMs here and with that said you have my vote sir. I do wish you the best and success as a GM, I just hope you're ready for what it's really all about. I am sure you have the enthusiasm to do a good job though and pray it's all cracked to be that you expected man. Good luck Joshua!
  5. U CAN NO HAZ DUNT HIT MAH EXCAL K BRAH? XD Honestly though, you're probably better off donating for hit on an existing Excal you may have Bullz... Meh, good luck either way man.
  6. *sigh*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BK-201


      Trigunman there was perfecto selling psyraven at 50 pds, but idk if he still have those :)

    3. Cyane


      if something talk to me at night in game i'll be online :3

    4. Steven Rogers

      Steven Rogers

      Yo dude. 360 no scope yolo swag all day

  7. Please say a prayer for my friends, family and fellow citizens in Monroe/West Monroe, LA guys, we just got hit with a tornado downtown... Power is out for 2 days, many places including the local college got hit hard. =^(

    1. Trigunman


      Report just came in that there has been no confirmed tornado touchdown, although there are eyewitness reports of one in the air at the time of the storm downtown. Regardless, my dad says the ULM campus looks like a bomb went off in it.

  8. Objective achieved: Trifecta lvl 200 characters complete. No more CCA runs for a long while for me! XD

  9. One more level to go for Triforcer and Triblader! w00000000000 Then the level 200 trifecta will be complete. ^_^

    1. Cyane


      *-* congrats trimaster!

    2. cxojinu
    3. Aiden Payne

      Aiden Payne

      Tri-Winning! XD Catch you online soon for hunts and such! I'll be on tonight!

  10. If at all possible, turn off the router for 5 minutes to renew your IP address as suggested, try it several times if necessary. Now, if this doesn't seem to work, then you will have to try the next route which will be a bit more tricky to accomplish. At the START button in Windows, go to -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. Welcome to the still ancient DOS mode box. Type "ipconfig" at the prompt and hit return. This should give you a list of your current IP address and configuration information of which you probably know little to none about. XD So here's what you're gonna do. You're going to type "ipconfig /release" and hit return. This will release your IP address and disconnect your computer from your local area network or internet connection. Now, you will type "ipconfig /renew" and hit enter to restore and reestablish a NEW IP address from your internet provider's server. You should shortly be back on the internet with a new IP address, so try to log into the PSOBB Ultima server again and see if you are "unbanned". Hope this helps, good luck!
  11. Plain and simple, I'm here to have fun and help others. This is a two-way street in my opinion, you will return the token respect I give you and if you're that serious about having "fun", then they need to seriously re-evaluate why they even play this game in the first place. Personally, anyone who is that rude Dark Sinow, I wouldn't have gotten to probably even De Rol Le before I told them, enough of that BS, good luck pal, you're gonna need it, I have an acute allergic reaction to BS... *DISCONNECTS FROM ROOM* THE END. Bottom line my friend, don't waste your time with a few bad apples that can spoil the bunch. Sadly, in time you will find a few, but please do not let them give you the impression that EVERYONE is like that here. Regardless, I pray you have better adventures in the future with a bit more mature players, good luck and good hunting sir.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trigunman


      Tank j00 gents, it's been a long time coming and I will pray you find a good home for a good price soon Larva. =^) Next up to collect is my truck title in January, w0000000!

    3. SelahIsASpot
    4. Cyane


      cg tri ;W; my connection is derping out, it's a huge life achievement!

  13. We have no fate except that which we make of our own doing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ryukin


      love and peace

    3. Trigunman


      The scary thing Saith, is that our military is already dabbling with android technology, A.I. and Japan is fixing to bring on the robotic revolution... Geeeez people, did you NOT watch any of the Terminators??? XDDDD

    4. Fyrewolf5


      no, what's scary is there actually is a real set of UK military sattelites called SkyNet haha. They started before the movies, but the name hasn't been changed since, bc we all know hubris never screwed over anyone ever.

  14. Trigunman

    Hit event

    Skru da mini hit event, I just want some freakin' specials put on my Yazs that have been languishing in my bank for over half a year or more now! Lazy Mio is lazy... *sigh*
  15. Funny, PSO-world.com does not say it is reduced hell... Ahh well, it's only PDs, I'll take it, how does 3 grab you? XD
  16. Offering PDs, mats or perhaps something in the "toy box" for payment, thanks for your time and interest!
  17. Hail and well met fellow adventurer!
  18. Dewd, crap happens bro. Don't let a few bad apples ruin the bunch for you. I've had plenty of excuses to leave over the years here,(seeing as I've been hacked 2 times now hah) but I come here for fun and it never seems to disappoint, aside from the occasional jackhole here and there... However, the number of awesome people, good friends and grand adventures I've had always keep me coming back. Bottom line though, if you have fun here, stay and feel free hit me up if you need some help. Personally, I try not to take stupid crap that happens here too personal, although sometimes it is easier said than done. Regardless, having some thick skin is a requirement here, heheheh. Ultimately, no one is forcing you to stay here man, this is a free server after all. Stay if you wish, but go if you must. Good luck where ever you end up man.
  19. Kewl, welcome aboard gents! I've done a run or two with Grimecraf, seems like a good dewd. Well, hopefully we'll get more properly introduced in a few more TTF, RT or PoD runs eventually, haha! If you guys need any help you know where to find me. Enjoy your stay, good luck and good hunting!
  20. You might want to wait till the server is cleared off & rebooted Protoss, Tower is still currently on there and has full GM/admin access as well ATM... Hope you get fixed up soon Midori... =^(
  21. YUUUUSSSSS, in like Flynn! MUCHO GRACIAS MI AMIGO LARVA! :onion-head11: :onion-head11: :onion-head11:
  22. YES PLEASE! Make me magically appear again on the server oh great wizard of Ultima! Thanks Larva!
  23. Yes, please do Soly, it's been a week and I've heard nothing yet from anyone.
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