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Status Updates posted by CFlo

  1. Why isn't there a 24 hour live stream of ultrajerky's life. I would totally binge watch that ape.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. McLaughlin86


      You know you want to too sylphy :3

    3. Sylph777


      19 minutes ago, McLaughlin86 said:

      You know you want to too sylphy :3

      I'm not interested in those creepy activities mr laughlin and tbh, i'm a bit scared to find out what he does all days xD

    4. ultrajerky


      lol you guys... my life is pretty damn boring :onion-head25: it mostly consists of me saying stupid shit at work then going home and sitting on my ass. Who do you guys think i am?! xD

  2. I joined a Brick Layer's union. Please judge me accordingly.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CFlo


      Have you visited Urban Dictionary before?

    3. McLaughlin86


      Ah. Went over my head. I get it now lmao

    4. CFlo


      But you hung in there and got it in the end. I appreciate it and you learned something today XD

  3. It's been years, how have you not gone beyond plus ultra? Basic chimp is basic.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CFlo


      i feel deep down we're all canadian

    3. Starlord


      Apparently so. Apos, jerky, us. All Canadian bacon.

    4. ultrajerky
  4. CFlo

    Cake why are you?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CFlo


      that's like the basic definition of strangers on the internet cake. that IS what this is

    3. mudkipzjm


      the one you're thinking of is probably hhawk4 or w/e his name was. this is a different dude

    4. CFlo


      damnit you're right

  5. mclaughlin you turd goblin

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. McLaughlin86


      to be fresh til death

    3. CFlo


      old spice fresh? if so i dig

    4. McLaughlin86


      old spice is the classic

  6. I just got back, don't you quit. Canada needs you. Starlord needs you. I need you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CFlo


      You can't outrun the pain

    3. ultrajerky


      no pain plorx :v)

    4. CFlo


      Just remember you can't spell "Grape" without the "Ape".

  7. Looking for feedback/criticism on my video. If you have the time and feel like helping out please reply with what you think of the quality. Any other feedback welcome and appreciated too. Thanks in advance! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf1KO3vfyM4

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CFlo


      How long did you carry me to get a PGF and a Red Ring? I am casual af, we both know it XD You and Appos have should aches and back issues cause of me and my terrible FO'ing.

      I plan to stream PSO after my surgery is over and I've healed up. Hope you're still playing in a few weeks XD

      Jerkman says the quality is okay, what did you think?

    3. Starlord


      YeAh not too bad. You’re are trying to become the next “ninja” in pso? Lol

    4. CFlo


      Who is "Ninja"?

  8. You know how when Sonic gets hit he spills rings all over the place? How many rings did Reyes lose?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CFlo


      Glad you're still not Wobble.

    3. mudkipzjm


      I've wanted to Wobble myself for the last 2 years though, but then again who doesn't in this day and age.

    4. CFlo


      Dude I feel that more than you realize. I too am feel like that, I'm honestly not sure I'll see Christmas this year.

  9. I buy my calanders by the month cause I'm not sure when I will die.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lone Ranger

      Lone Ranger

      So what kind of calenders you buy? I buy mines with cars on it because i am 5 years old

    3. CFlo


      Did it hurt? And did you die to boomas?

    4. ultrajerky
  10. Ate Mac Donald's fish and now I have uncontrollable gas. Please send help.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sylph777


      Your fault to eat innedible food :P try to drink much water, it will pass.

    3. radezz


      Just buy more McDonalds fish. Fight fire with fire.

    4. CFlo


      Pls no send ING. Make worse.

  11. Judge Derp imo

    1. mudkipzjm
    2. CFlo


      Remember when Wobble died?

    3. mudkipzjm


      ye, was slightly tragic

      (trying not to trigger too much people here)

  12. Eyy, I am playing again. So uhhhh, you play too? What happened to Jerkman? Is he dead?

    1. Starlord


      Jerkman died in an endless fapping marathon with overwatch aka overfap. Doubt he will come back and sure I can hop in at nights. Around 9ish our time. Don't mind playing a couple games for old times sake.

