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Ultima GM
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Everything posted by kajex

  1. Pics aren't enough. How did you suddenly lose these items? You just happened to obtain them in the last week? The server rolled back a few days. If you had them in trades, your previous people you traded with will have them. Ask the people you traded with if this is the case. The only way they would vanish is if you just donated for them, and I don't see any such donations from you.
  2. Glide fixed. See cyane for the excalibur.
  3. Just for my own curiosity, what day did you find it?
  4. Temporary server while we move hosts. This is normal for the launcher to not recognize our temporary server.
  5. Ginger is back! ^^ Server should be back now. Pics would definitely help.
  6. Fixed the lame, not the red ring... That needs larva approval.
  7. According to PSO Wikkii, it already has a special (chaos) or I would have.
  8. Source http://www.siliconera.com/2013/12/27/phantasy-star-online-2-reaches-south-east-asia-early-2014-english/
  9. English version in Asia is coming soon. English version in the west was basically cancelled. I'll try the Asia English server when it is operational. But Sega is not getting any money from me unless it comes out here officially.
  10. Someone needs to post a link or instructions of how to do that. I want to try it.
  11. I would have included flower bouquet, but that would have made saith's 50 hit charge flower bouquet no longer one of a kind.
  12. http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/topic/10353-psobb-item-weapon-gear-effects-ie/ List of items from that page: There are actually 5 additional unique items on this server. However, they are not obtainable and were made for specific users through a server fundraising event:
  13. Though the event is supposed to be officially over, I wasn't on much this weekend. Because of this, anyone who still needs specials can contact me all day Sunday. After that, no more specials.
  14. Try it if you aren't the quest leader. You will disconnect when you try to get the reward. Only the leader can successfully get a prize.
  15. Advice... do it with someone who has freeze traps. Otherwise, bringers just kill you. Also, the rewards are broken and only the person with the red name gets the reward. Everyone else just disconnects.
  16. Amore rose added. Since people are asking, here's a list of included items with PSO World links: Amore Rose Ano Bazooka Clio Valkyrie
  17. Oh how can I forget mira? I gave him the proof of sonic team to make it.
  18. The idiot that's hosting this mini event totally forgot to include Amore Rose for Valentine's Day! How did I forget that one?
  19. I have one. Vox/Starfly has one. Michael Mann and/or MassBlade might have one, but I forget. There are several. However, it might be better to just buy dark bridge and wait for easter event to get the proof of sonic team and make one on your own. That event really isn't that far away now. I'm not interested in selling mine. I don't want to edit your title. "B > Psycho Bride" on Valentine's Day is too priceless.
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