    2. CFlo


      They always come back. You know dis. Have you poked around SCHThack? Is our original home what it was before? Or is it crap?

    3. Starlord


      It's crap. Low population. I managed to get a rainbow and crap but too much time I have to invest in re-gearing so I just stay here. I might be on weekends 9pm and up in the game. I just have to cancel my social plans. Lol


    1. ultrajerky
    2. CFlo



    3. TripleR


      That is actually stupidly impressive


  14. There's just no room in this modern world for an old man and his ducks.

    1. mudkipzjm


      mostly people probably wanna eat the ducks

    2. nnorton44


      i run them over with my car

    3. Solaris
  15. Never get into a relationship with a locomotive. They're selfish, greedy, and control freaks. My relationship with a locomotive was a total train wreck.



    1. mudkipzjm
    2. McLaughlin86
    3. CFlo


      Your cringe sustains my life-force.

  16. king ape hru

    1. Starlord


      Good bro. Just been hanging out here and there. Where you at?

    2. CFlo


      somewhere east of whiterun, on horseback drinking skooma.

    3. Starlord


      Shit boiii you need to get your life straight 

  17. Boi don choo kno deez biscuits....

    1. HHawk4


      joikear hwo could you

    2. mudkipzjm
    3. CFlo


      Coiake I miss you frand

  18. I still have every intention of playing this again, one day when SWTOR ceases to exist I may very well find myself back here.

    I guess I'm okay, hope you're well too. I would have an easier time coming back if I was able to get a DM for my RAmar. SCHThack spoiled me with IC and DM. Without them I really do feel weak AF.

    Nothing like countless RR and PGF runs with no reward but, I couldn't have lasted without you and Apos. Literally the only 2 ppl that made the game worth playing. Hope you know that m8.

    See ya around!

    1. Starlord


      Cya bro. If you come back let me know. Come bck for Xmas I’ll help you hunt a pgf so you can make your dm

    2. CFlo


      I want my XMAS Dual Birds w/36% Hit. Tell Lord Soly to make it happen.

    3. Starlord


      You can get 80hitters here lol 

      I hear schthack still active if you wanna start the journey again. I’ll join ya 

  19. So what are my chances of trading my Wedding Dress, Glide Divine v.00 and Rico's Parasol for an HS and DM?

    1. drdingus


      For heaven striker and dark meteor? Zero unfortunatly. you could get a heaven striker for really cheap though. id start there :). Wedding dress is about 10 dt, while DM is 300+ dt lol just as reference

    2. CFlo



      Wait hold on, so how much is HS? idc about hit tbh.

    3. R-78


      About 15 photon drops

  20. Dude pls


    1. ultrajerky


      o yeh this guy is grate

    2. CFlo


      so u wanna smoke beer?

    3. ultrajerky


      Yeah, up my ass

  21. It took almost 6 years to finish but, I can finally say I'm done with SWTOR. I think it's PSO time.

    1. mudkipzjm


      I look forward to the impending shitposting

    2. CFlo


      I look forward to seeing old friends and dank memes.

  22. I tried to out run the pain and somehow I ended up back here.

    1. ultrajerky



    2. CFlo


      I ask myself this question every time log into PSO. If life is a full circle PSO must mean I've come full circle in life. I guess it's time to make another lap.

  23. Snake with hands but somehow not a lizard.

    1. SelahIsASpot
    2. CFlo


      w0w I forgot for a whole month to reply to this. I am terrible at life


  24. Is windows 10 allergic to PSOBB? Have yet to try and see for mai salf :^

    1. Fyrewolf5


      it works, but fullscreen is sometimes a bit finicky, but that's where virtual fullscreen (borderless windowed) comes in.

    2. Yannv


      Yeah, and you can just Alt+Tab to alternate between apps.

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